

List Diseases – F


Fibroma of the nasopharynx is a fibrous tumor of dense consistency, characterized by significant bleeding, which is why it was called angiofibroma. This tumor has been known since the time of Hippocrates, who proposed the so-called transnazomedial approach by splitting the nose pyramid to remove this tumor.

One of the varieties of laryngeal tumor formations is the fibroma of the larynx - a tumor of connective tissue, which is referred to as mesenchymal tumors. Pathology code according to ICD-10 - D14.1.

Fibroid tumors are the most common gynecological disease and are benign formations of connective tissue. Fibroma can develop in any organ that has smooth muscles, but most often affects the uterus. Having the appearance of a single node or their congestion, tumors can have a size of several millimeters to 30 cm or more.
Fibrolamellar carcinoma of the liver occurs in children and young people (5-35 years) regardless of sex.
Fibrotic tumors of the uterus are benign tumors of smooth muscle origin. Fibrous tumors often cause pathological uterine bleeding (menorrhagia, menometrorrhagia), pelvic pain, dysuric disorders, intestinal disorders and lead to complications of pregnancy.

Among the large number of various hypertrophic skin changes, dermatologists distinguish fibroepithelial nevus - a common type of pigmented convex moles.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a pathological condition of the mammary glands, accompanied by the appearance of seals and cysts of various sizes and shapes. This is a fairly common disease among women of reproductive age, it hurts at least half of the female population.

Nephroblastoma is a congenital embryonic malignant tumor of the kidney.
A febrile-intoxication syndrome is a symptom complex that characterizes the nonspecific adaptive response of a macroorganism to microbial aggression. The degree of severity of febrile-intoxication syndrome is a universal criterion for assessing the severity of the course of the infection process. The term "febrile-intoxication syndrome" includes fever, myasthenia gravis, symptoms of CNS damage and autonomic nervous, cardiovascular system.
Fever of the western Nile (encephalitis of the Western Nile) is an acute viral zoonotic natural focal disease with a transmissible mechanism of transmission of the pathogen. Characterized by an acute onset, expressed feverishly intoxication syndrome and CNS damage.
Fetishism is the use of an inanimate object (fetish) as the preferred method of provoking sexual arousal. However, in ordinary language this word is used to describe certain sexual interests, such as sexual role games, preference for certain physical characteristics and preferred sexual activity
Fetal erythroblastosis is a hemolytic anemia in a fetus or newborn caused by transplacental transmission of maternal antibodies to fetal erythrocytes.
Fungi-positive pilocarcoma (syn: pelomatocarcinoma, calcified epitheliocarcinoma, malignant pilomatrixoma, trichomatous carcinoma, pilomatrix carcinoma) is a very rare tumor that appears as a nodule usually on the skin of the trunk or extremities in middle-aged people and has no pathognomonic clinical signs.

Fractures of the femur make up from 1 to 10.6% of all damage to the bones of the skeleton. They are divided into proximal fractures, diaphyseal and distal fractures.

Bone dysplasia in the growth zone often manifests itself as a solitary or aneurysmal cyst. The femur cyst in the overwhelming majority is diagnosed as a juvenile, solitary benign tumor.
Female genital mutilation is routinely practiced in parts of Africa (usually northern or central Africa) where they are deeply rooted as part of some cultures. Women who experience sexual pleasure are considered to be uncontrollable, they are cautious, they can not be married.
Biological and personal differences between women and men are beyond doubt. Traditionally, affective, anxious and cynical disorders among women are more common in the general population, therefore, women are much more likely to abuse sedatives (usually tranquilizers) both independently and according to the doctor's prescription.

Panaritium (lat. Panaritium) - acute, purulent inflammation of the finger. Make up some local purulent processes that have an independent etiopathogenesis (infected fractures and dislocations, foreign bodies, burns, etc.).

Fecal stones are dense formations that in some cases form in the colon from its contents.

Febrile convulsions develop in children younger than 6 years with an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C, the absence of a history of afebrile seizures and other possible causes. The diagnosis is clinical, it is put after excluding other possible causes. Treatment of an attack of seizures lasting less than 15 minutes is supportive.


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