Treatment of pneumosclerosis: basic principles
Last reviewed: 07.02.2024

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In modern pulmonology, the treatment of pneumosclerosis is associated with certain difficulties, since with the generality of symptoms, pneumosclerosis is a polyethylene disease. However, it is impossible to emphasize efforts to eliminate the causative factor of this pathology due to the almost complete irreversibility of fibrotic changes in the lungs.
Therefore, the treatment of pneumosclerosis, mainly symptomatic, aimed at eliminating the foci of inflammation and maintaining the function of the respiratory system of patients with this diagnosis.
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Treatment of pneumosclerosis: pharmacological agents and non-pharmacological methods
Treatment of pneumosclerosis with pharmacological drugs is aimed at combating its manifestations. And the symptoms of pneumosclerosis are often the same as with the diseases that most often cause it - bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, etc.
The emergence of bacterial inflammation entirely justifies the use of antibiotics, among which doctors prefer the appointment of oletetrine in combination with sulfanilamide preparations (Sulfapyridazine) in standard doses; Amoxicillin (Augmentin) - three times a day for 500 mg (after meals) for five days; Azithromycin (Sumameda) - on the first day of 0.5 g (once, one hour before meals) and for another four days to 0.25 g. Ciprofloxacin (Tsifran, Cyprinol, etc.) is effective in such cases, and it is recommended to take it for 0.25-0.5 g twice daily for a minimum of five days.
When coughing associated with exacerbation of bronchitis or pneumonia, such expectorants as Acetylcysteine (Fluimutsil, ACTS) - 0.2 g three times a day; Bromhexine (8-16 mg 3-4 times a day) or Ambrohexal (Ambroxol, Lazolvan, etc.) - on a tablet 2-3 times a day (after a meal).
With exacerbation of inflammation, the treatment of radical pneumosclerosis, when the proliferation of fibrous tissues occurs in the basal parts of the lungs, is carried out in a similar way.
The consequence of a decrease in the elasticity of the lung tissue in focal pneumosclerosis is often problems with blood circulation and heart failure. Then treatment of pneumosclerosis should include cardiac glycosides and potassium preparations. Tincture of hawthorn, lily of the valley or drops Corvalol used 20-25 drops inside (before eating) three times a day. Preparations Digoxin or Celanide is prescribed by one tablet (0.25 g) three times a day. To reduce the load on the heart and expand the lumen of the blood vessels, you can use Nitroglycerin - a 0.5 mg tablet under the tongue. And among the potassium drugs most often doctors recommend Asparks (potassium and magnesium asparaginate, Panangin ) - one tablet three times a day (after meals).
If patients with pneumosclerosis have an allergic component, antihistamines should be prescribed, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil - on a tablet (0.25 g) 2-3 times a day after eating.
To improve the condition and well-being of patients with this pathology, such physiotherapeutic procedures as UHF of the thorax, iontophoresis (with calcium chloride), ultrasound, diadynamic currents (in the absence of acute inflammation), as well as oxygen and aeroionotherapy (30 minutes per day) . In addition, special breathing exercises are very useful for improving respiratory function.
Treatment of diffuse pneumosclerosis
Diffusive pneumosclerosis, in which fibrotic changes in lung tissue affect large areas, the lungs become denser and smaller in volume, their blood supply worsens, it is more difficult to treat than regional pneumosclerosis.
The main principle on which the treatment of diffuse pneumosclerosis is based is to maintain the functioning of the respiratory system at the level closest to the physiological one, and thereby keep the patient's ability to breathe.
Patients with diffuse pneumosclerosis must be prescribed glucocorticosteroids, most often Prednisolone in tableted form: during the first three months of 1 mg for each kilogram of body weight (but not more than 100 mg per day), another three months - 0.5 mg per kilogram of weight, the next six months - 0.25 mg. The total duration of treatment of diffuse pneumosclerosis Prednisolone is 12 months, but may be longer.
Treatment of diffuse pneumosclerosis can be performed with the help of such an immunosuppressant drug with a cytostatic effect, such as Azathioprine (Azanine, Azamun, Imuran), which is usually taken in parallel with glucocorticosteroids. The standard daily dosage of Azathioprine is 1-1.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, the individual dose is determined by the doctor depending on the condition; Systematic control of blood composition is mandatory. It is not yet clear whether such a treatment method can slow down the transformation of normal lung tissue cells into fibroblasts.
Exceptionally, under the constant supervision of the attending physician and with the control of the blood and urine composition, a drug that interferes with the synthesis of collagen in the body - Penicillamine is prescribed. Dosage is determined depending on the degree of lung damage: 125-250 mg per day (four times), one hour before or two hours after a meal. The use of this drug should be accompanied by an additional intake of vitamin B6.
To soften the fibrinous formations and dilute viscous exudates, proteolytic enzyme preparations Trypsin, Lidase, and Fibrinolysin, which are used by inhalation, contribute.
When the diffuse form of pneumosclerosis often increases the pressure in the pulmonary artery, which leads to an increase in the right ventricle of the heart and its insufficiency. And this, in turn, causes stagnation of blood in a large circle of blood circulation with inevitable negative consequences. Therefore, in therapy, so-called calcium ion antagonists are used, which adapt myocardial work in conditions of lack of oxygen, help to cure spasms in the vessels of the small circle of blood circulation, and help relax the muscles of the respiratory apparatus. Amlodipine (Normodipine, Norvax, Corvadil, etc.) is usually prescribed at 2.5-5 mg once a day. Preparation Nifedipine (Cordipin, Corinfar, Nifecard, etc.) - 0.01-0.02 g 1-2 times a day (after eating).
Improve the microcirculation and oxygen supply of the myocardium, and also increase the total blood oxygenation of Captopril and Pentoxifylline (Trental). So, Captopril in the form of tablets is prescribed at 25 mg twice a day (about an hour before a meal).
Also, with diffuse pneumosclerosis, you need to take vitamins C, B1, B6, E, P, PP.
In the case of necrosis of lung tissue, treatment of pneumosclerosis requires surgical intervention - removal of the affected part of the organ.
According to the US Medical Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2013), research and clinical trials on the treatment of pneumosclerosis with mesenchymal stem cells that contribute to the restoration of lung tissue continue.
Treatment of pneumosclerosis with alternative means
Symptomatic treatment of pneumosclerosis with alternative means uses such medicinal plants with expectorant effect, such as thyme, coltsfoot, oregano, sweet clover, three-tone violet, plantain large, elecampane, black elderberry (flowers), licorice root nude and althaea. Of these, broths or infusions are prepared (the usual proportion is a tablespoon of dry raw material per glass of water), which I drink 50-100 ml three times a day. From the leaves of eucalyptus and pine buds make a decoction for steam inhalations.
There is a recipe for oat broth, which herbalists recommend taking with this disease. For its preparation, whole oat grains (two tablespoons) should be washed and cooked in a liter of water for 40-50 minutes (on a slow fire, under the lid); broth strain, cool and drink 150 ml three times a day.
Wine and honey tincture with aloe is also recommended : for 250 ml of red dry wine one takes a tablespoon of liquid buckwheat or may honey and 80-100 ml of aloe juice. Before you squeeze juice from the leaves of the century, they must be kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for at least 10 days. The tincture will be ready for use 7-10 days after the combination of all the ingredients, and take this remedy on a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
Treatment of diffuse pneumosclerosis with alternative agents is recommended to be carried out with tincture of nettle dioecious: about half a liter of vodka you need about 250 grams of fresh nettle leaves. Leaves finely chopped and poured with vodka, insist in a dark place for a week; Drink a teaspoon before meals three times a day.
Good removes swelling of the lung tissue of heather, sweet clover, St. John's wort, nettle, wheat grass. You can combine these medicinal plants with leaves of plantain, strawberry, black currant and hips.
Improve blood microcirculation in lung tissue napar from a mixture of chamomile, sweet clover, nettle nettle, horsetail and birch buds (in equal amounts). A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of steep boiling water, the container is tightly closed and wrapped for 1.5-2 hours. After filtering napar is taken on two tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
The treatment of diffuse pneumosclerosis is also complicated by the fact that the pathological replacement of pulmonary fibrotic tissue - with the gradual increase of dyspnea followed by bouts of annoying dry cough, wheezing, chest pain - may be a result of tuberculosis, syphilis, pneumoconiosis (lung infection by inhalable industrial dust), radiation exposure , granulomatous lung diseases, collagenoses, systemic scleroderma and other autoimmune diseases. So only doctors-pulmonologists can prescribe the correct treatment of pneumosclerosis.
More information of the treatment