

List Diseases – G


Under the surface gastritis imply an acute inflammatory process in the upper, mucous layer of the stomach. Often in this process are involved and submucosa, located directly under the mucous membrane. 

Gastritis in the elderly is less pronounced than in young people, although the disease is more severe: it is often accompanied by a sharp deterioration of the condition, severe intoxication, symptoms of cardiovascular insufficiency up to the collapse. Complaints and a clinical picture of a chronic gastritis at people of elderly and senile age are less expressive, than at young, quite often proceeds latently.
Chronic gastritis is a group of chronic diseases that are morphologically characterized by inflammatory and dystrophic processes, a violation of physiological regeneration and, as a result, atrophy of the glandular epithelium (with progressing course), intestinal metaplasia, and a disorder of the secretory, motor and endocrine functions of the stomach.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by any etiologic factor, including infection (Helicobacter pylori), medicines (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), alcohol, stress and autoimmune processes.
The unusually severe course of duodenal ulcer in pancreatic tumors was noticed as far back as 1901, but only in 1955 this combination was isolated into an independent syndrome called ulcerogenic syndrome of ulcerative diathesis (or by the name of the authors who described it - Zollinger's syndrome Ellison).

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a chronic relapsing disease that occurs with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission, the main morphological sign of which is the formation of ulcers in the stomach and / or duodenum. The difference between erosion and ulcers is that erosion does not penetrate the muscular plate of the mucous membrane.  

You can get poisoned not only by consuming the oil inside: gasoline fumes, which cause signs of internal intoxication when inhaled, are also considered dangerous. How to avoid poisoning than to treat it? 

Various physiological (for example, O2, N, CO2) and non-physiological gases (for example, carbon monoxide) can cause a pathological condition during scuba diving.
Gas gangrene has three forms: clostridial myositis (predominant local muscle damage); Clostridial cellulitis (primary lesion of subcutaneous adipose tissue and connective tissue, perivascular and perineural cases); mixed form.
The dysbiosis of the vaginal microflora in women often leads to the development of bacterial vaginosis. Gardnerellaic urethritis is considered the result of infection of the vagina with gardnerella - an immobile anaerobic gram-negative rod. The share of bacterial vaginosis accounts, according to different authors, from 30 to 50% of all vaginal infections.
It is believed that the gangrene of the penis and scrotum is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, less often - Proteus. In the pathogenesis of the disease, an important role is played by sensitization to pathogens and their decay products, the development of allergies, the involvement of skin vessels, the development of ischemia and necrosis.
Gangrene of the lungs is a serious pathological condition, characterized by extensive necrosis and ichorous decomposition of the affected lung tissue, not prone to clear delimitation and rapid purulent fusion.

Gangrene - one of the forms of necrosis of tissues, when the entire limb or part of it, as well as the organ or its part, is affected by the necrotic process, for example: gangrene of the foot, limb, lung, gut, gall bladder, alpendix, etc.

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate causes intoxication, similar to alcoholic or ketamine intoxication, and can lead to suppression of breathing and death, especially in combination with alcohol
In the first published scientific study on the pathological attraction to gambling, an opinion was expressed on the multifactorality of gambling development. Its author is Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576).
Galvanoz is a somewhat unusual disease in our understanding. Disease caused by inducing galvanic currents in the oral cavity, which appear when a potential difference occurs.  
It is accepted to distinguish cholesterol stones, brown and black pigmentary gallstones. Cholesterol stones - the most common type of gallstones - consist of either cholesterol alone or it is the main constituent of calculi.
Gallstone disease is a dystrophic-dysmetabolic disease characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Gallstone disease in children is a multifactorial disease, accompanied by the formation of concrements in the gallbladder and / or bile ducts. Codes for the ICD-10.
This tumor is rare. In 75% of cases it is combined with gallstones, in many cases - with cholecystitis. There are no convincing signs of an etiological relationship between these diseases. Any reason for the formation of gallstones predisposes to the development of a tumor.


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