Pain in the middle of the cycle
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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For many women, painful menstruation is common, but when there is pain in the middle of the cycle, it becomes a signal to call a gynecologist. Statistics state that almost one in five women can feel such pain inside the pelvic bone in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle. How to determine when the middle comes? For this, it is necessary to count two weeks before the first day of menstruation.
Why does the woman feel pain in the middle of the cycle?
The main reason for the pain in the middle of the cycle is painful ovulation. Such an absolutely physiological phenomenon can not be considered a pathology and is a common feature of how the female reproductive system is arranged. Painful ovulation does not affect the possibility of developing other diseases in terms of gynecology. Why does it feel like pain during ovulation? The fact is that during the "birth" of the egg there is quite a slight bleeding from the ovary. It also causes irritation of the abdominal wall, which inevitably leads to the onset of pain. After a while, such bleeding is completely absorbed. And the degree of bleeding and how much the woman feels strong pain in this case depends on the characteristics of each individual organism or the presence of various gynecological diseases or pathologies.
In the event that a woman's menstrual cycle is regular and is 28 days, then exactly on the 14th day from the moment of the onset of menstruation, painful sensations can arise. The place of their localization can change every month - once to the right, another time to the left. This is because, in different months, both ovaries can take turns in performing their basic functions. But, also, pain can occur in the middle of several cycles in the same place. The nature of this pain is easily recognizable for every woman, because she feels like her in the first days of the beginning of menstruation. Depending on the individual characteristics of each individual woman, such pain is dull, and sometimes very acute. By time, pain can last throughout the day, but still more often they go through a few minutes or hours after the onset. But even if the pain in the middle of the cycle lasts all day, as a rule, it does not cause a special panic, since it is not too intense.
What to do if it hurts too much
Sometimes there are cases when the pain in the middle of the cycle becomes really very strong and the woman finds it difficult to tolerate it. If you have even the slightest suspicion that such pain can indicate the presence in the body of a disease or simply do not have any strength to endure - contact for consultation with your doctor gynecologist. The first thing a doctor should do is check whether your painful sensations are really related to the process of ovulation. To do this, you will need to undergo some research, and also introduce a doctor in the course of all the features of your menstrual cycle. If you are carrying a personal menstrual calendar, then additionally mark in it those days when there is pain in the middle of the cycle - this information will be very useful for you at a gynecologist's appointment. Well, if you do not have such a calendar yet - correct this situation and be sure to get this easy and simple controller of the cycle.
After the results of the research came and the doctor has every reason to make your diagnosis sound like "intermenstrual pain associated with ovulation," you can apply any measures to alleviate it. Sometimes oral contraceptives are used (contraceptive pills, as they are commonly called in the people). In the event that you are already protected during intercourse, this appointment is especially suitable for you - at the same time you will be able to control the process of procreation and get rid of painful ovulation.
But, a big mistake can be self-medication or an attempt to diagnose yourself on your own. The fact is that the pain in the middle of the cycle can also be a symptom of complex diseases or inflammatory processes in other, neighboring organs. For example, such sensations can arise with appendicitis. And in that case, procrastination is really like death. Remember, if the pain in the lower abdomen becomes unbearably violent, lasts longer than a day and can be accompanied by fever and nausea - immediately call an ambulance or go to the nearest polyclinic for examination. If you are all right and just because of such reasons as an individual characteristic of the organism or a low pain threshold, a very strong pain occurs after all as a result of ovulation, the doctor will prescribe effective pain killers for you.