

List Pain – P

Pain in the pelvic muscles can be due to various reasons, this is due to the complex structure and variety of the muscles of the pelvic region. Some of them begin directly from the spine and are attached directly to the pelvic bones, so the muscular syndromes can be both vertebral and pelvic.
Among doctors, it is commonly believed that pelvic pain is the most difficult for correct and rapid diagnosis, as it can be caused by a variety of causes.
Quite often in the offices of gynecologists, women complain of pain in the ovaries during pregnancy. The causes of such sensations may be different. Let's try to figure out when you should not panic, and when you need to be sure to raise the alarm.
In the modern world, women are not subject to the stress inherent in their nature - psychological and physical. This primarily affects the reproductive system of the body - which can be signaled by pain in the ovaries.
Pain in the ovary region is due to various causes, including, as a result of cystic formations, inflammatory and adhesive processes.
Pain in the nose you will notice right away. If with the painful sensations in the back, legs or hands, people, as a rule, can be reconciled to the last, when it comes to the face, it's definitely not worth it.
Often after delivery, the newly mummy realizes that breastfeeding brings her pain in her nipples. Deciding that it should be so, Mom shows heroic patience. But to suffer pain in the nipples of the breast when feeding is in no case impossible.
Pain in the nerves, or the so-called neuralgia, is a neurological disease that occurs for a variety of reasons (inflammation, trauma, intervertebral hernia, infection) and is characterized by pain along the nerve, numbness and burning sensation.
No matter what manner of life is led by this or that person, we all sometimes feel pain in the neck on the right. Its nature is varied, as well as the reasons for its occurrence.
Probably, each of us several times in life is faced with such an unpleasant sensation as the pain in the neck on the left. Such pain is varied and causes it for a number of reasons.
Many parents mistakenly believe that the complaints of their children about neck pain are a manifestation of childish whims or, at worst, the consequences of some minor bruise.
Pain in the neck is a pretty unpleasant phenomenon that can overtake everyone. Let's look at why there is pain in the neck, what it is like, how to correctly diagnose and treat it.
Gynecologists repeatedly hear complaints of pain in the navel during pregnancy. Naturally stretching the muscles on the stomach can cause uncomfortable sensations of the navel zone.
Pain in the nail can bring a lot of problems and turn into unpleasant consequences for those who ignore it. But a certain percentage of patients do so, believing that the pain will pass by itself, or engaged in self-medication, using "grandmother" methods. Many people generally ask why we need these horny plates at the ends of the fingers?
Pain in the muscles of the thigh can appear as a result of heavy physical overloads, and in independence from them. The main symptoms are pain (both permanent and periodic, often in the mornings), which can be accompanied by limited mobility, given to the groin area, to the legs. Also, pain in the muscles of the thigh can result from the irradiation of pain from the lumbar region in the presence of pathologies of the vertebral column
One of the most common pain symptoms related to the upper part of the musculoskeletal system is a pain in the muscles of the shoulder. Painful sensations can be associated with inflammation of bone tissue, joints, but more often they are directly caused by the pathology of periarticular structures - ligaments, muscles, tendons.
Painful sensations in the muscles, myalgia, as a symptomatic phenomenon is not well understood, especially pain in the muscles of the scapula. Until now, the muscle pain symptom is referred to either vertebrogenic diseases or neurologic, that is, it is associated with radiculopathy, spondylarthrosis, osteochondrosis and so on.
Given that the straight muscle is structured so that its fibers form coveted "cubes", most often the pain in the muscles of the press arises precisely in it.
Pain in the muscles of the neck, or cervicalgia, is located exclusively in the neck muscles and does not irradiate to other parts of the body, arises in connection with the lesion of the cervical spine or muscles in this area.
Pain in the muscles of the hands appears in times of extreme fatigue from physical overstrain or as a consequence of the development of one of many diseases.


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