Pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The process of bearing a fetus sometimes presents unpleasant surprises, among which pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy. Whether it is necessary to worry the future mum? What is the cause of discomfort and soreness, tingling and pulling sensations? And most importantly, what to do?
The described conditions may indicate a restructuring of the entire body of a pregnant woman. The enlargement of the uterus, the displacement of the internal organs, the mobility of the bones of the ligamentous apparatus proceed with a certain degree of soreness. However, such discomforts can become harbingers of the development of dangerous diseases.
If the pain is permanent, accompanied by a febrile condition, vomiting should be called for emergency medical care. The remaining cases can wait for a routine consultation.
Causes of pain in hypochondrium during pregnancy
An obstetrician-gynecologist and a gastroenterologist will help you to deal with unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy. Weak, short-term pain should not cause fear and anxiety in pregnant women. To cope with the excitement will help rest and consultation with a specialist.
Disorders of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract due to changes in the hormonal background often lead to stagnant bowel contents. To prevent pain, eat more often, but in small portions.
Common causes of pain in hypochondrium during pregnancy:
- nervous exhaustion;
- hypomotor dyskinesia (change in the motor function) of the bile duct and gallbladder. The problem is associated with an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the organs;
- cholecystitis (inflammatory process in the gallbladder);
- not follow the recommended diet;
- vegetative crisis;
- heightened emotionality.
It should be noted that because of psychological fears, far-fetched experiences, there is often pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy.
Symptoms of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy
The process of development of pregnancy often occurs with obstetric pain, less often accompanied by pain, not of an obstetric nature. Obstetric pain is associated with stretching the tissues, increasing the uterus in size, moving the fetus. It manifests itself in conditions associated with the natural course of pregnancy. Not obstetric pains accompany pathology of internal organs.
Drawing, pressing, short-acting symptoms of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy, for the most part, reflect the natural and absolutely normal processes of restructuring the woman's body. Hormones relax the musculature of the internal organs, which changes their normal functioning. For example, there are constipation.
Pain that should alert the future mother:
- sharp, sudden against the background of a general stable state;
- duration up to half an hour;
- with increasing intensity;
- appearing with other symptoms - pallor, weakness, bleeding, a state of fainting.
Such painful manifestations are an occasion to seek medical help.
Pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy
Unfortunately, sometimes the expectation of a baby is overshadowed by the development of cholelithiasis. In turn, chronic diseases of the gallbladder provoke pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy. Dyskinesia of the gallbladder is divided into hypo- and hypermotor. Hypomotor disorders are characterized by a slowing down of the outflow of bile due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs. The symptomatology of chronic cholecystitis is due to the dull, aching soreness of the shoulder blade, shoulder and clavicle on the right. Sometimes patients describe the feeling of heaviness, complain of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy on the right side. Hypermotor dyskinesia proceeds with acute, cramping attacks accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. Often observed nausea, heartburn, bloating, belching with air. Pregnancy can exacerbate the existing disease. Cholecystitis is also the cause of early and protracted toxicosis.
Skin burning in the zone of the right hypochondrium, discomfort in the zone of the right scapula should not cause concern. The so-called hypersensitivity zones react painfully to perturbation, fetal growth.
Increased emotionality, nervous exhaustion, inaccurate compliance with the diet can lead to the appearance or strengthening of a sprawling painful sensation under the right rib.
Pain in the left hypochondrium during pregnancy
To guard future mother should sudden, sharp, sharp, lasting about half an hour of pain. And do not "play the daisy." Such symptoms can be extremely dangerous.
It is necessary to understand that the stomach is conventionally divided into four quadrants: the two upper ones on the left and on the right, the two lower ones, respectively. Concentration of pains at the top left can become an indicator of abnormalities in the functioning of the spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestinal loop and part of the diaphragm. The spleen performs the function of excretion of red blood cells after the completion of their life cycle, equal to 120 days. Dysfunction of the body causes a change in size, stretching the walls of the capsule, which responds with pain. Injuries, infectious lesions of the spleen are dangerous for the possibility of violation of the integrity of the organ. An alarming symptom is the blueness of the umbilical zone, caused by the accumulation of blood.
Diseases of the stomach cause aching pain in the left hypochondrium during pregnancy, usually with nausea, vomiting. Any irritation of the mucous membrane is fraught with unpleasant sensations. Gastritis is, a diaphragmatic hernia or cancerous disease to say exactly can only a specialist on the basis of a laboratory test.
Soreness at the top left, middle or right is caused by impaired pancreas. Discomfort also occurs when the body is intoxicated. The pains are sharp, girdling, they can spread to the back zone. Going from the inside, painful sensations flow against the background of temperature, nausea, vomiting.
Who to contact?
Treatment of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy
The solution of the pain syndrome problem is carried out by a specialist. From the future mother requires care and compliance with all prescriptions of the attending physician. The similarity of symptoms in various disease states makes it difficult to detect the affected organ independently.
Establish an accurate diagnosis of the methods of research:
- analysis of blood, urine;
- ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal cavity;
- additional techniques (X-ray, MTP).
Treatment of pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy is carried out from a position not to harm the baby and mother. For example, to solve the problem of cholecystitis, cholagogue, a number of enzymes are prescribed. In particularly acute cases, when it is necessary to reduce soreness, antispasmodics, antibacterial substances are used. The drug "metoclopramide" is indicated for gastritis, gastric dysfunctions, chronic pancreatitis, nausea, liver and kidney diseases, for medical diagnosis (X-ray, probing, gastroscopy). It is forbidden in the first trimester of pregnancy. The medicine in tablets is used three times a day, half an hour before meals with a single dose of 10 mg.
In order to restore normal outflow of bile with dyskinesia of bile ducts, a set of measures is used:
- the construction of proper nutrition - the division of the diet into 6 parts. Products should help reduce the gallbladder. It is appropriate to use unsaturated broths based on meat or fish, sour cream, vegetable or cream butter, decoctions of hips of dog rose. Benefit will bring cottage cheese, cod, high fiber foods and magnesium salts (buckwheat, oatmeal, apples, carrots);
- the use of cholagogue broths or teas. To prepare, you need four volume pieces of immortelle color, three (you can two) of the yarrow and two parts of coriander. Dry mixture (1 tablespoon) is brewed with two glasses of boiling water, aged for 30 minutes, filtered. Drink half the glass three times a day, before eating (about half an hour). In the form of tea, a mixture of corn stigmas, tansy and hips is often used. Use between the main diet up to three times during the day.
A doctor can be recommended to conduct "blind" sounding (tjubazh) with any of the means:
- corn oil (can be olive) in an amount up to 40 ml;
- salt from Karlovy Vary (a cup of water with enough 1 tsp);
- xylitol / sorbitol (it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon and dissolve in a glass with water);
- half a liter of warm mineral water, if there is no puffiness.
- in the second part of pregnancy with a pronounced puffiness, use "flamin" (a dry, concentrated substance based on the flowers of the immortelle) - one or two tablets three times a day. Take for half an hour before meals. You can use "holosas" (syrup from the hips) two to three times a day at a dosage of 1 tsp.
It should be noted that dyskinesia in no way affects the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy itself, does not interfere with the natural generic process. In the postpartum period, the gallbladder restores the tone, usually within a month.
How to prevent pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy?
Avoiding unpleasant manifestations in the form of bloating, heartburn, constipation, and also prevent pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy will help accomplish simple advice. Very often discomfort appears from the side of the intestine. Preventive maintenance of pain in hypochondrium during pregnancy includes the following recommendations: •
- enriching the diet with fiber;
- limiting the consumption of legumes, cabbage, which leads to swelling, bursting feeling;
- if necessary, use chamomile tea and activated charcoal;
- Eat natural products with a pronounced laxative effect. Irreplaceable beetroot (juice from it) mixed with a teaspoon of honey, dissolved in a glass of boiled water at room temperature. They drink such a medicine on an empty stomach and lie on their side. Of course, everything is individual. For someone more effective way will be seaweed, mashed potatoes and the like;
- refrain from food with a stapling property - pears, poppies, cherry jam, etc .;
- keep active - walk, visit the sports center, do exercises;
- watch your thoughts. They should fill with harmony, happiness and be only positive.
If all of the above recommendations do not reduce pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy, be sure to sign up for an appointment with a specialist. Only a doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment for your condition.