

List Diseases – N

Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are the collective name of a group of systemic malignant tumors of the immune system originating from cells of the extraosthenal lymphoid tissue.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by monoclonal proliferation of malignant lymphoid cells in lymphoreticicular zones, including lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, liver and GIT.

Nonfunctioning adrenal glands are adrenal lesions that do not possess hormonal activity. Symptoms, signs and treatment depend on nature and size.
Emergency care for elderly and elderly patients should be provided by highly qualified maxillofacial surgeons, who can quickly understand the general condition of the victim
Non-erosive gastritis refers to a group of different histological changes that occur mainly as a result of H. Pylori infection. In most patients, the disease is asymptomatic. Changes are detected by endoscopy. The treatment is aimed at the destruction of H. Pylori and sometimes suppression of acidity.
Non-diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by diabetes, an increase in plasma osmolarity, arousing the thirst mechanism, and compensatory consumption of a large amount of fluid.
Non-diabetes mellitus - a disease caused by absolute or relative deficiency of antiduyretic hormone, is characterized by polyuria and polydipsia. Antidiuretic hormone stimulates the reabsorption of water in the collecting tubules of the kidneys and regulates water metabolism in the body.
Arterial hypertension is the most common chronic disease in the world. Before a doctor who observes a patient with high blood pressure, there is always a question: what form of arterial hypertension in a patient is essential or secondary, as this affects the tactics of treatment and the prognosis of the disease.
Non-atheromatous arteriosclerosis is the age-related fibrosis of the aorta and its major branches. Non-atheromatous arteriosclerosis causes a thickening of the intima and weakens and destroys the elastic components.
Nomoma (cancrum oris) is a disease in which necrotic tissue causes extensive defects in the soft and bony tissues of the orofacial region, a kind of moist gangrene that currently occurs only in underdeveloped and developing countries.
Professional diseases of the vocal apparatus (chronic laryngitis, nodules of the vocal folds) - diseases of the larynx developing in persons of voice-speech professions when performing professional voice functions or with prolonged (without rest) voice activity, as a result of inept use of background breathing, modulation in height and sound power , incorrect articulation, etc.
Nodular polyarteritis (Kussmaul-Meyer's disease, classic nodular polyarteritis, nodular polyarteritis with predominant lesion of internal organs, nodular polyarteritis with predominant involvement of peripheral vessels, nodular polyarteritis with leading thrombangiotic syndrome) - acute, subacute or chronic disease, which is based on damage to peripheral and visceral arteries.

A rare pathology - periarteritis nodosa - is accompanied by lesions of medium and small-caliber arterial vessels. 

Nodular panarteritis (syn: panvasculitis nodosum, nodular periarteritis, Kussmaul-Meier disease, necrotizing angiitis) is a systemic disease caused by vascular damage, probably of autoimmune origin, which is confirmed by the detection of immune complexes in the walls of the affected vessels.
In the problem of the pathology of the small intestine, immunodeficiency states, accompanied by the development of one of the varieties of lymphoproliferative processes, benign nodular lymphoid hyperplasia, are of particular interest.
Nodular goiter in children is rarely diagnosed. Among benign lesions manifested as single nodes in the thyroid gland, benign adenoma, lymphocytic thyroiditis, cyst of the thyroid duct, ectopically located normal thyroid tissue, agenesis of one of the thyroid glands with collateral hypertrophy, thyroid cyst and abscess belong to the thyroid gland.
What is nodal mastopathy? This is a benign breast pathology, more often associated with hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman.
Congenital inpatient night blindness, or niktalopia (lack of night vision) is a non-progressive disease caused by dysfunction of the rod system.
Neemann-Pick's disease is a rare family illness inherited by an autosomal recessive type and is found mainly in Jews. The disease is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme sphingomyelinase in the lysosomes of the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, which leads to the accumulation of sphingomyelin in lysosomes. Liver and spleen are mostly affected.
Nicotine causes a complex effect for which it is spontaneously consumed by animals and humans. It is generally recognized that this is the most important addictive substance, since it is dependence on nicotine that leads to smoking, which, in turn, is the most frequent cause of death in the United States.  


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