

List Diseases – D


The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments keep the shin from displacement anteriorly and posteriorly. At rough violence on a tibia with a direction of impact behind and forward there is a rupture of an anterior cruciate ligament, with the application of force in the opposite direction a back cruciate ligament is torn.

In this article, we'll talk about the most common type of disease - it's discoid lupus erythematosus.

Are such discharges always a sign of pathology, and when is it necessary to sound an alarm?

Allocations from the mammary glands - of different colors, consistency - are a fairly common reason for contacting a doctor-mammologist.
Disaccharidase-deficient enteropathy is a lesion of the small intestine of an innate or acquired character, caused by a decrease in activity or complete absence of one or more disaccharidases.

Visual impairment, in which a person looks at one object, but sees two (in the vertical plane or horizontal), is defined as diplopia.

Diphyllobothriosis (Latin diphyllobothriosis: English diphyllobothriasis, fish tapeworm infection) - intestinal helminthiasis caused by tapeworms. Characterized by a chronic course with a predominant violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of megaloblastic anemia.

Diphtheria symptoms are diverse, depending on the form of the disease, but a common characteristic of diphtheria is inflammation, which provokes the appearance of a specific fibrinous membrane, film and strong edema in the zone of the inflammatory process.

Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease that occurs during intoxication, inflammation in the throat, pharynx, less often in the larynx, trachea, nose and other organs with the formation of raids merging with the necrotic tissue of the affected mucous membranes. In toxic forms, the heart and the peripheral nervous system are affected.
Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease characterized by fibrinous inflammation in the area of the entrance gate of the infection. Hence the name of the disease (Greek diphtera - film).
Throat diphtheria croup is observed in severe forms of diphtheria, manifesting signs of a common infectious disease. And although diphtheria sore throat and laryngitis in our time, due to vaccination with diphtheria toxoid, are rare, there are still cases of acute primary diphtheria laryngitis, limited only by laryngeal disease.
Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease caused by toxigenic strains of corynebacteria, characterized by an inflammatory process with the formation of a fibrinous film at the site of introduction of the pathogen, the phenomena of general intoxication resulting from exotoxin entering the blood, causing severe complications such as infectious-toxic shock, myocarditis, polyneuritis, and nephrosis.
Esophageal infection by diphtheria infection refers to rare diseases. It can occur in severe diphtheria of the pharynx with spread to the hypopharyngs and esophagus.
Diphtheria conjunctivitis is usually combined with diphtheria of the nose, throat and larynx, but can occur as an isolated disease. Despite the typical picture of diphtheria, no changes are seen in the throat - the diphtheria film is located only on the conjunctiva.
Diphtheria (diphtheria, suffocating disease) is an acute anthroponous infectious disease with an aerosol mechanism of transmission of the pathogen, characterized by the predominant involvement of the oropharynx and respiratory tract with the development of fibrinous inflammation at the site of the pathogen and toxic damage to the cardiovascular system, nervous system and kidneys.
Clinical manifestations of dimedrol delirium are similar to those caused by cyclodol. Visual hallucinations differ kaleidoscopy, rapid change of episodes and pictures.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a myocardial lesion that develops due to various factors (genetic predisposition, chronic viral myocarditis, immune system disorders) and is characterized by a marked expansion of the heart chambers with a decrease in the systolic function of the left and right ventricles and the presence of diastolic dysfunction of varying degrees.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a disease of the myocardium, characterized by a sharp expansion of the heart cavities, a decrease in the contractile function of the myocardium, the development of congestive heart failure, often refractory to the treatment and poor prognosis.
Diffuse liver changes do not mean a certain disease, but only indicate an increase in the liver parenchyma (the main tissue of the organ).
Diffuse toxic goiter (Graves 'disease, goiter, Graves' disease) is the most common thyroid disease that occurs due to increased production of thyroid hormones.


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