

List Diseases – P

In order to correctly prevent stomatitis, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence, and there are more than enough of them: Weakened organism (stresses, avitaminosis, weakened immunity, hormonal failures). Microtrauma of the oral cavity.
Viral hepatitis and HIV infection have become one of the main health problems in our country and in most countries of the world. Almost a third of the world population is infected with the hepatitis B virus, and more than 150 million are carriers of the hepatitis C virus.
Prevention of hepatitis A is the same as with other intestinal infections. It is built taking into account the three links of the epidemic chain (the source of the infection, the route of its transmission and the receptive organism).
Myelotoxicity is the damaging effect of chemotherapy on the hematopoietic tissue of the bone marrow. According to the criteria of the National Cancer Institute of the United States, four degrees of suppression of each of the hematopoiesis are isolated.
Information available in the world literature on the incidence of suicides among children and adolescents is not numerous and, as a rule, contradictory.

Information on the frequency of suicides in Russia has been selectively published in the open press only since 1988, so when analyzing the prevalence of suicides in the country, we can operate on indicators that have been counting since 1990.

The study of the prevalence and statistics of suicides in various regions and countries of the world has attracted increasing attention in recent years by suicidologists.
Currently, mental health is one of the most serious problems facing all countries, since at any given period of life such problems arise at least for every fourth person.
In recent years, depression is considered around the world as one of the main causes of decline and disability. By the share of lost for a full-fledged life of years, it is depressive disorders that outstrip all other mental illnesses, including such as Alzheimer's, alcoholism and schizophrenia.
The study of the ethnocultural features of alcoholism (alcohol dependence, according to ICD-10) involves conducting comparative studies of the socio-psychological prerequisites for the formation of this disease, its prevalence, clinical manifestations and course in various ethnic groups and cultures.
Premature puberty (PPP) is a disorder of the development of the girl, manifested by one or all of the signs of puberty at the age of 2.5 or more standard deviations (2.5 SD or σ) below the average age of their appearance in the healthy children's population.
Among the various disorders of ejaculation, premature ejaculation (ejaculation) is most common, and more rarely anejaculation phenomenon.
Premature detachment of the normally located placenta - premature (before the birth of the child) separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus.
According to WHO, preterm birth is the birth of a child from 22nd to 37th full week of pregnancy (ie 259 days from the day of the onset of the last menstrual period). In our country premature birth is considered to be the birth of a child from the 28th to the 37th week of pregnancy (from 196 to 259 days from the start of the last menstruation).
In the last two decades there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of pregnant women with prosthetic heart valves. Obstetricians, therapists, cardiologists have problems in managing these patients, which is due to the physiological characteristics of pregnancy (a tendency to hypercoagulable), the possibility of developing uterine bleeding during childbirth, the difficulty of correcting anticoagulant therapy against caesarean section.
Often, pregnancy occurs with diseases such as narrowing of the vagina, chronic inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, immaturity and malformations of the uterus, tumor processes in the pelvic organs, etc.
Pregnancy at high risk is a pregnancy in which an increase in risk factors complicating the course of pregnancy or increasing mortality before or after delivery is possible for the mother, fetus or newborn.
Gestosis is a complication of pregnancy, characterized by generalized vascular spasm with violation of perfusion, a disturbance in the function of vital organs and systems (central nervous system, kidneys, liver and fetoplacental complex) and the development of multiple organ failure.
Myoma (fibromyoma) of the uterus quite often (in 0,5-2,5% of cases) develops during pregnancy. The tumor consists of muscle and fibrous cells in different combinations, has a benign character.
Ovarian tumors occur in 0.1-1.5% of pregnant women. Their structure is different: cysts, real ovarian tumors, ovarian cancer. The beginning of the formation of the ovarian neoplasm is extremely difficult to determine, since the clinical manifestations are most often not expressed if there is no soreness in the shift of the cyst or in the re-circling of the cyst leg.


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