

List Pain – P

Practically in all tissue structures of the forearm, including the periosteum, there are many sensitive receptors, respectively, pain in the muscles of the forearm can be caused by any factor relating to this part of the body.
In order to classify the pain in the muscles of the chest requires a complex, comprehensive diagnosis, including specific anatomical, topographic designations of the localization of pain.
Pain in the back muscles, in some people, can be a consequence of the usual physical fatigue, a long stay in an uncomfortable, or as the physiologists say, in an unnatural physiological posture.
Muscle pain during pregnancy is considered an inevitable phenomenon associated with natural processes, the change in the work of many organs and systems.
Muscle pain, or muscle pain, is a common problem that can occur even at a young age.
The pain in the mouth can be worse than the standard inconvenience. If its signs are not reduced to only one bad appetite, it can be a symptom of a serious illness that can threaten your life. Pain in the mouth requires serious attention from the doctor, especially if it occurs in seriously ill or elderly patients.
Mole, or birthmark (nevus) is a congenital malformation of the skin. Also birthmark can be acquired throughout the life of a tumor of a benign composition that are of a viral nature. If you have pain in the mole, it is better to immediately seek medical advice from a doctor.
For many women, painful menstruation is common, but when there is pain in the middle of the cycle, it becomes a signal to call a gynecologist.
Pain in the chewing muscle is its dysfunction caused by various causes, the most important of which is a constant, almost round-the-clock load, which results in the development of pathological muscle hypotrophy or spasm.
Pain in the mammary gland is just the case when you need to plan for a doctor as soon as possible. In a healthy state, the body of a woman, if she should feel pain, then only from love torments or spiritual disappointments, all other pains are the result of the development of a disease, to which one should pay close attention and take emergency measures.
The most common pain in the lymph nodes occurs due to damage to the body of any kind of infection. Enlargement of lymph nodes can report the presence of serious diseases, ranging from normal influenza or angina and ending with rare types of diseases, for example, leukemia.
Pain in the lungs with deep inhalation, sneezing or coughing may appear not only as a result of pathology of the respiratory organs or disorders in the pericardial zone, but also as a result of diseases and injuries of the spine, rib cage, and neuralgia. Pain sensations in this case are mainly localized from the right or left side of the chest, can manifest with varying frequency, be blunt or acute.
Pain in the lungs when running or cycling should force the athlete to stop exercising and make every effort to determine the cause of this pain without panicking. Intense loads often reveal serious diseases, which the person previously had no idea. Knowingly in clinics (on an exercise bike or a treadmill) stress tests are conducted, allowing the doctor to reveal the hidden cardiological problems of the patient.
Pain in the lungs after pneumonia - what could be the reason? And the reason often lies in the inadequate attention to one's health. Often, we do not even think about the consequences of pneumonia, not treated or transferred on foot, and the ignored rules of rehabilitation after pneumonia.
Pain in the lungs is a relative term, since the lungs can not hurt. The alveolar apparatus, or the parenchyma of the lungs, simply does not contain nerve endings. The lungs are located in the thoracic cavity and occupy it almost entirely, so it is quite natural that the pain that arises in other, sensitive organs, we take for pain in the lungs.
Pain in the lumbar spine at least once in a lifetime there is almost every person. It is this department that receives the maximum load and changes in it are quite common.
Pain in the lower back is familiar to every person, few of those who have not encountered it. Sometimes it is enough to spend a long time in the sitting position to have a pain in the lower back.
WHO statistics show that pain in the lumbar muscles at different periods of life, in varying degrees of intensity, is experienced by 90% of people, that is, practically every one of us.
Pain in the lower leg usually occurs during or immediately after a change in the degree of activity, such as running for long distances. Although the term "shin pain" is often used, it is not a specific medical diagnosis, but a symptom of various diseases. Where do the shin pain come from and what are their causes?
Pain in the lower jaw occurs with diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, throat diseases, mechanical damage, when infected with pathogens.


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