

List Diseases – E

When treating patients with injuries of the cervical spine, we often have to meet with patients in whom severe spinal disorders up to complete physiological spinal cord break at the level of damage occur with minor, minimal dislocations of the vertebrae, often confined to a small anterior displacement of the body of the overlying vertebra.

This disorder manifests itself in the fact that children who understand speech experience difficulties with active oral statements and expressions (in Latin - expressio), that is, in a persistent violation of the assimilation of the system of language units of colloquial speech.

At present, the problem of androgen deficiency in men is sufficiently studied taking into account the age aspect of this pathology. At the same time, the data of some epidemiological studies indicate its prevalence among young people
The divergent strabismus (exotrophy, the manifest divergent strabismus) may be permanent or periodic.
Exostoses of the external auditory canal are bone outgrowths originating from the wall of the bone wall of the external auditory canal and, depending on the size, partially or completely overlapping the lumen of the external auditory canal.
Exophthalmos is an excessive shift of the eye anteriorly, caused by a retrobulbar injury or (more rarely) a shallow orbit. Asymmetry of the eye is better seen when examining the patient from above and from behind.
Exogenous allergic alveolitis (ICD-10 code: J-67) refers to the group of interstitial lung diseases of known etiology. Exogenous allergic alveolitis is a hypersensitive pulmonitis with diffuse lesions of the alveoli and interstitium. The frequency of occurrence in children (usually at school age) is lower than in adults (the incidence of exogenous allergic alveolitis is 0.36 cases per 100,000 children per year).
Exogenous allergic alveolitis is an allergic diffuse lesion of alveoli and interstitial lung tissue that develops under the influence of intensive and prolonged inhalation of antigens of organic and inorganic dust.
Exhibitionism is characterized by the achievement of sexual satisfaction in the demonstration of their sexual organs, usually to unsuspecting strangers. It can also manifest itself in a strong desire to be observed during sexual activity.
Exfoliative cheilitis manifests itself in two forms: exudative and dry. Exudative exfoliative cheilitis is a chronic lip disease characterized by a persistent, prolonged course.

In our article we will try to consider why the nails on the hands are exfoliating, and what is better to do in this case, so as not to be left without them at all.

In the pathogenesis of hyperuricemia it is important to determine its type: metabolic, renal or mixed. Metabolic type suggests an increased synthesis of uric acid, a high level of uricosuria with normal or elevated uric acid clearance.
Exchange, or dismetabolic, nephropathies in a broad sense - diseases associated with severe violations of water-salt metabolism and other types of metabolism of the whole organism. Dysmetabolic nephropathy in the narrow sense is a polygenically inherited pathology of oxalic acid metabolism and is manifested in conditions of familial instability of cell membranes.
In children, the upper prognathia is 50-60% of the total number of all deformations of the dento-jaw system. Among the endogenous etiologic factors, one should first of all mention rickets and a violation of the respiratory function (for example, on the basis of hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils).
Excessive atrophy of the alveolar processes usually occurs as a result of a spilled periodontal lesion by an inflammatory-dystrophic process known as parodontosis or parodontitis.
Excess bacterial growth in the small intestine may be a result of anatomical changes in the intestine or abnormalities of the gastrointestinal motility, as well as a lack of gastric secretion. These disorders can lead to a deficiency of vitamins, malabsorption of fats and malnutrition.
Ewing's sarcoma is the second most frequent tumor of bones in childhood. The peak of incidence falls on the second decade of life. The incidence of children under 15 years of age is 3.4 per 1,000,000 children. Boys get sick more often.

The leading place in the structure of injuries due to the severity of the consequences now belongs to craniocerebral injury (TBI), which is one of the leading causes of death, prolonged temporary disability and disability of the population.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) includes a wide range of characteristic clinical and biochemical indices.
The conducted scientific research in the field of prevention allowed to develop methodological bases of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism.


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