

List Diseases – U

Upper limbal keratoconjunctivitis Theodore is a rare chronic inflammation that usually affects middle-aged women, possibly suffering from thyroid dysfunction.
Unstable angina is regarded as an extremely dangerous stage of exacerbation of coronary heart disease, threatening the development of myocardial infarction or sudden death. In terms of clinical manifestations and prognostic value, unstable angina takes an intermediate place between stable angina and acute myocardial infarction, but, unlike a heart attack, the degree and duration of ischemia are not sufficient for the development of myocardial necrosis in unstable angina.
Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia is not a single nosological unit, but a genetically heterogeneous group, a complex of multifactorial diseases, the pathogenetic basis of which is the individual features of the genome; the clinical manifestation is provoked by the action of damaging conditions of the external environment (intrauterine factors, nutritional deficiencies).
Underdevelopment of the upper jaw (upper micrognathia, opistognathia) is a type of deformation that is relatively rare and it is very difficult to treat it with a surgical method.
The underdevelopment of the soft palate owes its origin to a disturbance in the development of the embryonic buds of the palatine plates, which can also lead to an anomaly in the development of the hard palate (gothic arch of the oral cavity, underdevelopment of the posterior parts of the palatine plates).
Congenital absence of the mandible or its separate fragments, as well as the "double" jaw, are extremely rare in practice. Usually the surgeon is faced with either underdevelopment, or excessive development of the lower jaw, ie, with microgenia or prognosis.

Compression wedge-shaped uncomplicated fractures of the bodies of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae are perhaps the most common type of spine injury and are localized in the upper lumbar and lower thoracic spine.

The causes and pathogenesis of acute vulvar ulcers have not been established. It is suggested that this disease is caused by Bacillus crasus, the Epstein-Barr virus.
Trophic ulcers occur more often in the elderly due to acute or chronic venous or arterial insufficiency, more often - in women. There are varicose, ischemic and neurotrophic ulcers.
Ulcerative stomatitis is one of the severe forms of inflammation of the internal mucosa of the mouth. At the moment, it is impossible to accurately name the mechanisms and processes in the formation of ulcerative stomatitis modern medical science can not.
Ulcerative gingivitis - extremely rare as a primary lesion, usually represents a phase of exacerbation of chronic catarrhal gingivitis and is characterized by pronounced alteration phenomena.
Ulcer of the esophagus - ulceration of the mucosa of the esophagus. The disease was first described by Quincke in 1879, is more common in men than in women. Ulcers are localized mainly in the lower third of the esophagus.
The nosological independence of the Buruli ulcer is recognized by most authors due to the fairly typical clinical and epidemiological features. Buruli ulcer was named in the 60s of the last century, when for the first time a large number of its observations in the form of a local epidemic in Uganda in the province of Buruli was described.

Gastroduodenal ulcers can be caused by various drugs: NSAIDs (most often when treated with acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, butadiene); preparations of rauwolfia (reserpine, combined antihypertensive agents containing reserpine-adelfan, adelfan-ezidrex, crestepin-adelfan, etc.)

Ulcer is a profound defect in the skin or mucous membrane and underlying tissues, the healing processes of which (development of granulation tissue, epithelialization) are reduced or significantly impaired and are accompanied by prolonged healing.


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