Mochhesiol diathesis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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"Mochesiol diathesis" - this name has a specific pathological process, in which a higher concentration of calcium salts (urates and oxalates), as well as purines and uric acid, is observed in the human body. In turn, this leads to the development of deforming diseases of the kidneys, musculoskeletal system and gallbladder.
In Greek, "diathesis" means "predisposition", so doctors call an innate metabolic abnormality. The predisposition of the human body to salt formation threatens the appearance of stones in the renal pelvis. One of the main causes of myociliary diathesis is the transferred inflammatory process in the kidneys, which has acquired a chronic character. It can also be noted the wrong organization of the diet and drinking regime. For example, disrupting the work of the kidneys can be the result of excessive consumption of mineral water. If this pathology is not diagnosed in time and not eliminated, it can provoke a kidney disease.
Urine with urine (uric acid) diathesis has persistent high acidity, which is one of the factors affecting the process of stone formation. Imbalance in the metabolism has a negative effect on the condition of the excretory system, which is difficult to cope with heavy loads. Exacerbation of myociliary diathesis may cause cystopyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, which have similar symptoms (because of this it is not easy to determine the original cause of the disease).
Mochesiol diathesis is not an independent disease, it is a pathological condition of the body, for which high salinity is characteristic. In the patient's body, a large amount of uric acid accumulates, which has the property of crystallizing. The precipitate of salts in the urine is similar in appearance to the reddish grains of sand.
There is an opinion that such a predisposition is transmitted genetically, however, the formation of sand in the kidneys occurs not immediately, but when the urinary system can not cope with the loads caused by the wrong diet and lifestyle. In the International Classification of Diseases, this pathology has a code for the ICD 10 - E79 "Disorders of the exchange of purines and pyrimidines." A dangerous consequence of this pathological process is urolithiasis, which belongs to the XIV class (N20-N23). Deviations in the analysis of urine, which are difficult to diagnose, belong to the XVIII class (R80-R82).
The diagnosis is difficult because of the asymptomatic course of the pathological disease, as well as its aggravation as a result of the development of cystitis, urethritis, and prostatitis, which are characterized by similar symptoms. It is important in time to identify the course of the pathological process in the body and to establish the cause of its occurrence in order to avoid complications and consequences in the form of stone formation. One of the most effective methods for early diagnosis of urinary diathesis is considered to be ultrasound, by which the salt in the kidneys is determined as echo-positive inclusions.
Causes of the mochesial diathesis
Mochesiol diathesis is not associated with the use of any products that can cause allergies, as some believe. In this case, the notion of "diathesis" rather covers manifestations, not the etiology of the disease. If we talk about the causes of the appearance of mocheceal diathesis, there are quite a few of them. One of them is a transferred inflammatory process in the kidneys, which has passed into a chronic condition. The list can be continued: lack of fluid in the body, frequent stress, diabetes, pyelonephritis, hepatitis, alcoholism, chemotherapy, etc.
Thus, the causes of myociliary diathesis lie in the violation of the work of the kidneys and other organs. This pathology can be caused by the following factors:
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Improper eating (excessive consumption of meat, as well as spicy, smoked, salty, fatty foods and incompatible products provokes an imbalance in the metabolic process, which negatively affects the work of the excretory system).
- Chronic diseases and inflammatory processes, kidney trauma.
- The condition of the excretory system (congenital renal pathology, for example, hereditary renal failure, promotes the development of mocheceal diathesis already from the first years of the child's life).
- Insufficient amount of water in the body (the daily norm should not be less than 1.5 liters, so that the metabolic processes can proceed in full).
- The lack of vitamins and trace elements (especially in winter), which leads to a decrease in the immune resistance of the body.
- Excessive physical activity.
- Intoxication of the body.
- Reception of antibacterial drugs for a long period of time.
- Prolonged refusal to eat.
Uraturia (urine acid diathesis) can develop on a background of pregnancy, because during this period the female organism undergoes an increased load. In pregnant women, this condition can arise as a reaction of the body to gestational processes.
Diathesis as an anomaly of the constitution characterizes the features of metabolism, which under certain conditions can develop into pathology. Mochhesiol diathesis represents a kind of borderline condition, which is characterized by an increased risk of a number of diseases. This feature of the body can be constitutional or acquired. It leads to an increase in the level of organic calcium salts in the urine, which under certain conditions is fraught with the development of pathologies associated with disruption of the urinary system.
The concept of "pathogenesis" is a set of processes that determine the mechanisms of the appearance and course of a disease. The process of development of mocheceal diathesis is associated with a violation of metabolic processes, as a result of which uric acid crystals precipitate in the kidneys and then are excreted in the urine. Due to the failure of metabolic reactions in the human body from pyrimidine and purine bases, urates (uric acid salts) are formed. The sediment in the urine is similar in texture to the sand and has a reddish hue. In addition, the stage of diathesis is accompanied by the appearance of echo-positive inclusions in the kidneys, the increase of oxalates, phosphates, and the addition of other kidney diseases.
Clinico-laboratory manifestations of mocheceal diathesis are associated with the impact of external factors - in particular, the water regime, diet, climatic conditions. Deficiency of water in the body causes a decrease in the excretion of fluid in the kidneys, and also leads to an increase in the density of urine, which affects the creation of favorable conditions for the process of crystallization of urates and oxalates.
Another mechanism of the development of mocheceal diathesis is associated with an increased amount of organic acids that enter the body with food. Thus, a diet rich in canned fish, meat dishes, beans, offal, cocoa, enhances purine metabolism and causes an increase in urate concentration, and a menu in which vegetables with a high concentration of oxalic acid predominate causes increased formation of oxalates.
Symptoms of the mochesial diathesis
Mochesiolic diathesis manifests itself in different ways, but more often at the initial stages of the pathological state the accumulation of salts in the kidneys does not cause discomfort. And only when the crystals of salt (urate, oxalate, phosphate, carbonate and other compounds) begin to move to the exit of the urinary system, irritation of the mucosa occurs, which leads to its inflammation.
Therefore, the main symptoms of mocheceal diathesis are, first of all, pain syndrome with urination and frequent urge to go to the toilet. In this case, the doses of excreted urine are scanty. Next, pulling pains of a cutting nature in the area of the kidneys, back and waist. Urine changes its color and composition, it has impurities of blood, possibly a rise in temperature (especially in pregnant women) because of the inflammatory process in the renal pelvis and urinary canals.
Of the other symptoms of mocheceal diathesis, nausea and vomiting, increased blood pressure and development of edema due to difficult fluid withdrawal from the body. The patient complains of irritability and frequent changes of mood, aggression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, thirst, attacks of strong palpitation. Also, the patient may experience constipation, loss of appetite, headaches (migraines), a general decline in strength. An important symptom is the smell of acetone from the mouth, as with intoxication.
At the stage of painful urination, you should immediately call your doctor and take all necessary tests (urine, blood, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder). About pathological processes in the kidneys are evidenced by pyelonephritis and cystitis, which often are "satellites" of mocheceal diathesis.
First signs
Mochesiola diathesis at the initial stage is asymptomatic, so a person does not even suspect a pathology and does not feel any discomfort. The appearance of acute symptoms is preceded by disruptions in the work of the digestive tract, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, irritability. The acute phase occurs when excessive accumulation in the kidneys of urate salts of uric acid.
The first signs are associated with the inflammatory process and are manifested in the form of frequent urge to go to the toilet and the occurrence of sharp pain in the lower back and kidney area. The pain is much worse with urination, which is associated with the excretion of salts through the ureters. These symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of cystitis and prostatitis in men. The patient may experience a sharp increase in temperature. An alarm signal is hematuria - the appearance of blood impurities in the urine, which indicates the accumulation and crystallization of salts in the body. In pregnant women, the symptoms of ailment are related to the fact that the kidneys are under great stress, because they have to infer the products of the vital activity of both the mother and the fetus.
To identify the pathology, the patient is prescribed tests and ultrasound, because on the basis of the symptoms of the investigative diseases, it is not always possible to diagnose mochyiol diathesis. The results of the urinalysis will show the excess of the amount of proteins and salts.
Complications and consequences
Mochesiol diathesis is a complex pathological process that provokes a qualitative and quantitative change in the composition of urine. At the same time there is abundant precipitation in the form of uric acid and urate, urine acquires a red shade.
The consequences of myocardial diathesis are rather unfavorable and most often lead to the appearance of gout (joint and tissue disease), which develops against the background of metabolic disturbances. The prerequisite for this condition is a wrong diet, overloaded with protein food and purine bases (meat, broths, beans, cocoa).
Increased acidity of urine leads to the loss of a large amount of uric acid and salts from urine. Crystals of uric acid and salts are deposited in various organs, as well as the tissues of the body due to the violation of metabolic processes. Such failures, in turn, cause the formation of nephrolithiasis (renal stone disease). Because of the mocheceal diathesis affects the joints and kidneys in which the deposition of salts of uric acid. In advanced cases, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, urolithiasis, urate nephropathy, interstitial nephritis develops.
Mochesiol diathesis is a consequence of an abnormal metabolism that occurs due to inadequate nutrition, a small amount of consumed fluid, an inflammatory process, and in most cases appears in people with a hereditary predisposition to kidney diseases.
Complications concern failures in the functioning of the whole organism and can arise in cases when the right time is not taken the necessary measures. Most often develop gout, urolithiasis or kidney failure. When the kidneys do not cope with the load, along with the urine (diuretic) diathesis, salt diathesis can occur, in which organic substances are found in the urine. Other complications are possible:
- mental disorder;
- dermatitis of allergic nature;
- disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract
- acute nephropathy.
Gout is one of the forms of myocardial diathesis, which develops as a result of a decrease in the amount of uric acid due to impaired renal function. In this case the joints of the limbs are affected (arthritis develops). This process is accompanied by redness of the skin, swelling of the joint, pain syndrome.
Newborns can have a uric acid infarction - a pathology in which urate appears in the urine of the child. This state is not dangerous and most often goes through a couple of weeks. The causes of uric acid infarction may be transient failures in the work of the kidneys, intestinal disorders, lack of fluid in the body.
Diagnostics of the mochesial diathesis
Mochesiol diathesis requires correct diagnosis on the basis of several diagnostic approaches: clinical (data of anamnesis and patient complaints), laboratory (analysis results) and instrumental (the use of various techniques and techniques for clarifying the features of the pathological process).
Diagnosis of mocheceal diathesis is performed by a urologist or nephrologist and, in addition to a detailed questioning of the patient, includes the following methods:
- the analysis of a blood general (allows to reveal presence of inflammatory process);
- a biochemical blood test (necessary for determining the concentration of uric acid);
- a blood test for pH;
- extensive and diurnal urinalysis;
- Ultrasound of internal organs (bladder, kidneys, ureters).
To accurately diagnose metabolic acidosis, i.e., disturbance of the acid-base balance in the body, additional examinations of the liver and lungs are required. After analyzing the data of medical research, the doctor will give the patient adequate treatment. Timely diagnosis is the most important step on the way to recovery, as it helps to prevent the development of a dangerous complication - urolithiasis - and to manage only conservative methods of treatment of mocheceal diathesis.
Mochesiolic diathesis has poor symptoms, which often leads to late diagnosis of the pathological condition, its transition to the stage of the development of diseases and the occurrence of complications.
When a patient contacts a urologist with complaints about symptoms that are characteristic of the lesions of the excretory system (bladder, urethra and kidneys), the doctor begins a diagnostic search and assigns the following tests:
- general urine analysis (for the detection of leukocytes, bacteria, erythrocytes, protein, salt inclusions);
- a general blood test (for indirect confirmation of the inflammatory process due to the presence of sand in the kidneys);
- biochemistry of blood (allows to reveal increase of creatinine and urea, decrease of plasma protein in the formation of renal failure);
- bacteriological analysis of urine (to identify the causative agent of infection);
- bacteriological analysis of blood (with complications and severe course of the disease);
- additional urine tests (according to Nechiporenko, Zemnitsky, etc.) to clarify the number of leukocytes and red blood cells and assess the function of the kidneys.
Based on the results of laboratory tests, the doctor evaluates the patient's condition, pathology, the presence of complications, acute and chronic forms of kidney disease. Then, an effective treatment regimen is designed to eliminate symptoms and restore body functions.
Instrumental diagnostics
Mochesiola diathesis is diagnosed with the help of complex methods that allow to reveal pathology, to determine the stage of development of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases.
Instrumental diagnosis involves the use of special equipment and is aimed not only at clarifying the diagnosis, but also to exclude suspicion of certain health problems. The "golden" standard of diagnosis is ultrasound of the kidneys and other organs of excretory system. Using ultrasound, you can identify:
- presence of sand in the kidneys;
- the presence of an inflammatory process;
- localization of stones and determination of their linear dimensions;
- degree of changes in renal tissue.
Excretory urography is an informative diagnostic method that allows you to objectively assess the functional properties of the kidneys. It is carried out by the method of introducing a contrast medium, after which a series of images is performed.
An overview radiography is assigned to the patient for the detection of excretory organs of radiopositive shadows in the projection, which indicate concrements (stones). Magnetic resonance urography is necessary to determine the level of obstruction of the urinary tract due to the presence of stones. A number of additional X-ray studies (according to indications) include: retrograde (ascending) ureteropyelography and antegrade pyelography.
Computer tomography is more sensitive than ultrasound. This method allows you to detail the anatomical and functional features of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as clarify the localization and structural density of the stones and identify possible abnormalities of the urinary tract and concomitant diseases of the abdominal cavity.
The appointment of a specific type of study and evaluation of results is in the competence of a medical specialist. The diagnosis requires taking into account all the data obtained - both clinical and laboratory-instrumental indicators.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Mochhesiol diathesis is a borderline condition that has symptoms similar to those of other diseases, especially at the stage of development of complications or associated complications.
Differential diagnosis is based on anamnesis and patient complaints, as well as laboratory data (in particular, clinical analysis of urine). The presence of an increased amount of uric acid can also be observed in cancer patients (leukemia). The increase and crystallization of calcium phosphates is found in patients with high acidity of the stomach, urinary tract infections, as well as rheumatic diseases, acute or chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, kidney tuberculosis, kidney development anomalies, spinal cord pathologies. With inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tracts, a mechanism of stagnation of urine is triggered, which can lead to the development of urolithiasis. "Obstacle" in the path of urine outflow is often a polyp or adenoma of the prostate gland.
When establishing the diagnosis of mocheceal diathesis, take into account the history and features of the clinical course of the disease in comparison with the results of a comprehensive medical examination of the patient.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the mochesial diathesis
Mochesiol diathesis is a feature of the human body producing uric acid. When it is produced in excess quantities, its crystals form insoluble compounds and urate stones in the tissues and organs of the excretory system. Such pathological changes are manifested when exposed to adverse factors (malnutrition, stress, concomitant diseases).
Treatment of mocheceal diathesis, first of all, is based on the observance of a diet that limits consumption of salt and proteins, and also significantly increases the daily intake of liquid. Prohibited to eat purine-containing foods (meat, poultry, fish, legumes, citrus fruits, cocoa, etc.).
Depending on the condition of the patient and the course of the pathological process, the doctor prescribes conservative methods of treatment - medicines whose effect is directed to the reduction of uric acid and alkalinization of urine (potassium citrate, Kalinor, Soluran, Urotsit). Effective action is provided by diuretic drugs that help to get rid of concentrated urine, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Also prescribed drugs that promote the inhibition of xanthine oxidase and prevent excessive formation of uric acid (eg, Allopurinol). Vitamin-mineral complexes are attributed to stimulate metabolic processes. In addition, homeopathic remedies and herbal preparations (Lycopodium, Kanefron N, Causticum) are prescribed.
If the pathological process provoked the development of gout, Colchicine is used to stop attacks. To facilitate the patient's condition, the following physiotherapy methods are used:
- ultraviolet irradiation;
- ultrasound therapy;
- magnetotherapy;
- laser and / or magnetic-laser therapy;
- singlet-oxygen method.
To achieve maximum results can be combined with several methods of treatment. If the kidneys still formed stones, and drug treatment is ineffective, it is the turn of surgical intervention.
Mochesiol diathesis is not an independent disease, therefore, there are no specific therapeutic methods aimed at its complete elimination. The treatment regimen deals with the relief of symptoms, and medications are prescribed to reduce the concentration of uric acid and the detection of concrements.
Drugs often used to control excess uric acid production:
- Asparks (excretes oxalates and urate salts from the body);
- Blemaren (splits uric acid and removes it with urine);
- Allopurinol (activates enzymes that are responsible for the hydrolysis of uric acid);
- Kanefron (increase the outflow of urine);
- Phytolysin, Urolesan (salt is excreted);
- Enterosorbents (Enterosgel);
- Vitamin-mineral complex preparations (optimize metabolic processes).
To dissolve concrements, a specialist can prescribe a Cystone or Phytolysin to a patient. However, the increase in daily diuresis (rinsing) is strictly contraindicated in detecting large stones, since diuretics can provoke obstruction of the urinary tract.
The need for a surgical operation arises only in the case when the mocheceola diathesis progresses to urolithiasis, which results in concrements of large sizes. It should be noted that even after removing sand and removing stones, there remains a tendency to their formation. Thus, the patient needs to adhere to a special diet for life and at least once a year to consult a doctor for repeated examinations.
Alternative treatment
Mochesiol diathesis requires an integrated approach to the elimination of symptoms and the relief of the patient's condition. The main goal of therapy is to reduce the concentration of uric acid.
Alternative treatment is reduced to eating foods that are able to alkalize the body: plant foods, fresh juices, vegetables and fruits, structured water. Diet is the basis for successful elimination of the disease, so the patient must clearly understand and follow a healthy diet.
Alternative medicine for the treatment of mochesial diathesis offers infusions and decoctions cooked on one vegetable component. You can use, for example, spores in crushed form (5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water - pour boiling water and store in a thermos, use throughout the day, treatment should be at least 1 week). Rhizome and parsley grease pour boiling water (1 dessert spoon of crushed raw materials for 1 glass of water), infuse for several hours and consumed within three days.
With phosphaturia and oxaluria, rosehips (roots, seeds, fruits), which can be added to herbal preparations, or prepare a separate infusion, will help. For this 2 tbsp. Spoons of rhizome should be crushed and pour a glass of boiling water, then boil for 15 minutes. And insist for two hours. Drink such a curative infusion is recommended all day through the straw, the course of treatment - 2 weeks.
For the preparation of herbal preparations suitable plants such as nettle, dandruff, yarrow (grass), celandine, corn stigmas, leaves of barberry. Phyto-mixtures are filled with water, insisted for a day, then boiled and taken in the form of tea.
Herbal Treatment
Mochesiol diathesis is successfully treated with medicinal herbs, which should be selected by a doctor. The main condition for herbal medicine - the absence of stones in the kidneys (diuretics in this case are strictly prohibited).
Herbal treatment is reduced to taking infusions and decoctions of the following plant components:
- sporish;
- Birch buds;
- corn silk;
- bear ears;
- St. John's wort;
- sorrel;
- rhubarb;
- hellebore, etc.
Marena dyeing, roots of buckthorn, jostler fruits, St. John's wort, roots of soap, horsetail herb contain anthraglycosides and saponins. Such herbs can be combined in the form of phyto-mixtures and take as decoctions and infusions for 1-2 weeks.
The following are recipes using medicinal plants:
- Dill (seeds (1 tbsp.) Are poured with boiling water (a glass) and insist for an hour, after which they are taken three times a day on a tablespoon).
- Cowberry (20 grams of leaves pour a glass of boiling water, then insist half an hour, take 1 tablespoon three times a day).
- Birch (leaves boil for 15 minutes, broth to insist half an hour, strain, take 50 grams during meals).
- Spore (1 tbsp pour a glass of hot boiled water, insist on a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool and strain, take a third cup before eating).
Collection of diuretic herbs is used to treat and prevent kidney diseases and most often includes juniper, parsley, nettle nettle, dog rose, birch leaves, spores. Diuretic herbs are part of renal teas for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. This is a turn, dog rose, dill, horsetail, burdock, lovage, parsley, nettle. In inflammatory processes, collections of chamomile flowers, juniper berries, dandelion root, horsetail, parsley seeds, nettle leaves, calendula, ayr root are used.
Well helps the following mixture: carrot seeds wild, horsetail field, grass, alternate in equal proportions, pour 2 tbsp. Boiling water and insist for a day. Take thrice a day before meals for 2 tablespoons. The course of treatment should be 4-5 weeks.
Pharmacy diuretic phytogens can not be taken in cases of elevated levels of gastric acidity, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, prostate adenoma.
Mochesiol diathesis is eliminated with the help of homeopathic remedies, which the doctor should prescribe. Self-medication can be dangerous, since plant substances with a diuretic effect can not be used in the presence of already formed stones.
Homeopathy with mochesian diathesis involves the use of the following drugs:
- Renal mixture Danica (stimulates immunity, has a diuretic, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, suppresses the growth of pathogenic flora and prevents the formation of urinary stones). The composition of the drug: juniper berries, grass spores, goldenrod, horsetail, hips, birch leaves and root of ayr.
- Urtica Urens (a drug based on nettle and reduces the amount of uric acid, removes sand, and also stops gout attacks).
- Sarsaparilla (Sarsaparilla) - eliminates the symptoms that accompany problems with the urinary system, in particular, tenderness when urinating.
- Benzoicum acidum (Benzoicum acidum) - is used for various diseases of excretory system, including renal failure.
- Ledum palustre (Ledum rosemary) - has well established itself as an effective agent that reduces uric acid; It is used for articular pathologies (gout).
- Kolhikum (a preparation on the basis of cesspool) - helps to remove inflammation, removes sand.
Separately, we can mention the preparation of Kanefron H, which is used for the complex treatment of urinary tract diseases, including the presence of kidney stones. The composition of the drug contains lovage, gold-hearted, rosemary. Its effect is multifaceted: it reduces the amount of protein, removes inflammation, has a diuretic property, eliminates spasms of the urinary tract, changes the acidity of urine.
Operative treatment
Mochesiol diathesis can be complicated by the formation of stones (urate, phosphate), which in some cases can be cleaved by the action of special medicines.
Operative treatment is used in neglected cases if it is impossible to crush stones with a medicamentous method because of their large size and the risk of blockage of the urinary ducts. Surgery can be performed in an open manner with urinary disorders and the need to remove the kidney or part of it. An alternative method is an endoscopic operation, by which less traumatic stone removal is achieved.
To date, non-invasive methods of treatment are used in surgery, suggesting that there is no full access to the organ. Such operations are performed by ultrasound or laser. The choice of the method of surgical intervention depends on the individual case and the state of health of the patient. Remote and endoscopic lithotripsy - modern methods of bloodless surgical intervention, which are based on the use of ultrasonic waves for crushing stones. The advantages of these methods of surgical treatment are the absence of a prolonged recovery period, as well as the possibility of conducting operations in patients with concomitant diseases.
Diet with mochesian diathesis
Mochesiol diathesis should be "treated" with proper nutrition, - this is the main goal of therapy. First of all, you should limit salt intake, take care of introducing various vitamins into the diet, use more liquid (2-2.5 liters).
The diet for mochexal diathesis should be based on enriching the diet with potassium salts, which reduce the concentration of uric acid and urates, and also have an effective diuretic effect. Foods rich in calcium are milk, kefir and cottage cheese, as well as fresh fruits and berries, mineral alkaline waters (like Borjomi).
It is necessary to exclude fatty foods - meat and broths, sausages, fish dishes, smoked products. You should give up strong tea and coffee, cocoa and chocolate. From the useful products you can note sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, juices, fruit drinks and compotes of dried fruits.
Patients with problems in the work of the urinary system are prescribed diet No. 6, which includes the use of the following products:
- bread (wheat white / gray, salt-free);
- milk (dry, whole, condensed);
- lactic acid products: cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt, sour cream and cream;
- soups (vegetable and with cereals, fruit, dairy);
- borscht and beetroot;
- pasta;
- low-fat fish in boiled and baked form;
- low-fat pork, beef, veal, lamb (boiled, baked);
- cereals (any);
- sauces (dairy, vegetable, sour cream);
- biscuit.
Approximate diet menu for mochexual diathesis:
- Breakfast № 1: curd (or bread with butter), vegetable salad, tea with milk.
- Breakfast number 2: porridge buckwheat or other (you can with milk), compote of dried fruits.
- Lunch: borscht with sour cream, boiled potatoes, baked fish, freshly squeezed fruit juice.
- Dinner # 1: rice bits with sauce, vegetable salad, berry jelly.
- Dinner # 2: dry biscuits, broth of wild rose (you can with honey).
So, with mochesial diathesis and kidney problems, it is recommended to prefer milk-vegetable diet.
Mochesiol diathesis and its complications are easier to prevent, first of all, by observing a strict diet with low-fat meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, milk, etc. If this problem is identified, the doctor will prescribe a diet after a complete examination of the patient.
Prevention of the disease includes the rejection of smoked and fried foods, salty and fatty foods, rich meat broths, coffee, strong tea, cocoa. Dishes should be boiled, baked in the oven or stewed. In hot weather, the use of soda water is not recommended. It is better to drink plain water, mors, compote from dried fruits, juices from fruits and berries.
Measures to prevent mocheoleic diathesis also include:
- timely diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases;
- refusal from bad habits (the use of alcoholic drinks);
- dosing of physical activity;
- resistance to stress;
- normalization of the working and rest regime;
- limiting intake of salt and protein foods;
- healthy, mobile way of life.
Unfortunately, there are hereditary factors in the development of mocheceal diathesis, which a person can not influence. However, everyone should remember about the general rules of conducting a healthy lifestyle.
Mochesiol diathesis under normal conditions of life and proper, rational nutrition may not manifest itself. If the diagnosis is still established, and timely measures are taken to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and treat pathology, the prognosis is very favorable. In unopened cases, the patient will be assigned conservative treatment.
In the severe course of the disease with the appearance of stones and the development of pathology in urolithiasis, surgical intervention with subsequent systematic treatment of pyelonephritis is indicated. With minor violations of the process of urinary outflow and the detection of small stones after the surgical operation, the patient is shown sanatorium treatment. The most difficult situations, when in the organs of the excretory system of a person there are multiple stones with complications in the form of chronic kidney failure. Lethal outcome is possible in case of untimely treatment of the patient with an acute attack.
Mochhesiol diathesis requires the attentive attitude of the patient to the lifestyle and diet, as well as the state of health. If the first symptoms of kidney disease appear, it is necessary to undergo an urgent medical examination and not to engage in self-medication.