

List Diseases – E

Rubella is an acute viral disease that occurs with a short-term fever, spotted or spotted-papular rash, and an increase in the cervical lymph nodes.
Encephalitis caused by the herpes simplex virus begins acutely, with the rise in body temperature. Meningeal symptoms appear quickly, and general epileptic seizures often occur. Focal symptoms are manifested by central mono- and hemiparesis, hyperkinesis.

A condition in which a large amount of purulent discharge accumulates in the gallbladder without the possibility of their release is called empyema of the gallbladder.

Emphysema of the lungs is a pathological process characterized by the expansion of the alveoli located distal to the terminal bronchioles and accompanied by destructive changes in the alveolar walls (elastic fibers of the lung tissue).
Emotional disorders specific to childhood - exaggeration of normal tendencies in the child's development process, manifested by expressed anxiety or fear only in certain situations, are characteristic of infant, preschool and primary school age and disappear when growing up.
Emergency cesarean section is performed in the following cases: the emergence of a threat to the life of the child or mother, the need for early delivery of the fetus.
Elevation of the ST segment - lifting above the contour on the electrocardiogram. In the article we will tell you, under what diseases this disorder occurs and how these diseases can be prevented and treated.
Elephancy of the external genitalia is a disease characterized by the development of edema of the skin, which has a persistent chronic course. Almost always, these processes lead to a violation of venous outflow.

Electrical injury is a trauma caused by exposure to organs and tissues of an electric current of great strength or tension (including lightning); characterized by the defeat of the nervous system (convulsions, loss of consciousness), circulatory and (or) breathing disorders, deep burns.

The high voltage electric shock causes severe thermal damage, including charring (surface burns, wounds at the entrance and exit points of the current, burned arcs). When a low-voltage current is applied, the development of cardiac arrhythmias, primary and secondary respiratory arrest, consciousness disturbances, paresthesia and paralysis are at the forefront.
Damage by electric current from artificial sources occurs as a result of its passage through the human body.
Elective mutism is a group of psychopathological disorders, the specificity of which is the inability to speak in certain social situations with the preserved ability to speak and understand speech. This selectivity of speech is emotionally conditioned, arises most often in children with anxious-hypochondriac, sensitive, schizotemic personality traits and is often accompanied by signs of subdepression.
Very often the focus of inflammation becomes a tendon in the elbow joint zone, and then the doctors diagnose such a disease as ulnar tendonitis.
Lateral epicondylitis develops as a result of inflammation or micro-rupture of the distal humerus of the tendons of the extensor muscles of the forearm attached to the external epicondyle.
The cyst of the elbow joint is a new formation of rounded shape and compacted consistency with liquid contents, localized in the elbow area. The size of this formation can vary from small to fairly large.

Bursitis elbow by clinical classification can be chronic, recurrent and acute or subacute.

Elastoza perforating serpiginating (syn: keratosis follicular serpiginating Lutz, elastom intrapapillary perforating verruxiform Michera) - hereditary disease of connective tissue of unknown etiology

Elastic pseudoksantom (syn.: Grenblad-Strandberg syndrome, Touraine's systematized elastorexis) is a relatively rare systemic disease of the connective tissue with a predominant lesion of the skin, eyes, and cardiovascular system.

Eccrine acrospiroma (syn: nodular hydratenoma, light celled hydratenoma, syringoepithelioma, solid cystic hydratenoma, ekrinnaya adenoma of the clear cell type) is usually a solitary intradermal, exophytic or mixed-type node 0.5-2 cm in diameter or larger, hemispherical in shape, of a dense elastic consistency , on a wide base, covered with unchanged skin, sometimes ulcerating.
Eisenmenger syndrome is a complication of uncorrected heart defects, in which there is a discharge of blood from left to right. Often over time, the increase in vascular resistance in the lungs, causing a change in the direction of discharge to the right. Non-oxygenated blood enters a large circle of blood circulation, leading to the appearance of symptoms of hypoxia.


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