

List Diseases – R

Retinoblastoma is the most common malignant neoplasm in pediatric ophthalmology. It is a congenital tumor of embryonic retinal structures, the first signs of which appear at an early age. Retinoblastoma can occur sporadically or be inherited.
The doctrine of retinoblastoma has more than four centuries of history (the first description of retinoblastoma was given in 1597 by Petraus Pawius from Amsterdam). For many years, she was referred to a rare tumor - no more than 1 case per 30 000 live births.
Retinitis - inflammatory diseases of the retina. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the retina are rarely isolated: they usually serve as a manifestation of a systemic disease.
Arteriolosclerosis is an important factor contributing to the development of occlusion of the branches of the central vein of the retina. Retinal arterioles and their corresponding veins have a common adventitial membrane ", so the thickening of the arterioles causes compression of the vein, if the arteriol is anterior to the vein.
Retinal gaps are profound defects in the sensory retina. Discontinuities of the retina are distinguished by pathogenesis, morphology, and localization.
The diseases of the retina are very diverse. The diseases of the retina are caused by the influence of various factors leading to pathologoanatomical and pathological physiological changes, which in turn determines violations of visual functions and the presence of characteristic symptoms.
Retinal detachment, which occurred in childhood, is difficult to treat because of late diagnosis associated with the absence of complaints in the child until the second eye can see well.
Reticulosarcoma (syn: retotelsarcoma, histoblastic reticulosarcoma, malignant lymphoma (histiocytic)). At the heart of this disease is the malignant proliferation of histiocytes or other mononuclear phagocytes.
Retention cyst - a neoplasm that occurs when the secretion in the gland duct is accumulated. Retention cysts can be congenital and occur in adults.
From 30 to 50% of patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy suffer from ophthalmoplegia, which can be permanent. Restriction of the mobility of the eye initially associated with inflammatory edema and later - fibrosis.
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RSCM) is a rare form of cardiomyopathy, characterized by diastolic filling of the ventricles due to their rigidity, in the absence, at least at the onset of the disease, of their significant hypertrophy or dilatation and normal (or almost normal) contractility.
Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a rare disease of the myocardium, characterized by diastolic dysfunction and increased ventricular filling pressure with normal or little-changed systolic function of the myocardium, absence of its significant hypertrophy. Phenomena of circulatory failure in such patients are not accompanied by an increase in the volume of the left ventricle.
Restoration of tooth enamel is the procedure for which you are most often referred to clinics that are engaged in cosmetic dentistry. Let's consider what is the restoration of the teeth, the features of this procedure, what is the price of white pruritus, and whether it is possible to restore tooth enamel at home?
Restoration of teeth - the procedure is not the most pleasant. But it is she who helps to restore a beautiful smile. Let's consider the features of restoration of teeth, methods and cost of such work. So, about everything in order.
The concept of restoration of teeth is a process of restoration and correction, first of all functional, and only then the aesthetic parameter of the tooth, through the use of composite materials, with the obligatory observance of functional and aesthetic parameters.

Restenosis is the development of a repeated narrowing of 50% or more at the site of percutaneous coronary intervention. Restenosis is usually accompanied by a relapse of angina, which often requires repeated interventions.

Respiratory syncytial infection (PC-infection) is an acute viral disease with mild symptoms of intoxication, a predominant lesion of the lower respiratory tract, frequent development of bronchiolitis and interstitial pneumonia in young children.
Syndrome of respiratory failure can complicate the course of most acute and chronic respiratory diseases and is one of the main reasons for repeated hospitalizations, disability, physical activity in everyday life and premature death of patients.
Respiratory distress syndrome is caused by the inadequacy of the surfactant in the lungs of children born less than 37 weeks of gestation. The risk increases with the degree of prematurity. Symptoms of respiratory distress syndrome include shortness of breath, the involvement of additional muscles in the act of breathing and swelling of the wings of the nose that occur shortly after birth. Diagnosis is based on clinical data; Prenatal risk can be assessed using lung maturity tests.
Respiratory distress syndrome in children, or "shock" lung, is a symptom complex that develops after a stress, shock.


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