Ultrafrequency therapy (UHF therapy)
Last reviewed: 18.10.2021
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Ultrafrequency therapy (UHF therapy) is a method of local action of the corresponding parameters by an alternating electric field, carried out by means of two condenser electrodes located at certain distances of the patient's body at a distance of 0.5-2 or 3-4 cm.
Ultrahigh-frequency therapy (UHF-therapy) uses the frequency of the alternating electric field used by physiotherapy equipment, 27.12 + 0.16 MHz or 40.68 ± 0.02 MHz; Input power of devices from 5 to 350 watts.
The features of the action of the factor are the manifestation of thermal and nonthermal effects.
The formation of endogenous heat in the body (thermal effect) is associated with the effect of an alternating electric field of maximum and average power with the help of UHF-therapy apparatus. This effect is due to the conversion of the energy of the electric field into thermal energy due to high-frequency vibrational displacements of protein molecules and subcellular structures and the resulting considerable friction, as well as due to the mechanical motion of ions in a viscous medium.
A nonthermal effect arises when an alternating electric field of small and super-low power is applied. It is caused by electrodynamic changes in tissues and organs (electrical polarization, bioelectret effect, occurrence of conduction currents), their subsequent information transformations and all further reactions and processes.
The main clinical effects of ultra-high-frequency therapy (UHF therapy) are: anti-inflammatory, secretory, vasodilating, myorelaxing, trophic.
Equipment: Screen-1, Screen-2, Impulse-2, Im-pulse-3, UHF-66-2, UHF-30-2, UHF-59-OB , "Ustye", "UHF-80-3", "Undaterm", "UHF-5-1", "Miniterm".
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