

List Diseases – R


Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is an acute respiratory failure that occurs with acute lung injuries of various etiologies and is characterized by non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, respiratory disorders and hypoxia.

Respiratory bronchiolitis associated with interstitial lung disease (RABAZIL) is an inflammation of the small airways and interstitial tissue that occurs in smokers.
The cessation of gas exchange in the lungs (cessation of breathing) for more than 5 minutes can cause damage to vital organs, especially the brain.
Respiratory allergies are a collective concept that includes allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (small forms of respiratory allergies), bronchial asthma and more rare diseases of allergic etiology: exogenous allergic alveolitis, allergic pneumonia, eosinophilic pulmonary infiltrate.
Respiratory alkalosis - a primary decrease in PSR2, with or without compensatory reduction of HCO ~; The pH can be high or close to normal. The reason - an increase in the frequency of respiration and / or the respiratory volume (hyperventilation). Respiratory alkalosis can be acute or chronic.
Respiratory acidosis is characterized by a primary increase in PCO2 with or without compensatory enhancement of HCO3 ~; The pH level is usually low, but may be close to normal. The reason is a decrease in the respiratory rate and / or respiratory volume (hypoventilation) due to abnormalities from the central nervous system, respiratory system or iatrogenic causes.
The syndrome of resistant ovaries (Savage-syndrome) is 2-10% among all forms of amenorrhea. The exact causes of development are not established. Ovarian insufficiency in this rare syndrome is due to insensitivity of receptors on ovarian cells to gonadotropic hormones. Supposed reasons: autoimmune nature of the disease with the formation of antibodies to the receptors of gonadotropins.
Reovirus infection is an acute disease accompanied by catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and often a lesion of the small intestine. In this regard, the viruses are called respiratory enteric orphan viruses (respiratory-intestinal human viruses-REO viruses).
Renovascular arterial hypertension is a form of renal arterial hypertension associated with the occlusion of the renal artery or its branches. Cure of the disease is possible with the restoration of blood circulation in the kidneys.
Renal venous hypertension is a pathological condition characterized by a prolonged chronic increase in pressure in the renal veins system.
Renal tubular acidosis - metabolic, GFR, as a rule, is not changed. Proximal renal tubular acidosis is formed with a decrease in the ability of epithelial cells to reabsorb bicarbonates. Observed isolated or in the framework of Fanconi syndrome (primary and secondary) proximal renal tubular acidosis.
Replacement renal therapy reduces uremic intoxication and maintains the "internal environment" in a state as close as possible to the physiological state, without adversely affecting the functions of the patient's vital organs and systems.
Systemic vasculitis is a heterogeneous group of diseases, which are based on immune inflammation and necrosis of the vascular wall, leading to secondary damage to various organs and systems.
Renal function disorders that develop in the postoperative period are classified into two large groups that determine further diagnostic and therapeutic tactics in the ICU - nephropathy and acute renal failure in cancer.
Wegener's granulomatosis is a granulomatous inflammation of the respiratory tract with necrotic vasculitis of small and medium-sized vessels, combined with necrotizing glomerulonephritis.
With a persistent increase in serum calcium concentration, it is deposited in the kidney tissue. The main target of calcium is the structure of the medulla of the kidneys. In tubulointerstitutions, atrophic changes, fibrosis and focal infiltrates, consisting mainly of mononuclear cells, are observed. Hypercalcemia is caused by various causes.
Among malignant tumors of the renal parenchyma the overwhelming majority (85-90%) is the renal cell carcinoma, which develops from the tubular epithelium.
Removal of Wen's need to be carried out when they cause painful sensations or spoil the aesthetics of the body.
Currently, only the removal of the hygroma is the most effective method of treatment, giving a minimum of relapses.
It does not matter which part of the body the wart has grown, it causes only one desire - to get rid of it as soon as possible. Among the treatments are the removal of warts by nitrogen, which is used for any type of wart. This method of exposure is suitable even for children.


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