

List Diseases – H


How to raise the level of dopamine is an urgent issue for people who suffer from depression, bad mood and depression. Let's look at what dopamine is and how it can be improved.

Is there an effective way to get a person out of the binge? In fact, there are quite a few methods, but it is important, then familiarize yourself with the cause of this phenomenon.

In the treatment of wounds, surgical (operational), chemical, physical and biological methods are used. The choice of method depends on the presence of a fresh or infected (inflamed) wound.

Transmission of the hepatitis B virus is carried out exclusively parenterally: by transfusion of infected blood or its preparations (plasma, erythrocyte mass, albumin, protein, cryoprecipitate, antithrombin, etc.), use of poorly sterilized syringes, needles, cutting tools, surgical procedures, dental treatment, endoscopy study

The causative agent of hepatitis A is transmitted exclusively by the fecal-oral route, through infected foods, water and through household contact. The virus is excreted only with feces, and it gets into food usually when the elementary rules of hygiene are violated at the time of its processing and preparation; water contamination occurs by contamination of water sources by household discharges.

Explain how the liver hurts is quite simple. Even to a person who is not initiated into medical terminology is clear - once there was a heaviness in the right hypochondrium and bitter taste in the mouth, one should suspect the onset of hepatic disease, without going into diagnostic details.
How do kidneys hurt in pregnancy? How to determine that it is the kidneys that hurt, not the muscles of the lower back? Or maybe pain caused by pressure on the joint of the bones in the small pelvis or the beginning of the divergence of the pubic symphysis?
Intrahospital pneumonia develops at least 48 hours after hospitalization. The most frequent pathogens are gram-negative bacilli and Staphylococcus aureus; drug resistant microorganisms are a significant problem.

Consider the signs of cancer, diagnostic methods and treatment options.

Most hormone-active tumors of the digestive system are localized in the pancreas. This is due to the abundance of hormone-competent cells in it, from which such tumors originate.
The hormone-producing tumors of the adrenal cortex are one of the topical problems of modern endocrinology. Pathogenesis and clinical picture are due to the hyperproduction of certain steroid hormones by tumor tissue.
Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hodgkin's disease, lymphogranulomatosis) is a malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue that has a specific granulomatous histological structure. The disease occurs in all age groups, except for children of the first year of life; at the age of 5 years is rare. Among all the lymphomas in children, Hodgkin's disease is about 40%.
Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hodgkin's disease) is a localized or disseminated malignant proliferation of cells of the lymphoreticular system, affecting primarily the tissue of the lymph nodes, spleen, liver and bone marrow. Symptoms of the disease include painless lymphadenopathy, sometimes with fever, night sweats, progressive weight loss, pruritus, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. The diagnosis is based on lymph node biopsy.
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an anthroponotic infection characterized by progressive damage to the immune system leading to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and death from secondary diseases. The causative agent belongs to the family of retroviruses (Retroviridae), a subfamily of slow viruses (Lentivirus).
Infection of the fetus occurs through the placenta of the mother. The disease is manifested in 40% of children born from affected women.
In patients with acquired immunodeficiency against a background of other lesions, generalization of cytomegalovirus infection usually reveals chorioretinitis.
HIV infection, AIDS is a viral disease of the immune system, leading to a sharp decrease in the overall resistance of the organism to opportunistic microorganisms, as well as an increased predisposition to oncological diseases, which is why the disease has a severe course with an unavoidable fatal outcome.
AIDS caused by HIV is characterized by CNS damage, which can also be attributed to slow infectious processes in the CNS. The pathogenesis of CNS damage in neuroside is associated with the immediate neurotoxic effect of the virus, as well as the pathological effect of cytotoxic T cells and anti- brain antibodies.
HIV infection is caused by one of two retroviruses (HIV-1 and HIV-2), which destroy CD4 + lymphocytes and disrupt the cellular immune response, thereby increasing the risk of certain infections and tumors. Initially, the infection may manifest as a nonspecific febrile fever. The likelihood of subsequent manifestations depends on the degree of immunodeficiency and is proportional to the level of CD4 + lymphocytes. Manifestations range from asymptomatic current to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Histoplasmosis of the eye is a disease caused by the fungus Histoplasnia capsulatum, which exists in two forms: in man - in yeast, in contaminated soil - in the form of mold.


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