Compresses and cakes for cough and honey
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Honey compress is used to treat children and the elderly, since this gentle method, which does not have side effects, does not create an additional strain on the body. The degree of skin irritation is minimal.
In order to apply a compress, you must first wipe the skin with a cloth soaked in hot water. Then apply pre-heated honey to the skin. Usually the compress is placed on the sternum, with a strong cough - on the sternum, and on the back. Honey can be applied directly to the skin, or to gauze (bandage). On top you need to put polyethylene or cellophane, which will provide the necessary humidity, will create a greenhouse effect. To maintain heat and absorb excess moisture, a cloth is applied from above. From above it is wrapped in warm material, which will warm, and will not let the cold pass.
Compress is usually put on at night. After it is delivered, it is necessary to go to bed at once, having covered with a warm blanket. You can drink a glass of hot tea with honey. In the morning the compress is removed, the skin is wiped with a cloth moistened in hot water, wiped dry. Then dry heat is applied.
Compress with cabbage and honey from cough
Quickly removes the cough compress from cabbage and honey. It can be used both for adults and for children. There are two ways of imposing such a compress. In the first case, the cabbage is finely chopped, mixed with honey and this way it is applied to the skin. Then it is necessary to impose a dry heat.
There is another way: cabbage boils, then reclines into a colander. Water drains, the remnants of water squeeze. Stir the cabbage with honey. Once again squeeze, so that there is no excess fluid. Wrapped in cheesecloth or bandage, put on the chest. Compress should be hot, but should not burn. Dry heat is superimposed on top. It is better to put such a compress at night. The compress is removed in the morning, dry the skin, apply dry heat.
Pellet with honey from cough
When there is a strong cough and inflammation, you can put cakes of honey. They put them mainly on the front surface of the body. In severe cases - on the back. It is necessary to sustain a minimum of 2 hours, so it's better to put cakes at night. For cooking, you need to take honey, wheat flour and vegetable oil in approximately equal parts. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients until smooth, put on gauze and attach to the body, on the sternum. Cover the top with cellophane, a warm cloth. You can drink a cough remedy and go to bed.
Cakes with honey are used mainly for children and the elderly, since this is a more gentle method. It does not exert excessive irritation on the skin. At the same time, it has a sufficient warming effect. Active substances penetrate deep enough into the skin, stimulate receptors. The patient does not feel any discomfort, burning. The risk of developing an allergic reaction and hyperemia is reduced to a minimum.
For the preparation of cakes take 200-300 grams of flour, add honey. Look at the consistency. It should be a homogeneous mass, which will not be thick or liquid. Cake mixed and placed on the chest before going to bed. Such cakes should be applied only at night, before bed. If they shift, then it should be bandaged with a bandage, fixed in the chest area. Cakes have a diaphoretic effect, so you need to take cover as warmly as possible and try to sleep. Well, morning is also not recommended to walk much. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink hot milk with honey, put a new cake and sleep for a few more hours. When treating honey, especially if it is applied in the form of flat cakes, it is important to comply with bed rest.
Read also about compresses with bronchitis in this article.
Pellet with honey and mustard from cough
With strong bronchitis, coughs are used. They are placed on the patient's body like a mustard plaster. In the usual cough, put on the front surface (sternum). With a strong, long-lasting cough and the inability to clear your throat, apply flat cakes on both the front and back surfaces (on the back).
The patient's condition is significantly improved by the penetration of active substances. They penetrate deep into the skin, and the effect is achieved through warming and stimulating effects. It is important not to place a cake on the heart area.
For the preparation of cakes take vegetable oil, flour, copper mustard in approximately equal parts, carefully mix until a uniform mass is formed. The best option is to take one tablespoon of each component. It is better to take dry mustard. After the formation of a homogeneous mass of cake rolled out, spread on gauze or bandage and applied to the chest. The cake is covered with polyethylene, aged for 2-3 hours, then removed, the rests washed off with warm water. After that, people wrap up a warm blanket. Be sure to sleep at least 2-3 hours. Ideally, put the cake for the night, then immediately go to bed.