

List Pain – P

Pain in the labia may occur as a result of a variety of diseases. In most cases, this is the reason for calling a gynecologist.
Pain in the knee when walking can be a serious symptom, because the knee is a particularly vulnerable joint. It takes a very heavy load when you walk, run, jump or climb the stairs. Even if there is no serious knee injury, many people may suffer from knee pain caused by their regular wear and tear during the time.
Pain in the knee during flexion is the most common reason why people visit trauma doctors.
Pain in the knee joint among athletes is common. There are many causes of pain in the knee joint, especially in runners. Among the etiological factors, there are subluxation of the patella (when bending at the knee joint) during running
Pain in the knee in children is quite common and usually can not be a cause for concern. However, when the pain becomes too strong and lasts for more than a week, a doctor's consultation is needed. The causes of knee pain in children can be caused by Osgood-Schlatter disease, dissecting osteochondritis, rheumatoid arthritis and so on. What are the causes of knee pain in children?
Pain in the kidney area is one of the symptoms of the development of the disease in the body, and it is not easy to determine the exact diagnosis immediately, since pain in the kidney area occurs with a variety of diseases.
Pain in the joints of the toes occurs when joint diseases occur. The most common of these are: sprains and muscles that surround finger joints, trauma, arthritis of a particular joint, osteoarthritis, gout or rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes there are others, but they are much less common.
Pain in the joints of the legs appears in diseases of the joints. Most often there are such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. There are also other diseases, but they are much more rare. With osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, doctors determine the diagnosis based on X-ray images, determining changes in the analyzes and a rather characteristic symptomatology of these ailments.
The hand is the most mobile part of the body. It has a significant range of motion. With the help of hands, we perform the finest work, write, create real works of art. It is for this reason that it is very important to protect the joints of the hands and take care of their health.
The human hand is the most mobile part of the body. It has a large range of motion. With the help of hands, we perform the finest work, write, create works of art. It is for this reason that it is so important to keep the joints of the fingers in a healthy way.
If there was a pain in the jaw of any kind and duration, then it is no longer possible to postpone the visit to the dentist.
Pain in the intercostal space is the main symptom of intercostal neuralgia that arises from the compression of the intercostal nerves. The development of the disease is most often due to the presence of osteochondrosis.
Pain at the injection site is not uncommon. It is not difficult to cope with the problem, only a few things should be considered: if there is a pronounced edema at the site of the injection, hyperemia, the pain is of a pulsating nature, - immediately seek help from a surgeon.
Pain in the ileum is not a specific symptom of a particular disease. Rather, it is a sign that should prompt a person to listen carefully to their feelings, analyze them and promptly consult a doctor to find out the cause of the painful symptoms.
The process of bearing a fetus sometimes presents unpleasant surprises, among which pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy. Whether it is necessary to worry the future mum? What is the cause of discomfort and soreness, tingling and pulling sensations? And most importantly, what to do?
If you have pain in the hypochondrium, do not delay the visit to the doctor. It is difficult even for a specialist to find out the cause of uncomfortable sensations. In the zone of the hypochondrium, the thoracic and abdominal cavities are separated by a powerful muscle - the diaphragm.
Pain in the heart is not just a disruption to the work of this important organ.
Pain in the heart when inhaling can occur completely unexpectedly and completely take the person out of a rut. Such pain can be aggravated by changing the position of the body, while exhaling.
Often parents complain to family doctors and pediatricians for pain in the heart of children. To correctly diagnose an ailment that causes such painful sensations, it is necessary to learn and analyze many factors.
Pain in the hand can not allow a person to fully work, not to mention sleeping peacefully at night. Pain in the hand can be a symptom not only of a stroke or bruise, but also a sign of hidden diseases.


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