

List Diseases – P


At the initial stage of neuropathy, the patient may not be aware of the existence of a disease: for example, peripheral neuropathy of the limbs often begins to show tickling or tingling sensations in the fingers or toes. 

By the term "peripheral vegetative failure" is meant a complex of vegetative manifestations that arise when the peripheral (segmental) segment of the vegetative nervous system is affected (usually organic).
Periostitis in children is characterized by a very rapid and wide spread of purulent masses through the tissues due to acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the periosteum of the jaws, under which a subaccessory abscess is formed.

Traumatic periostitis is a kind of contusion of soft tissues, arises as a result of a direct mechanism of trauma. The most frequently affected areas are bones that do not have a muscle cover and are adjacent to the skin

Periostalnyi chondroma (synonym: juxtacortical chondroma) is a benign tumor consisting of mature cartilaginous structures and located in the cortical layer of the bone under the period.
Periodic dermatitis develops mainly in young women. Eruptions are located around the mouth, rarely - in the eyelids, on the cheeks in the form of erythematous spots, flat cone-shaped papules or papulo- vesicles and papulo- pustules. The rashes are covered with crusts. Often they are in groups. A characteristic feature is the presence around the mouth of a narrow band, free from rashes.
Among all dental problems, periodontitis in children is almost a third - about 35%. The disease is much more complicated than in adults, as periodontal tissues in childhood are constantly rebuilt and do not have a clear anatomical distinction, so inflammation regardless of the cause and localization affects literally all the structural elements of periodontal disease.
Periodontitis is a common inflammatory disease in the periapical tissues. According to statistics, over 40% of the diseases of the dentoalveolar system are periodontal inflammations, only caries and pulpitis outpace them.
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease in which tissue destruction occurs that surround and hold the tooth in the dental hole - gums, periodontal, cement and alveolar processes.
Family Irish fever (a periodic syndrome associated with receptors of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)) is a hereditary disease manifested by recurrent episodes of fever and migrating myalgia with painful erythema of the skin above it. The level of TNF receptor type I is low. Treatment is carried out by glucocorticosteroids and etanercept.
The perineal ruptures are spontaneous, arising without external impact, and violent, arising from the delivery of labor and the improper provision of benefits of childbirth.
Perinatal encephalopathy is a pathology that develops in a fetus or a newborn due to insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain, is one of the most common lesions of the neonatal nervous system. Depending on how long the process of oxygen starvation was, the brain can develop local edema up to necrosis.
Periostitis of bones is a disease that is characterized by an inflammatory process in one of the layers of the bone, or in all layers (in cases of neglect of the disease).
Pericoronitis is a dental disease, which is the inflammation of the gum around the erupting tooth. Let's consider the features of pericoronitis, methods of diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention.
By perichondritis means acute inflammation of the perichondrium, which extends to the skin of the auricle and the membranous part of the external auditory canal. The disease begins with serous inflammation, which can be quickly docked with timely and adequate treatment.
Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium, often accompanied by accumulation of effusion in its cavity. Pericarditis can be caused by many causes (for example, infectious process, myocardial infarction, trauma, tumors, metabolic disorders), but it is often idiopathic. Symptoms include chest pain or a feeling of pressure, often worse with deep breathing.
Among the causes of intra-abdominal hemorrhage, a certain place is taken by the perforation of the uterus during medical manipulations in its cavity. Most often this occurs in the manufacture of artificial abortion and when removing the remnants of the fetal egg in women with spontaneous or criminal miscarriage

Perforation defects of the alveolar processes of the upper jaws occur most often when the upper small and large molars are removed

The perforated ulcer of the septum of the nose is relatively rare (1.5-2.5% of all patients suffering from diseases of the nasal cavity), and is most often detected by chance either by the patient himself or by a rhinoscopy.
With a corneal scleral wound, the limb zone may remain intact. Such perforating wounds have a separate entrance and exit holes in the wall of the eyeball and are called through (they are rarely scleroskiphal).


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