

List Diseases – D

One third of ophthalmic patients in the west are children, and there are around 1.5 million children with severe eye disorders and completely blind throughout the world, many of them suffering from genetically determined diseases.
Esophageal syndrome is a symptom complex that causes diseases of the esophagus. The main manifestation of changes in it is dysphagia. Traumatic injuries lead to the development of mediastinitis.
Features of diseases of the digestive system, as well as other organs and systems of the aging organism, are determined to a large extent by a complex of age-related morphological changes in the gastrointestinal tract and are manifested, mainly, and atrophic processes.
Corneal diseases account for 25-30% of all eye diseases. Causes of the cornea are: open position of the cornea (available to external factors); anatomical and embryonic connection with conjunctiva, sclera and vascular tract; absence of corneal vessels and delayed metabolism;
In this regard, early diagnosis and treatment of background and precancerous diseases of the cervix is an important measure aimed at reducing the incidence of cervical cancer.
The shortening of the bridle of the upper lip is usually combined with the formation of a diastema between the permanent central incisors.
The appearance of breast disease in men and young children, if it is not associated with trauma or purulent inflammation, the so-called gynecomastia, indicates a hormonal dysfunction.
With anemia (aplastic, hypochromic, pernicious, secondary), paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, hemorrhages under the conjunctiva and in the thickness of the eyelids, which are based on hypoxia of the tissues, may lead to the paralysis of the external muscles of the eyeball.
Cysto-genital syndrome are symptoms caused by impairment of accumulative (reservoir) and excretory (evacuation) functions that cause diseases of the bladder or trauma, pathologies of the genital and urinary systems, as well as innervation in lesions of the spinal cord membranes (Brown-Sekar symptom).
With a decrease in the number of platelets or a violation of their function, bleeding may occur. The most typical bleeding from damaged skin and mucous membranes: petechiae, purpura, ecchymosis, nasal, uterine, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria. Intracranial hemorrhages are rare.
When iron (Fe) enters in amounts exceeding the body's requirements, it is deposited in tissues as hemosiderin. The deposition of iron leads to tissue damage (with a total iron content in the body> 5 g) and is called hemochromatosis. Local or generalized deposition of iron without tissue damage is called hemosiderosis.
Diseases of heavy chains are neoplastic plasma-cell diseases characterized by hyperproduction of heavy chains of monoclonal immunoglobulin. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment vary according to the specificity of the disease.
Eosinophils are granulocytes and are derived from the same precursor as monocyte-macrophages, non-atrophils and basophils. The exact function of eosinophils is unknown. As phagocytes, eosinophils are less effective than nontrophils in the destruction of intracellular bacteria.
Urethritis or inflammation of the urethra, caused by infection, is characterized by purulent-mucous or purulent discharge and burning during urination.
Illness of Itenko-Cushing is one of the most severe neuroendocrine diseases, the pathogenesis of which is caused by the violation of regulatory mechanisms that control the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.
Hemoglobin E is the third most frequent occurrence of hemoglobinopathy (after HbA and HbS), it occurs mainly in Negroid and American people and people from Southeast Asia, while among Chinese it is rare.
The Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a sporadic or familial prion disease. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (cow rabies) is considered as a variant of CJD.

It is not often that women treat these symptoms, because "there are good months", but do not treat this issue in this way.

The causes and pathogenesis of the disease are unknown. According to many scientists, dermatosis is hereditary. It is caused by prolonged solar insolation and other factors. The disease is more common among people working on the sun.
Brill's disease (Brill-Zinsser, recurrent typhus) is an acute cyclical infectious disease, which is an endogenous relapse of typhus, which manifests itself after many years in people who have recovered from epidemic typhus. This disease is characterized by sporadic, lack of pediculosis, typical clinical symptoms, an easier course than with epidemic typhus.


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