

List Pain – P

Tens of millions of people around the world suffer from periodic or chronic pain throughout the body, which lasts more than six months. Pain can be mild or painful, episodic or permanent, simply discomforting or completely disabling. With chronic pain throughout the body, pain signals remain active for the nervous system for weeks, months, or even years.
The pain in the vertex can be the result of the injury. If the traumatic factor is excluded, the causes of the pain may be as follows:
In all systems of the human body from the spinal cord are nerve endings, so the pain in the vertebrae, signaling the violation of the spine, causes a number of diseases.
If there is pain in the veins, this is a very serious statement from the circulatory system of the body.
If the pain in the uterus does not appear on the background of pregnancy? How and why can the uterus itself ache, and how does this affect the entire female body? These questions, as well as a number of accompanying them, we will try to answer and identify the causes of all possible uterine ailments.
Pain in the urethra begins to bother, most often, in cases of infection.
Man is a strong being who is capable of bravely enduring various difficulties, inconveniences and even pain. But, if it is a pain in the urethra - then it becomes no laughter to anyone.
When there is pain in the upper back, you need to be careful not to engage in self-medication, because this can be a symptom of a variety of diseases.
Pain in the trapezius muscle is one of the most common pain syndromes, it is in this zone that most often there are overvoltage points.
Pain in the toes, like any other kind of pain, primarily requires detailed diagnosis to determine the cause.
Despite the small size, the thyroid gland is fairly considered one of the most important "workers" of the endocrine system. If it is healthy, then we do not take in the alertness of the mind, the ease of movement, the positive mood and even the harmony of the figure. About that it is unhealthy, with a high degree of reliability can only tell the analysis of the level of hormones in the blood, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, radiography with the use of radioactive iodine, in some cases prescribe a biopsy.
Pain in the thumb can be a manifestation of serious diseases that need to be treated in a hospital - at home can not cope.
When the big toe hurts, it's not just pain, but a warning about leg ailments that need to be treated.
Pain in the muscles of the throat is a complex, variable symptom that is not specific, that is, indicating a specific disease. Complaints of sore throat and larynx muscles are considered to be one of the most common in medical practice, however, in order to determine their cause, it is required to clarify the nature of the symptom and conduct certain diagnostic actions.
Pain in the thoracic spine is often perceived as a pain in the heart or a man waving his hand: "Ah, I just catch a cold, it will go away!" But in fact, the pain in the thoracic spine can be a signal of many diseases that we do not even know about.
Unbearable, nauseating and absolutely exhausting pain in the testicles is the nightmare of every man. It does not matter how old you are, and what color your skin - even the "hardest nuts" can sometimes crack with pain.
Doctors, neuropathologists, leading the reception, often face complaints of pain in the temples.
Temporal pain can disturb a person in different forms. They can affect the temple on the left, the temple on the right or can hurt from both sides of the head. The pain can be acute or dull, short-term or prolonged. To choose an adequate treatment, it is important to know the causes of pain in the temples.
Most of us at some point in our lives suffer from tooth sensitivity or tooth pain. When a dentist tries to find a source of pain, he uses the differential diagnosis method.
Pain in the stomach during pregnancy is called gastralgia. It can occur for various reasons, including poisoning, hormonal adjustment, stress, and malnutrition. Pain in the stomach during pregnancy is dangerous for a woman because she may have intestinal spasms, which means that the uterus can tonify and this can result in miscarriage.


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