

List Diseases – R

Red flat lichen is a common inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membranes, the course of which can be both acute and chronic.

An increased content of red blood cells in the urine of children is hematuria. Normally, in a general analysis, they are not detected or the detected amount is not more than 1-2 elements in the field of view.

Recurrent typhus vshny - anthroponosis, transmitted by lice, is manifested by intoxication, an increase in the spleen and liver, alternating 2-3 or more febrile seizures with febrile intervals.
Return typhus tick-borne (endemic recurrent typhus, tick-borne spirochetosis, tick-borne relapsing fever), zoonosis, acute natural focal disease of warm and hot climate zones, transmitted to humans by mites, characterized by multiple attacks of fever, divided by periods of apyrexia.
Recurrent stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa, has a chronic course with periods of remission and exacerbations. It is the most common disease of the oral mucosa.
Recurrent polychondritis is an episodic inflammatory and destructive disease primarily affecting the cartilage of the ear and nose, but also capable of damaging the eyes, tracheobronchial tree, heart valves, kidneys, joints, skin and blood vessels.
Recurrent obstructive bronchitis is an obstructive bronchitis, the episodes of which are repeated in young children against the background of ARVI. Unlike bronchial asthma, obstruction is not of a paroxysmal nature and is not associated with exposure to non-infectious allergens. Sometimes repeated episodes of obstruction are associated with chronic aspiration of food.
Recurrent obstructive bronchitis is a disease of the bronchopulmonary system, which is accompanied by repeated exacerbations of bronchial obstruction, sometimes occurring several times in one year.
Recurrent corneal erosion is rare. It can be manifested in a diffuse or local form. Complaints of the patient are very typical: in the morning he opened his eyes and felt a sharp cutting pain, worried about the sensation of a speck in his eye, a tear flowing.
Recurrent bronchitis is a bronchitis with no obstruction, the episodes of which are repeated 2-3 times within 1-2 years against the background of acute respiratory viral infections. Episodes of bronchitis are characterized by the duration of clinical manifestations (2 weeks or more).
The risk of recurrence of prostate cancer (local or systemic) within 10 years after prostatectomy or radiation therapy is 27-53%. Within 5 years after the initial treatment, 16 to 35% of patients receive anti-relapse treatment.
The disease, which will be discussed, namely adenocarcinoma of the rectum, is dangerous because it is not transmitted either by airborne or by sexual route, or is a consequence of medication intervention.
As a rule, the cyst of the radial bone is detected after the edema subsides, after 10-14 days, so during this period it is desirable to conduct a repeated X-ray examination to confirm or exclude the presence of a benign tumor in the bone tissue.

Reading is a complex process, in which it is possible to identify motor, perceptual, cognitive and linguistic aspects. Reading is impossible without the ability to distinguish lexical images (letters) and transform them into phonetic (sound) images, catch the syntactic structure of phrases and sentences, recognize the semantic meaning of words and sentences, and also without adequate short-term memory.

Often in the tissues of the synovial membrane of the joint, an inflammatory process, a reactive synovitis, can develop. It is not uncommon because of inflammation of bursitis. Often, the synovitis is humerus, hip, ankle and knee.
Reactive arthritis of the joints is a non-inflammatory "sterile" inflammatory disease of the musculoskeletal system, induced by infections of extra-articular localization, especially the genitourinary or intestinal tract. Along with ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic joint damage, reactive arthritis is included in the seronegative spondyloarthritis group, which is associated with the defeat of the iliac-sacral joint and spine.

Reactive arthritis is an aseptic inflammatory joint disease that develops in response to extra-articular infection; the putative primary agent can not be isolated from the joints using conventional artificial nutrient media.

An acute reaction to stress, which, as a rule, is resolved within three days after an emergency, can be accompanied by the development of a psychotic disorder that is called in the domestic literature the name of reas- sive psychoses.
Raynaud's disease occupies a leading place among the group of vegetative-vascular diseases of the distal extremities. Data on the prevalence of Raynaud's disease are contradictory. One of the largest population studies has shown that Raynaud's disease occurs in 21% of women and 16% of men.

In most cases, skin rashes in children cause an itchy sensation, but a rash without itching in a child is also possible. When does it happen, that is, what diseases are accompanied by non-itchy rashes?


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