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Honey cough treatment: effective recipes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Honey is an effective remedy that is widely used in various spheres of human activity, including in medicine. Initially, cough medicine was considered to be an exceptionally alternative medicine that was not recognized by traditional medicine. But today more and more pharmaceutical companies include this component in the composition of their medicines. Traditional medicine also recognizes its value and significance as a medicinal raw material. Honey is treated with external and external injuries. It is safe, can be used at any age. Has no contraindications for either newborns or pregnant. Moreover, many children are happy to be treated with this remedy without even knowing that it is a medicine.
Can you honey and does it help with coughing?
It helps a lot when coughing. Use only in the absence of allergies or individual intolerance. To make sure of its safety and harmlessness, before applying you need to apply a small amount of honey on the back surface of the palm, or on the wrist. Then you need to wait 5-10 minutes. If honey does not cause redness and irritation on the skin, it can be safely taken as a medicine.
It is used in its pure form, in the composition of juices and tea, in combination with preparations and active ingredients. The essence of its action against coughing is that it has an irritating effect on the throat, stimulates receptors, provokes an increase in the secretion of mucus and saliva. This contributes to a more effective mucus and sputum discharge. Any dry cough with honey can become wet, productive. And this is a good sign, as with a damp cough there is a cough, bronchial tubes and respiratory tracts are released from accumulated mucus and pathogenic microorganisms. The irritated throat relaxes, the cough gradually subsides, the soreness decreases. In addition, honey significantly increases the production of biologically active components, substances that stimulate the cough and respiratory center. The production of immunoglobulin by mucous membranes is stimulated, as a result of which local immunity is strengthened, and subsequently, general immunity and resistance of the organism as a whole increase. Recovery comes faster. Side effects are not observed, except for cases of excessive consumption of honey, which can cause an allergic reaction, irritation and reddening of the skin and mucous membranes. In severe cases, edema and hyperemia may develop, and the inflammatory process may increase.
What honey is better for coughing?
All kinds of honey have useful healing properties. Well proven linden, acacia honey, herbal, buckwheat. These types of honey contain a large number of biologically active substances, vitamins, which stimulate the body's recovery processes. Honey is a powerful antioxidant, removes toxins from the body, free radicals, decay products and by-products of metabolism.
Lime honey from cough
Often, lime honey is used to treat cough. This is one of the most valuable types of honey. In Russia, the peak of lime blooms falls on June-July. Honey has high nutritional and healing properties, has a luxurious fragrance and unique taste.
Healing properties of linden honey since the ancient centuries have been used to treat various diseases. Lime honey is the richest in nutrients. Only 20% of it consists of water, all the rest - dry substances. The main ones are glucose and fructose. Also, linden honey differs in that it contains a large amount of maltose. It has a positive effect on mucous membranes, digestive organs. Contains a large number of vitamins. Also in the composition of lime honey is a huge amount of micro- and macro elements: over 40.
The main use of lime honey found in the treatment of colds, respiratory system, bronchitis, pneumonia. The main effect is achieved through antibacterial action. Lime honey can be taken as part of other recipes and medicines, and in its pure form. It is used for compresses, massages, rubbing.
Indications of the honey from cough
Honey is taken if a person has a cough of any origin. Also taken for recovery after a long illness, especially if it was accompanied by a cough, for prevention during epidemics. It is recommended to accept people whose professional activities are connected with the risk of infection (laboratory technicians, microbiologists, epidemiologists, bacteriologists, virologists, infectious disease specialists, doctors and other personnel of infectious hospitals and departments, admission department, scientific staff). Honey is recommended in the event that the cough does not pass for a long time, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. Recommended for both dry and wet cough. Accepted at the appearance of the first signs of the disease in pregnant women.
Release form
Honey is a product of beekeeping and is produced in a special container, or poured into cans, with a tightly closing lid. There are different types of honey - herbal, buckwheat, lime, floral. Each species has its advantages and disadvantages. In the usual state, it is an amber or light-yellow semi-liquid mass. During crystallization, a cream-colored mass of a salo-like consistency is formed.
On the territory of Russia the main stalk is considered to be lime honey, because it prevails on sale. The main significance belongs to Bashkir honey (or Ufa), which is also called Lipts and Amur (Far Eastern honey). On the territory of the Russian Federation there is the Bashkir Scientific Research Institute for Beekeeping and Apitherapy, which produces and controls the quality of honey supplied both on the territory of the country and abroad.
The main effect of honey is realized due to the fact that it normalizes the metabolism in the body. Honey contains a large amount of vitamin, mineral substances. Honey contains a large amount of vitamin C, which significantly exceeds its dosage in lemon.
This vitamin has antioxidant properties. It penetrates into the body, saturates it with the necessary substances, cleans from toxins and metabolic products, removes free radicals. Also contributes to the stabilization of cell membranes, normalizes intracellular metabolism. Promotes the accumulation and preservation of vitamins in the body and their timely incorporation into metabolic processes.
Also the advantage of honey is that it has a softening effect on the body. It softens mucous membranes, promotes their recovery, relieves irritation and inflammation. Quickly absorbed by the body and helps to accelerate absorption processes in the intestines, eliminate toxins and toxins, eliminate stagnant phenomena.
Honey is the main source of carbohydrates, therefore it contributes to the rapid saturation of the body and the release of a large amount of energy. Promotes increased levels of glucose in the body, so it is contraindicated in people with diabetes. People who expend a large amount of energy can easily restore energy, a supply of carbohydrates with the help of honey.
It has no load on the kidneys, it is processed by it much faster than other sugars. Has a positive effect on the digestive tract, improves peristalsis and motility of the intestine, eliminates stagnant phenomena, promotes excretion of stool from the body, prevents intoxication of the body. It has a natural laxative effect, cleanses the body.
It acts soothingly on the nervous system, harmonizes the human condition, reduces fatigue, increases efficiency, normalizes the hormonal background. It has antibacterial properties, promotes an increase in immunity, due to which the body's resistance to infectious diseases increases significantly, recovery is more rapid. This property can be used to treat diseases of the mouth and teeth.
It disinfects the oral cavity, prevents the development and accumulation of microorganisms, helps to remove bleeding, heals stomatitis, improves color and dental health. Relieves inflammation of the nasopharynx, pharynx, helps with colds and viral diseases.
Promotes the normalization of the state and harmonization of the organism, mobilizes internal reserves. In the course of numerous studies it was established that honey promotes the full and rapid development of children, accelerates their physical and mental development. Thanks to the normalization of the endocrine background and the maintenance of the tone of the nervous system, metabolism is accelerated, accordingly, both the speed and intensity of development increase.
Honey helps to accelerate the mental development of even mentally retarded children. Children become less capricious, irritable, sleep improves, mood, activity increases. Helps reduce pain when teething children, increases appetite, improves well-being. The blood formula improves, hemoglobin normalizes.
Honey is a product of beekeeping, of natural origin, which is produced by bees from pollen, pergi, padi with the help of saliva of honey bee. Studies of the chemical and biological properties of honey have shown that it contains more than 70 substances that have beneficial effects for humans.
Many elements stimulate the immune system, increase blood-forming activity, improve the blood formula, increase the hemoglobin content. This is a serious prevention of many blood diseases, anemia. Prevents the risk of oxygen starvation of organs and tissues due to the normalization of hemoglobin.
The spectrum of honey activity is extremely wide. Normalization of micronutrient metabolism promotes rapid recovery after diseases, accelerates the regeneration of tissues, which facilitates the rapid restoration of damaged tissues after injuries, operations, and burns. Promotes skin regeneration, improves its condition, appearance, rejuvenates, accelerates the renewal of the epidermis. Promotes resorption of scars, postoperative sutures, skin renewal.
The peculiarity of honey is that it contains a large number of mineral elements. Over 24 microelements are included in the composition of honey. Approximately the same amount of trace elements is contained in the human body, which makes them close in chemical composition, speeds up assimilation. Reduces the risk of side effects. Contains a large number of enzymes that accelerate metabolic processes in the body, improve digestion.
Dosing and administration
The methods of application of honey are different. It can be taken in pure form, or added to the composition of all kinds of mixtures, broths, infusions. From honey prepare syrup, sugar candies, sweets from honey, add to the composition of gingerbread from cough. It can be applied externally: in the form of ointments, compresses. From honey make cakes for external use, it is added to the mustard plaster to provide a softening effect.
Recipes with honey from a cough
Based on honey, you can prepare a lot of medicines. All of them can not be considered, because they have accumulated an incredible amount. Honey has been used since ancient times, for the treatment of various diseases. It was applied either externally or inward.
A classic honey recipe for cough is honey and milk. To prepare this medicine, take a glass of hot milk, dissolve in it a few tablespoons of honey. Ideal for linden, chestnut or honey bee. Then add about 1 tablespoon of butter, and drink hot, slow sips. You can drink during the day, but the most effective is the reception at night, after which you should take cover with a warm blanket and go to bed.
A somewhat modified version of the classic recipe is known. To make it, take a glass of hot milk, add to it one slice of cocoa butter, 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir thoroughly, drink. It is better to drink at night.
Also, milk with honey and lemon is used. For preparation take a glass of milk, heat it, not leading up to a boil. Pour into a cup, add the squeezed juice of half a lemon. Stir thoroughly, add 2 tablespoons of honey, mix, drink at a time in a hot form.
Also, milk with cinnamon and honey is used. For cooking, you need a glass of hot milk, half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir thoroughly, add honey, drink hot.
Milk with ground ginger and honey. To prepare 1 cup of hot milk, add 1 tablespoon of honey and half a spoonful of ground ginger. Instead of ground it is possible to take a whole root of ginger, grate it on a fine grater and put in milk 1 teaspoon of the resulting puree. You can cut 2-3 thin slices of the root, put in cold milk, bring to a boil. Then cool to a warm state, add honey to taste and drink in small sips.
Milk with cloves and honey is also used for colds, for coughs. On a glass of hot milk, add 1 teaspoon of clove grains, bring to a boil, add a tablespoon of honey, drink slowly, in small sips.
Traditionally, lemon mixture with honey is used. Take 2-3 lemons, pass through a meat grinder. In the resulting mass add 4-5 tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly, put in the refrigerator. Wait for 1-2 hours. After the honey is completely dissolved, you can ingest 1 tablespoon up to 2-6 times a day. You can drink it with hot tea or warm milk.
Also, a vitamin remedy for strengthening the body has proved to be well. For cooking, take 200 grams of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and dates. Everything is mixed, passed through a meat grinder. Separately, a walnut (100 grams) and about 50 grams of pistachios are passed through the meat grinder. Everything is mixed into one mass, about 100-150 grams of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon of ground ginger are added. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed. Insists in a cold place for an hour. Use inside 1 tablespoon twice a day.
It is often enough to use honey with a radish. For the preparation of various products used grated radish, juice, root itself. The remedy is especially effective in dry cough, as it translates it into a moist, productive, and quickly removes phlegm from the body. This contributes to a speedy recovery. Many people are helped by honey with onions. It is also used in various forms: fresh, in the form of puree, pure juice. Sometimes diluted in water, sometimes - poured with various alcoholic infusions. Onions are drunk with honey, they dig in a nose, apply for a gargle of a throat, grease the inflamed sites.
It is often used honey raspberry, or honey viburnum. To prepare the mixture take fresh berries, mix them with honey. Put in the fridge until the honey dissolves completely, then taken daily. The maximum amount is unlimited, but it should not exceed 200-300 grams, because allergies can develop. You can eat in fresh form, you can add to the composition of tea or milk.
Also, to soften the throat, remove the spasm and eliminate suffocating cough, the remedy, which includes lemon, honey, glycerin, is well proven . Take the juice of one lemon, add honey to taste and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.
The following remedy has proved to be well: from the lemon peel extract the pulp, let it through the meat grinder. Squeeze juice separately. Take the resulting pulp, mix it with honey, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and pawn. Allowed to stand for an hour. Then take a glass of boiling water, dip a lemon with the contained mass. Allow to stand for about 10 minutes. Thus it is necessary to supervise, that the liquid as it is possible flowed less. Eat about 1 tablespoon of the mixture, washed down with lemon juice, which was left after squeezing. After all the lemon mass is eaten, eat up the peel. It is better to do so that the peel stayed at night. It is useful to eat before going to bed, drink a glass of warm tea or milk and go to bed.
Apply honey compresses, lotions. In order to make a compress of honey, take honey, apply it directly to the skin, or on gauze, then cover it with a cellophane bag. A layer of gauze is applied to the package, and dry heat is wrapped on top. Such a compress has a warming effect, stimulates receptors, which causes a cough, sputum production increases. As a result, recovery comes much faster, blood circulation increases, inflammation and swelling are removed.
Honey is often used for massage. Stretch the chest, the trachea. Massage is often performed with intermittent, tearing movements, which dramatically improves blood circulation, irritatingly affects the main receptors. After massage, the permeability of the skin increases, honey penetrates deeper into the cells, has a warming and stimulating effect. After the massage it is useful to take cover with a warm blanket, or put a warming compress for about 15-20 minutes. You can also drink hot tea, or milk, after which it is necessary to warmly wrap up and sleep.
Often, honey is used in conjunction with aloe. For cooking, squeeze the pulp 2-3 large sheets of aloe, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Completely dissolve honey, insist for an hour. After that, 2-5 drops drip into the nose, depending on the severity of the disease, the degree of nasal congestion. You can also take inside 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. Removes edema, inflammation, eliminates nasal congestion, irritation and swelling of the throat. Transfers dry, unproductive cough to moist, productive. Accordingly, the respiratory tract is cleared more quickly, recovery also comes faster.
A fairly effective remedy is honey and carrots. Carrots contain a large number of carotenoids, vitamin C, which quickly raises the immune system and has a restoring effect. Has a positive effect in the treatment of cough, including prolonged, which for a long time does not lend itself to any treatment. There are 2 options for preparing the product.
In the first case, carrots rubbed on the grater, the juice is squeezed. Take the mashed potatoes, add honey to it, so that the mashed potatoes are completely covered with honey and mixed. Stir thoroughly, allow to stand for half an hour. Then eat 1-2 tablespoons with an interval of 3-4 hours.
To prepare the second option, you will need to squeeze out the carrot juice. To prepare, take 50-100 grams of juice, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved, then drink in small sips. All the prepared portion should be drunk during the day. At night you can eat the remaining carrot puree, adding a few spoons of honey and a bit of ground cinnamon.
These are the main, time-tested recipes. But in fact honey has a beneficial effect in absolutely any combination and composition of any recipe. Therefore, here opens up an immense space for creativity and improvisation. Every time absolutely new recipes are created, new ones are modified. At the same time, their value is not lost.
Turnip with honey from cough
To eliminate cough for a long time, the healing properties of turnip are used. However, you need to remember that it can have contraindications. With bowel diseases, gastritis and ulcers and hepatitis, turnip is contraindicated. Also not recommended for people with hypertension, children under three years. Take care with people with diabetes. In the presence of diabetes, honey is excluded, you can prepare broths and mixtures only from turnips.
To prepare a decoction of turnips with honey, chop into small pieces of turnip, add 2-3 tablespoons of this mass to boiling water. On low heat, the broth should be boiled for 15-20 minutes, then about an hour insists in a cool place. After the broth has been infused, it must be filtered. In the resulting broth add about half a glass of honey, mix thoroughly. Drink half the glass three times a day. For the night you can drink a glass and as soon as possible go to bed, hiding behind a warm blanket.
When making the juice from the turnip, you need to rub the turnip on a small grater, get the puree to put aside, mix the juice in equal parts with honey. Drink 4-5 times a day with a cough. At night mix the resulting mashed potatoes with honey, eat and go to bed.
Ginger with honey from cough
Honey and ginger are perfectly combined. Ginger has a warming, stimulating effect on the body. It irritates the mucous membranes, thus stimulating the synthesis of local immunoglobulin. As a result, local immunity increases, and the overall endurance and resistance of the body increases. Ginger stimulates the increased secretion, as a result of which the mucus leaves quickly from the walls of the bronchi and respiratory tract, recovery comes faster. Honey softens irritated mucous, eliminates pain.
To prepare the syrup from cough take 100 ml of water, 100 grams of honey. Mix thoroughly, boil on low heat. Then add the ginger. You can add half a teaspoon of ground ginger, or 1-2 tablespoons grated ginger puree.
You can also use mashed ginger with honey. For cooking, the root of one ginger is rubbed on a grater, mixed with honey until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, carefully mix, store for a day in the refrigerator (the product must be infused). After that you can take 1 teaspoon twice a day. Can be added to hot tea.
Also use roast ginger with honey. For cooking, ginger is cut into thin slices. Fry in a pan. It is advisable to use a dry frying pan, but you can add sunflower oil. After this, the circles cool. Eat, dipping into honey. You can drink it with hot milk and honey.
You can also make homemade lollipops from ginger and honey. Used for a long time infusions. For the preparation of the present, the root of one ginger is required. Root through a meat grinder or grate. The resulting mass is poured into a liter jar, poured vodka or alcohol to the top, add 3-4 tablespoons of honey. Allowed to stand for an hour. Then drink 1-2 tablespoons three times a day.
Yolk with honey from cough
To prepare a medicine for coughing, you need 1 egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and 50 grams of vodka. The yolk is placed in a glass, kneaded with a fork, honey is added, the vodka is added, thoroughly stirred. Get a uniform consistency, drink. The remedy should not be stored, it must be prepared at one time. For children, or people who do not tolerate alcohol, use a similar remedy, only without adding vodka.
Honey with cinnamon from cough
Cinnamon has a warming and stimulating effect. Stimulates the separation of mucus and its excretion. Accordingly, the cough decreases, the mucous membrane is less susceptible to irritation, the inflammatory process stops.
For the preparation of the mixture will require about 3-4 tablespoons of honey. Heat on a water bath. Honey should completely dissolve, get a liquid consistency. Add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, after which the mixture is thoroughly mixed. You need to consume one teaspoon three times a day, or when there are signs of coughing. You can also add this mixture to other drinks, for example, in tea or milk, cocoa.
You can use another option for preparing the mixture: take 200 grams of honey, add 200 grams of water, mix thoroughly and put on a water bath or on slow fire. Boil, bring to a light boil, then add 2-3 cinnamon sticks, continue to cook on low heat for another 2-3 minutes. After that, they set it aside and allow it to stand for an hour. Take 1 teaspoonful three times a day, or when the first signs of coughing.
Viburnum with honey from cough
Kalina is effective in the treatment of colds, eliminates cough, promotes rapid recovery of the body, sates with vitamin C, helps strengthen the body, restores the immune system, normalizes metabolic processes. Together with honey, it cleanses and satiates the body, restores cells and tissues, regenerates the liver and kidneys, eliminates inflammatory and infectious processes, prevents the development of complications.
It is worth trying a kalinovo-honey cocktail. Helps to get rid of colds, eliminates the symptoms of viral diseases, influenza cough, bronchitis. For cooking, you need to take 100 grams of vodka and the same amount of viburnum. Mix, add a tablespoon of honey, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. It is necessary to warm up to a warm state. To boil you can not bring, because vitamins can be neutralized. You need to drink in one gulp, at once and immediately go to bed. It is better to drink already in bed. Immediately you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, go to bed. It is necessary to sweat profusely (this indicates the effectiveness of the procedure). The next day it is desirable to repeat the procedure.
Similarly, a beet-beet tincture with the addition of vodka and honey acts. It also normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to take the viburnum and beets in equal parts, pass through a meat grinder or grate on a grater. After this mix the resulting puree, add about 2-3 tablespoons of honey, add 500 ml of vodka. Keep in a cool place for 3-4 days. This allows the agent to brew. Before use, you need to shake, measure 100 grams of the mixture and warm it over low heat. Drink warm in the night.
It is also useful to use a kalinovo-honey mixture. It is rich in vitamins, promotes recovery, softens the throat, eliminates cough and inflammation. For cooking, take about 100 grams of honey and 100 grams of viburnum. In a separate bowl, the bowl is kneaded with a fork until it is a mushy state. Then gradually add honey, stirring thoroughly. A homogeneous mass should be obtained. This mass should be consumed three times a day for one teaspoonful.
Stoletnik with honey from cough
Stoletnik is a herbal remedy that has an anti-inflammatory, anti-infective effect. Honey strengthens its properties. Honey softens irritated mucous membranes, removes the remnants of inflammation, helps restore the body.
Applied in various kinds. You can try a decoction. To prepare the broth, take about 30-40 grams of agave, pour two cups of boiling water, insist for an hour. In the resulting broth add 2-3 tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Then filter the remedy, drink three times a day for a third of a glass.
An infusion of an age of honey with honey has also proved to be very good. For cooking, take 1-2 tablespoons sage, pour a glass of vodka and alcohol, insist for 2-3 days. Then shake up, add a tablespoon of honey, mix thoroughly until it dissolves completely. Drink 2-3 tablespoons twice a day.
You can also prepare a decoction. Eat a tablespoon of honey, washed down with three tablespoons of broth. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
It is possible to apply a compress on a throat from decoction of an age-old and honey. It helps to relieve a strong cough, reduce inflammation. To prepare a compress, take a decoction of the century, warm up to a warm state, moisten in it gauze or bandage. The bandage is topped with a tablespoon of honey, ground with a thin layer. Apply honey to the throat. Top with polyethylene or cellophane, cover with a dry cloth. Apply dry heat. The compress is held for 1-2 hours. You can do at night.
Potatoes with honey from cough
Cough can be used potatoes with honey. There are several options for such applications: in the form of compresses, purees, juices.
You can cook potatoes in a boiled form and eat it, pouring honey, as a sauce. The potato puree with honey has proved to be well. Prepare the usual mashed potatoes, add 1-2 tablespoons to 1 plate, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.
Apply a decoction of potatoes (potato broth) with the addition of 1-2 tablespoons of honey for inhalations. Honey is dissolved completely, then poured into a basin, bend over it, covered with a towel on top, breathe over the steam. Such inhalation can be done only if the body temperature is normal. It should be done in the evening, after which you immediately need to go to bed, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, sleep. An hour later you can drink hot tea with honey.
It can be treated with a decoction, which remained after cooking potatoes and honey. On a glass of broth add a teaspoon of honey, stir. Drink a glass at a time. The procedure is repeated three times a day.
Compresses made from potatoes and honey are also used. On the sternum (and with a strong cough and on the back apply) pre-prepared compress. To do this, on a bandage soaked in a potato broth, top a tablespoon of mashed potatoes and a teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly. After this bandage is applied, polyethylene, light fabric, dry heat is applied from above.
Carrots with honey from cough
Carrots contribute to the rapid recovery of the body, since it contains a large amount of vitamin, nutrients. It has an immunostimulating action, restorative. Helps raise hemoglobin, improves blood function. In combination with honey, the beneficial properties of carrots are enhanced.
When you cough, it is useful for carrots from carrots. Carrots rub on the grater, the puree is deposited separately. Carrot juice is required for the recipe. Usually a young carrot contains a large amount of juice. If the juice is not enough, you can buy it in the store. The juice is heated, a spoonful of honey is added, mixed until completely dissolved, after which they drink in small sips.
You can also use carrot puree. In the puree, add 1 tablespoon of honey, mix thoroughly and eat during the day. You can prepare a similar mashed potatoes of a more liquid consistency. At the same time, half a glass of water is added to the resulting puree.
In puree from carrots and honey, you can add as a seasoning ground ginger, cinnamon, caraway or coriander. They enhance the effect of honey, have a warming effect on the body. Sometimes in puree additionally introduced radish juice, or finely chopped nettle leaves.
Carrots and honey are also used to relieve coughing attacks. Carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with onions. You can add 5-10 berries of viburnum or cranberries. It will fill the puree with vitamins more strongly.
Propolis with honey from cough
You can use syrup from propolis and honey. In order to prepare such a syrup, you need to take about 100 grams of propolis and 50 grams of honey, mix. Pour 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Use twice a day for 2-3 tablespoons.
Honey and salt from cough
This tool, which allows you to get rid of a strong cough as soon as possible. In this case, the dry cough becomes wet. With a damp cough, sputum is liquefied, quickly removed from the mucous membranes and bronchi. This leads to the fact that the bronchi are released more quickly, respectively, faster recovery and reduction of the inflammatory process occurs.
It takes about 50 grams of honey and half a teaspoon of salt for cooking. It is necessary to mix the mixture thoroughly. For better dissolution, honey can be heated, and then, when it acquires a liquid consistency, add salt. Salt should be completely distributed, evenly distributed throughout honey. Drink one teaspoon three times a day.
Honey with badger fat from cough
For grindings, honey and badger fat have well proven. You need to take about 50 grams of each component, mix with each other, put on a fine fire, melt, stirring constantly. Cool, allow to freeze, after which it can be used as an ointment for rubbing the chest and intercostal areas. With a strong cough, the back and neck-collar zone are also rubbed.
Turmeric with honey from cough
Turmeric eliminates inflammation, swelling, eliminates the inflammatory process, normalizes the mucous membranes. Honey softens, relieves inflammation and irritation. As a result, cough is significantly reduced. Most often the mixture is prepared in this way: take 20-30 mg of honey, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric, mix thoroughly. If it dissolves poorly, you can heat honey on a steam bath. All the prepared portion should be eaten during the day. You can add the mixture to tea or milk.
Honey from cough for children
For children, honey is widely used in the treatment of cough. It is not only a means of alternative medicine. He is increasingly appointed by doctors with many years of experience. This remedy is safe, practically does not cause side effects. Children with pleasure are treated with honey, thanks to its taste qualities, pleasant smell.
For children, you can make lollipops from honey. They do not do any harm, unlike ordinary caramel. They can be consumed in virtually unlimited quantities. No harm, the effect of this is only a positive result. The child is less sick, because he receives reliable prophylaxis, vitamins, the immune system is stimulated. Thanks to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, recovery comes faster and the risk of complications decreases.
Honey for children is also used in the form of flat cakes, compresses, as an additional component to mustard plasters. Used during massage and medical wraps, for inhalation, lubrication, rinsing and nasal rinsing. And, of course, honey is used in beverages, various mixtures, potions. Honey can be consumed in pure form or in combination with other components.
Use of the honey from cough during pregnancy
Honey is one of the few drugs that can be used during pregnancy. This natural substance, therefore not only does not cause harm, but also benefits. Honey is useful for both the mother and the fetus. It allows you to quickly cure a cough, does not allow its transition to the lower divisions and in more severe stages. For the future mother, this is the main cure for coughing.
Honey is contraindicated in people who have disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, in particular, in diabetes mellitus. Also, honey is contraindicated in allergic reactions, intolerance to glucose and certain components that make up honey.
Side effects of the honey from cough
Honey has virtually no side effects in the event that a person does not have allergies to it. Most side effects are observed with an overdose. Allergic reactions are possible, which are manifested in the form of skin rashes, itching, redness and irritation. Possible development of hives. Sometimes there is irritation and swelling of the mucosa, slight burning, redness, increased inflammation.
Overdosing leads to the development of allergic reactions, irritation, skin rashes. People with a tendency to allergies can cause anaphylactic shock.
Storage conditions
Honey is stored in a dry, dark place, at a low temperature.
Shelf life
Honey from cough can be stored for 5 years or more.
If you analyze the reviews of those people who took honey from a cough, you can see that almost all of them are positive. Honey promotes rapid recovery, quickly eliminates cough, softens the throat. Coughing ceases to be painful, a person can rest, sleep. Increases strength, endurance, there is a rush of energy, there is an appetite.
Honey is well tolerated by children. They are very fond of this drug, as a medicine it is not perceived. They consider it a delicacy, they use it with pleasure. Many mothers prepare their children a variety of cough drops based on honey. They can be eaten in unlimited quantities, they can well relieve cough, eliminate residual effects, accelerate recovery after the illness. In addition, they are a good prevention tool. Children who drink honey candy are sick 2-3 times less often than their peers.
Honey from cough is taken in the form of syrups, which are easy to prepare at home. Also add to the composition of tea, broths. The big advantage is that honey can be used during pregnancy. Well tolerated and older people.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Honey cough treatment: effective recipes" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.