

List Pain – P

Pain in the lower back is perhaps one of the most common health problems caused by technological advances and computerization. A characteristic feature of modern patients is their age: painful sensations in the back are increasingly complained not so much by older people as by teenagers and people 30-50 years old who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer.
Pain in the lower abdomen with menstruation, also called algodismenoreia, is familiar to half of the girls who have reached the age of 12-13 years. She forces the girls to suffer, swear with their close people in small things, regret their involvement in the beautiful sex. How does this scourge of the whole fair sex appear and how to reduce their monthly suffering?
The pain in the lower abdomen on the right is more often experienced by women than by men. This is explained by the physiological characteristics, the anatomical structure of the body and the like. But, this does not mean that the severity of the pain in men is less than that of women.
The pain in the lower abdomen on the left can talk about problems with the kidneys or intestines. To say is unambiguously difficult, because it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination.
Pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back is a phenomenon that is troubled by more than a dozen people. However, unfortunately, many people prefer to pretend that they do not exist, or think that they will pass and will not happen again.
Pain in the liver is a fairly common phenomenon and it can occur in the elderly, in young people and even in children. In this case, such pain can be a sign of a serious disease of the internal organs, and may arise in some normal physiological processes and not indicate any pathology.
Pain in the little finger can be associated with pressure on the nerve in the area of the wrist or elbow. The main cause of pain is most often an ulnar or radial tunnel syndrome.
Pain in the legs when walking is familiar, perhaps, with rare exception to each of us. If people of old age used to complain about it, now among middle-aged people who turn to doctors with similar complaints, even middle-aged people, or even very young ones, 20-25-year-olds are more and more often. The heaviness and pain can arise both during walking and at rest.
Pain in the legs, depending on the origin and accompanying symptoms, may appear not only as a result of fatigue and physical exertion, but also due to various diseases.
Pain in the left testicle can appear at any age - be a man a child, a teenager or an adult. The testicles, or testes, are called the male sex glands. Both testicles, left and right, are located in the male scrotum on both sides, respectively.
The abdomen, unlike the spleen, heart or liver, is not an independent organ - it is the container of the most diverse structures, tissues, other organs, etc. It is easy to guess - the pain in the left side of the abdomen, as, in fact, in its other parts, can be provoked by one of the many components that are in the stomach.
Pain in the left side during pregnancy should immediately alert the woman, as the cause of such pain can be a huge number of diseases.
Pain in the left shoulder is often caused by excessive physical exertion, fraught with inflammatory processes. Inflammatory currents, in turn, provoke articular effusion, local edema and even to minor ruptures of muscles and tendons that span the shoulder joint.
Pain in the left scapula often, but not always, is a consequence of a disease like osteochondrosis, as many believe. To establish the exact diagnosis by means of available analyzes and indications of the patient even to the skilled or experienced doctor often it is possible not from the first attempt.
Pain in the left ovary - a paired female organ in which viable eggs are formed, and hormone production occurs that regulates the entire reproductive female system - can occur for a number of reasons.
The pain in the left leg accompanies a lot of people throughout their life. Some prefer to endure pain or self-medicate, while others are more rational - they go to medical institutions for medical help. The earlier it is possible to identify the cause of the pain, the less prolonged and less difficult will be the treatment.
It is quite difficult to diagnose pain in the left kidney, since it can easily be confused with pain arising in the large intestine or spleen located on the left side of the body.
The causes that cause pain in the left hand can be many. Painful sensations can spread all over the hand or concentrate in a certain place. Depending on the disease, the pain can be pulsating or monotonous, constant or periodic, shooting or piercing, blunt or acute, with a burning sensation and without it, paroxysmal and entails numbness.
Pain in the left chest is only in some cases associated with heart disease. The human body due to the nervous system is one. Nerve processes extending from a single trunk, are connected simultaneously with several internal organs, such as the heart, liver, stomach.
The most serious and common diseases of the larynx include laryngitis, croup (diphtheria), neoplasms on ligaments and cancer. What causes pain in the larynx, what are the symptoms of larynx diseases and how to treat them?


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