Retention cyst
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Retention cyst - a neoplasm that occurs when the secretion in the gland duct is accumulated. These tumors can be congenital and occur in adults. Endocrine glands are affected. The normal outflow of the secretion secreted by the gland from overlapping by the tumor or obstruction of the canal by a foreign body ceases.
Retention cyst can occur in the cervix, milk, prostate, pancreas, ovary, salivary gland.
Causes of retention cysts
Like any disease, the retention cyst has its own reasons. These formations arise from the accumulation of secretions in the duct of the gland. As a result, the iron becomes inflamed. In the cavities of these tumors may be infectious agents, so some species are better to be removed immediately.
Symptoms of various types of retention cysts
Symptoms of the retention cyst depend on the location in one or another organ.
Retinal cyst of the ovary
Clinicians identify the following causes of ovarian retention cysts:
- Sexual infection.
- Errors in nutrition.
- Thyroid dysfunction.
Often retention cysts are revealed during a test for infertility and in case of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. They are most often found in women of reproductive age. Symptoms: abdominal pain, abdominal enlargement, menstruation disorders.
During the surgical treatment, the retention cyst of the ovary is removed. The most modern method of treatment of the retention cyst of the ovary is laparoscopy. It does not give complications and shortens the recovery period - on the third day you will be able to start working.
Retinal cyst of ovary and pregnancy
Pregnancy favorably affects the condition of a woman who is diagnosed with an "ovarian retention cyst". During pregnancy, it can resolve, but may increase. The doctor takes wait and see, the treatment is prescribed after childbirth. If you are diagnosed and you are pregnant, this will not prevent you from giving birth to a healthy child naturally.
Sometimes the retention cyst of the ovary becomes the cause of infertility. Therefore, it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and treat all inflammatory diseases, especially when planning pregnancy. This will not save you from a retinacic ovarian cyst by 100%, but this is what you can do to prevent it.
Retention cyst on lip
The retention cyst develops on the small glands of the lip. When probing, you can find a ball of pink color. It can burst, and erosion occurs in its place. The reason is a frequent injury of the lips due to an incorrect bite. Often when biting, a salivary gland trauma occurs. The diameter of a solid ball is 1-2 cm. It is filled with a yellow liquid or blood, it interferes with eating.
If the retention cyst on the lip strongly interferes, it is removed. The operation is outpatient, takes 20 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.
Retinal cysts of the cervix
Retention cysts of the cervix often become provocateurs of infections. They often occur after childbirth and abortion. The doctor reveals them during colposcopy, they can not cause trouble for years.
Tumors of the cervix can grow and deform the cervix. Therefore, if during the next examination the doctor sees that the tumor has increased, he will appoint her laser destruction. It is also possible to treat the retention cysts of the cervix with a radio wave apparatus. After treatment, this method does not leave scarring.
Retention cyst of the salivary gland
Salivary glands are located on the tongue, upper and lower lip. Sometimes, as a result of a trauma when chewing food or stomatitis, they become inflamed and can no longer take saliva out. So there is a small ball, filled with a yellowish liquid - the retention cyst of the salivary gland. Treatment is surgical.
Under local anesthesia, the mucous membrane over the tumor dissects. The edges of the wound are divorced, the kobrazovanie is removed. The wound is sutured. Usually, after such an operation, a leaflet of disability is issued for several days.
Retreatment cyst of the lung
Retinal cyst of the lung appears on the basis of bronchial obstruction. Occurs when the stasis of the bronchial secretion. Postponed bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia narrow the bronchi.
A similar kind of neoplasm of the lung often has an irregular shape. It is detected accidentally on the chest radiograph. In form, it can be round-oval, pear-shaped, or bipedal.
For such a tumor it is necessary to observe and remove in case of increase.
Retinal cyst of the maxillary sinus
Your nose is surrounded by a few paranasal sinuses: frontal, latticed, and mandibular. Retention cyst of the maxillary sinus is most common. The cause of education most often becomes sinusitis and untreated teeth. Therefore, it is so important that they do not become a hotbed of infection. Pass regular check-ups at the dentist, treat a runny nose - and this attack will not threaten you.
The patient comes to the doctor with complaints about a headache and a bad dream. For diagnosis, you need an x-ray contrast test or an MRI.
The retinal cyst of the maxillary sinus is treated surgically. Conservative treatment is ineffective.
The options for the operation are two: cheap and simple and more expensive, more modern and more sparing. In the first case, a cut is made, which leaves scars, and discomfort worries long after discharge.
In the second case, endoscopic technique is used. Access is through the nostril. The patient is discharged on the same day.
The final decision on which method to choose is for the doctor.
Retinacional cyst of the amygdala
The retention cyst of the amygdala causes discomfort only if the size is large. When pressed, a yellow, purple mass is allocated from it. It can be caused by an infection or hormonal failure.
Conservative treatment - rinsing, lubrication of the amygdala with lugol solution. If the tumor is large, it can be removed on an outpatient basis. It is effective in the early stages to rinse the throat with sodium bicarbonate solution or kitchen salt (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of water).
Retention cyst tongue
The salivary gland, which is under the tongue, consists of several lobules. They open with ducts into the oral cavity. The occlusion of the gland leads to the formation of a retention cyst. They are located under the tongue or in the region of the chin.
Treatment is surgical. If you find it difficult to eat and talk, the only way out is to go to the surgeon. The retention cyst of the tongue is excised together with the gland.
Retention tooth cyst
Retentional cyst of tooth - the reaction of the body to infection in the tooth. Most often, the granuloma of the teeth arise after an unsuccessful treatment of caries.
Treatment is possible in a conservative way. The root canal is cleaned and a special solution is injected into the tooth, which kills the infection. If the tumor is large, it can be removed with a laser.
Treatment of retention cysts
Treatment of the retention cyst depends on where it was formed.
Treatment of retention cyst ovary
The retention cyst of the ovary is removed if conservative treatment has failed. First, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and hormonal contraceptives and watches 2-3 menstrual cycles. Among the hormonal drugs used progestogens, for example, Dyufaston. Dosage - used for 10 mg 14 days each menstrual cycle. With cyclic application - only in the last 12-14 days of estrogen at 10 mg 1 p / s. If necessary (insufficient secretory transformations of the endometrium, confirmed by ultrasonography or histologically), the dose is increased to 20 mg / day. The drug is administered with caution to patients with a problematic liver.
Also applied are acupuncture and mud cure and herbal dues. Treatment of the retention ovarian cyst is possible with alternative medicine if used as directed by a physician in combination with traditional methods.
Mix the root of the leuzea, wormwood grass, turns and yarrow, flowers of chamomile and immortelle, root of elecampane and dog rose equally. 2 tablespoons of the collection pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist overnight. Take 2-3 months.
If a decision is made to remove the neoplasm, preferably it should be done by a laparoscopic method, it avoids the adhesion process.
Treatment of cervical retention cyst
Treatment of the retention cyst of the cervix is most often performed by the radio wave method. If the neoplasm is located deep in the cervical canal, they are observed in dynamics.
Alternative medicine offers to treat the retention cyst of the cervix with potato juice, decoction of leaves of plantain and petioles of burdock. Good daily intake of a tablespoon of tincture of walnuts, a monthly course of taking tinctures of raisins.
Potato juice for the treatment of this kind of internal genital tumors in women drink ¼ cup 3 times a day for 10 days. Break 1 month. It takes 2-3 courses of treatment.
Decoction of the leaves of the plantain with the retention cyst of the cervix: 5 hours. Spoons of the leaves of plantain large, 2 parts L. Leaves celandine large, 2 tsp. Herb, 1 tsp. Flowers of bird cherry, 4 tsp chamomile, 3 teaspoons cinnamon rose hips, 2 tsp. Chicory, 4 tsp Calendula dry, mix and pour a glass (250 ml) of water. Brew 5 hours. Drink 50 ml before meals 3 times a day. We drink a month, rest for two weeks and again repeat the monthly course of treatment.
Burlap nuts to women suffering from cervical and ovarian cysts, it is useful to add to food. In the day, you can also eat 3-4 leaves of marigold.
Such a tumor is treated with homeopathic drugs, physiotherapy, removed by laser.
Homeopathic remedy for the treatment of retention cysts in gynecology - suppository "Gempoprost". The composition of suppositories includes propolis, homeopathic essences of chestnut 0,1, ginkgo biloba 0.1, aloe 0.1, yarrow 0.1, lanolin anhydrous 0.15, beeswax.
Indications: Hemorrhoids, ulcers and fissures of the anus. Inflammatory diseases of the female sexual sphere. Suppositories have antimicrobial, local anesthetic, regenerative, wound-healing, antipruritic action.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of candles.
Method of application: before bedtime, the suppository is inserted into the vagina. The course of treatment is 20 days.
To remove the retention cyst of the cervix, you can choose one of the following methods:
- electrocoagulation;
- radio wave therapy;
- laser therapy;
- cryotherapy.
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The most common method to date is the radio-wave method of removing the retention cyst. The neck of the uterus is affected by waves of a specially selected frequency for 1-2 seconds. The technique is suitable for nulliparous women, unlike electrocoagulation, the cervix does not get burned.
Cryotherapy means freezing the pathologically altered portion of the cervix with liquid nitrogen. Intervention is painless and bloodless.
Removal of the retention cyst
Removal of the retention cyst, regardless of where it is located, is made according to the general principle. The most easily treatable tumor is a tumor, which is detected with the naked eye, for example, neoplasm of the salivary glands. They are under the tongue, on the upper and lower lip. The surgeon cuts the mucous membrane over the tumor with a scalpel or laser, cuts it out and puts on sutures. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Use of the laser avoids massive bleeding.
Removal of the retention cyst of the maxillary sinus is traditional and with the use of endoscopic technique. When using a scalpel, access through the nasal passage is impossible, a scar remains on the face, more blood loss. The endoscopic instrument is accessible through the nasopharynx, the aesthetics of the face do not suffer, blood loss is minimal.
Removal of the retention cyst of the ovary in modern day is most often performed laparoscopically. Laparoscopy is an effective treatment for most diseases of the internal genitalia, which were previously performed with access through the abdominal wall. Women of the XXI century want to regain their activity and well-being as soon as possible. Laparoscopy meets safety requirements and allows a woman to quickly return to normal life.
In conclusion, I want to say that such a benign neoplasm is not dangerous in itself. It is in most cases unable to degenerate into a cancerous tumor, but it causes discomfort and inflammation. The retention cyst requires an individual choice of a method of treatment that only a doctor can determine.