

List Pain – P

Pain in the right ovary can not be a false signal. Sometimes it is caused by a mild ailment, which itself can be eliminated, and sometimes it is a "cry" for the help of the body.
Pain in the right lung speaks about the existing problem of the body. And this is not always a disease of the respiratory system. Pain can be caused by neurological diseases (neuralgia), pathology of the digestive system, problems with bones (osteochondrosis).
Most often, both legs hurt, but sometimes there is pain in the right leg, which can be due to a variety of causes - diseases of the bone or vascular system, a pain symptom may indicate trauma, venous congestion or deformity of the spinal column.
Pain in the right kidney is a signal indicating a developing pathological process, either in the renal system itself or in nearby organs. Anatomically, the right kidney differs from the left only in its location; it is located slightly below, under the liver.
Pain in the right hand in clinical practice is often called right-sided brachialgia (from the Greek words - brachion - shoulder and algos - sore, pain). This is a common complaint, which is one of many manifestations of the underlying disease causing pain.
Let's see what the pain receptors signal when we feel pain in the right chest. Immediately clarify that the "chest" - a concept that is widely varied in everyday life. If you stick to the concepts of human anatomy, then this is one of the parts of the body formed by the sternum, ribs, spine and muscles, that is, the chest (in Latin - compages thoracis).
Pain in the ribs is a symptom that is characterized by the appearance of pain in the chest, and more specifically, in bones of an arcuate shape, adjacent to or between the vertebral column. If there is pain in the ribs, first of all, it is necessary to establish its cause.
Pain in the rib area can be a signal of many diseases. The term "pain in the region" of the ribs or "pain in the ribs" denotes discomfort sensations directly in the tissue of paired arcuate bones, that is, in the walls of the chest.
According to statistics, pain in the heart is the most common reason for people to go to the ambulance service. However, often this symptom is not at all a sign of a violation in the work of the main muscle of the human body.
Pain in the coccyx may be pressing, may be accompanied by tingling, burning, irradiating in the perineum, in the groin, buttocks, rectum or thighs. If the variant of traumatization is excluded, the following can be the reasons causing pain:
The pain in the rectum can manifest itself quite diverse, in some cases it is blurred and indistinctly expressed. Discomfort in the rectum is often accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, abdominal distention, foreign body sensation in the anus, bloody, purulent or mucous discharge, itching in the perineum.
The pubic bone is one of the components of the pelvic bone. It is paired and, combining a cartilaginous disc, the bones form a symphysis (lonnoe articulation). Pain in the pubic bone often causes the ongoing pathological processes in the joint, and not in the soft tissues.
Pain in the pubic area can be caused by a number of reasons, many of which are not associated with pathologies or injuries. Mons pubis - the so-called pubic tubercle, which is in both men and women.
The role of the prostate is to develop substances that contribute to the process of maturation of sperm with the maintenance of the active state of spermatozoa. The gland is connected with all the organs of the small pelvis by the means of the nerve pathways, which often causes pain in the prostate.
Discomfort sensations in the epigastric / epigastric zone (the area below the xiphoid process, corresponding to the projection of the stomach on the wall of the peritoneum) is commonly called pain in the pit of the stomach.
Pain in the periosteum is a typical illness that many sportsmen face, however, this does not mean that if you do not seriously engage in any sport, it guarantees you against such painful sensations.
Pain in the perineum is peculiar to people, regardless of their age and sexual characteristics, as its nature can be completely different. In addition, pain symptoms can be accompanied by other signs of a disease, for example, problems with urination.
Very often pain in the penis is manifested in the process of erection, as a result of trauma, stagnation, circulatory disorders, drug treatment.
Pain in the penis in the first place can be caused by trauma. Even minor damage can provoke a very severe pain syndrome. With bruises of the penis, there is a hemorrhage in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, there is swelling and blackening. If a fracture occurred in the cavernous bodies (they enter the structure of the erectile tissue of the penis), then the blood accumulated in the subcutaneous tissues extends to the area of the scrotum, the surface of the thighs.
Due to the fact that the reasons for the pain in the pelvis, there may be a great many, many doctors consider the diagnosis of diseases for such a primary symptom quite difficult.


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