

List Diseases – R

Removal of warts is a question that many people suffering from this infectious disease are asked either by friends or doctors. What methods and ways to remove these unpleasant growths exist, and which ones should I use?
Removing the root of the tooth is the most unpleasant dental procedure. It depends on the localization and the presence of pathologies, so it can be carried out in different ways. Let's consider the features of root tooth removal.
Are there universal methods of maintaining dental health? Yes, there is such a way! This is the proper hygiene of the oral cavity and the timely removal of hardened plaque. In this article, we will talk about the removal of calculus with ultrasound.
After processing the results of completing the questionnaire of people with the presence of hardened deposits, it was found out that only 20% of patients are ready to go to the dental clinic for professional teeth cleaning. The remaining 80% preferred to leave everything as is or to fight with the cured coating itself. The Internet is full of recipes for removing tartar by alternative means. And now we will consider the effectiveness of each of them.
Removal of tartar should be performed only by specialists in specialized dental offices or clinics. They will do it quickly, qualitatively and completely painlessly.
The operation to remove the ovarian cyst is carried out mainly by laparoscopy through small-sized punctures on the anterior wall of the abdomen. For the operation to remove the cyst, three such incisions are made.
And the removal of the molar tooth, and exodontics, and extraction - whatever the name of this dental procedure - is its only one: the tooth will be pulled ... By the way, the great master in this case was the first Emperor All-Russian Peter I, who always carried with him tools, among which there were also tongs for the extraction of teeth.
Removal of milk teeth is used by dentists only in the most extreme cases, when a child's tooth can not be saved. The most common reason for having to part with milk teeth is inflammation in the mouth, when the surrounding roots or directly the roots are affected.
Removal of atheroma is considered a simple procedure that is carried out on an outpatient basis. Atheroma is a benign neoplasm or, more accurately, a sebaceous gland cyst that forms for different reasons.
Tooth extraction - this phrase sounds so frightening that many people bravely endure any pain, engaged in self-medication in the form of applying to the sore spot products of exotic species and properties.
Surgical removal of a cancerous tumor remains the most common. It is used almost for all cancers as an independent method, and in combination with radiation, drug therapy.
In the event that one or several teeth can not be replaced by bridges and crowns, a removable denture is used. Many such a proposal can scare, memory immediately draws the false mouth of a grandmother or grandfather in a glass with water.
Under Reuters syndrome (syn: urethrookulosinovial syndrome, Reiter's disease) is understood as a combination of arthritis of peripheral joints lasting more than one month, with urethritis (in women - cervicitis) and conjunctivitis.
The concept of "regurgitation" (Latin regurgitation) is inextricably linked with the period of infancy and breastfeeding. Regurgitating is called casting a small amount of gastric contents into the pharynx and the oral cavity in combination with the escape of air. In fact, regurgitation is a manifestation of gastroesophageal reflux (GER), caused by anatomical and physiological features of the upper part of the digestive tract of the baby.
Changes in one or more of these parameters cause a refractive disorder. For example, excessive growth of the eyeball in the antero-posterior direction leads to the occurrence of myopic refraction.
Static refraction is determined by the position of the posterior main focus of the eye optical system relative to the retina.
Reflux syndrome is a group of pathological conditions caused by the reverse flow of liquids in hollow organs or vessels, due to a violation in them of a pressure gradient or imperfection of the valve or sphincter system.
Reflux-nephropathy is a disease that occurs against the background of vesicoureteral reflux, characterized by the formation of focal or generalized sclerosis in the renal parenchyma.
The causes and pathogenesis of red pityriasis hair follicles are unknown, in some cases hereditary predisposition is noted. In recent years, two types of red hair follicles have been suggested, one of which begins shortly after birth, in childhood or adolescence (children's type), and the other occurs in adulthood (adult type).

To the group of vascular tumors formed from blood or lymphatic vessels, is a red mole.


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