Pain in the kidney area
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the kidney area is one of the symptoms of the development of the disease in the body, and it is not easy to determine the exact diagnosis immediately, since pain in the kidney area occurs with a variety of diseases. Naturally, in order to make a correct diagnosis - you need a doctor's consultation, examination and delivery of the necessary tests, which the doctor will appoint. However, there are a number of symptoms that make it possible to determine the approximate cause of unpleasant sensations in the kidney area before visiting a doctor.
Causes of the pain in the kidney area
Here are the most common causes that can cause pain syndromes in the kidney area:
- Chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis - is inflammation of the kidneys, it is considered one of the most common diseases in nephrology;
- The deposition of stones in the kidneys themselves, or the urethra;
- Radiculitis and lumbalgia is a neuralgic manifestation of osteochondrosis;
- Spondyloarthritis - occurs when the disease of intervertebral small joints. In this case, pain in the area of the kidneys often pours in the morning;
- Other nephrologic diseases involving the renal parenchyma are most often accompanied by a non-standard color of urine (bloody impurities, slices, etc.)
This is not all causes of pain in the kidneys, diseases can be caused by another series of infections and abnormalities. A more accurate diagnosis can only be made by an experienced specialist.
Back pain in the kidney area
Very often back pain in the kidney region is confused with various diseases of the spine, spinal muscles. But this symptom is accompanied by renal colic, and pyelonephritis. In the lumbar region, the back hurts if the kidneys, and not the spine, are diseased. Pyelonephritis is accompanied by nausea, tingling attacks. Especially if there was a physical load, and the person went very much. Attacks can last several hours. In some cases, pain in the kidney region can be given to the abdominal region. It is very important to determine the exact location of the disease. Since the treatment of the spine and abdomen is significantly different from the cycle of kidney treatment. Some therapies are carried out for a long period, often for years.
Pain in the right kidney
If there is pain in the area of the right kidney - immediately identify the cause is problematic, because the pain can be associated with a variety of diseases. Diagnostics is required. Pain in the right kidney area can be associated with vertebrogenic pathology, intestinal disease, gallbladder disease, and also if appendicitis is inflamed. Gynecological and urogenital disease often causes pain in the kidney area. In addition, with pain, a person has a state of fatigue, weight is lost, sometimes the temperature rises for no apparent reason. If the disease is associated with the kidneys - then there may be a tumor in the lower back.
Pain in the area of the left kidney
Since there are two kidneys in the body, pain can occur not only from the right side, but also from the left. Pain in the area of the left kidney can also be associated with a variety of causes. Some of them are completely unrelated to kidney disease. But this does not mean that the pain in the kidney area can be ignored. Very often, such pain can occur due to the infringement of the nerve, osteochondrosis. If the unhealthy liver, intestines, spleen, stomach (that is, the organs anatomically located on the left side) - then, most likely the reasons must be sought in these organs. When stones are deposited in the left kidney, pain can arise from this side. But this reason has a second side of the coin - very often the disease develops without obvious symptoms.
Pain in the kidney area to the left
Pain in the kidney area to the left is still a symptom of a benign kidney tumor, pyelonephritis, kidney hydronephrosis, glomeronephritis. If the cause is pyelonephritis - the pain in the kidney region to the left is manifested as a squeezing. But painful sensations can give and on two parties. Do not forget that this kind of pain in the kidneys arises from a disease associated with cardiovascular activity. These include, pericarditis, angina pectoris, aortic disease. Pain in the kidney area to the left may be a symptom of a disorder of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, urinary system.
Pain in the kidney area to the right
How does the pain in the kidney area appear to the right? Symptoms differ from bilateral inflammation and depend on many factors. The main symptoms are: back pain, in the lower right; renal colic on the same side, often accompanied by increased urination; the appearance of blood in the urine; pain in the lower back if the body is in an upright position, and with the horizontal - the pain goes away; abdominal pain on the right side; fever, frequent pulse, migraine. When the pain in the kidney area on the right appears after a fall, a severe injury, then in the first place, a consultation of a traumatologist is required.
The most common symptoms of pain in the kidney area are:
- Vegeto-vascular dystonia (abbreviated VSD). This includes hypotension, hypertension, diseases associated with the circulatory system;
- Symptoms of cystitis;
- All problems associated with urogenital function - impotence, frigidity, gynecological diseases, prostatitis;
- There may be swelling on the face, or other parts of the body;
- Symptoms of diseases that are accompanied by the formation of kidney stones;
- Ear ache;
- Sleep disorders, insomnia;
- Mental disorders;
- Destruction of bones.
From the examples given, only a few arise. They do not appear all at once. Therefore, if you have experienced pain in the kidney area, do not panic, but remain indifferent to the symptoms is not recommended.
Aching in the kidney
Aching pain in the kidney area can occur with the use of a large amount of fluid, during pregnancy, diseases of urology. Also, this type of pain can be observed in cases of tuberculosis, pyelonephritis, and chronic. If the pain in the kidneys arises precisely because of these diseases, then often there are painful sensations during shaking, in movement, in the horizontal position of the body. This is the key difference between kidney disease and radiculitis, spondylitis (spine disease) and spondylosis (the process of aging of the spine). If there is aching pain in the kidney in the body, this can also indicate tuberculosis of the kidney. There is a malaise, the temperature rises, urination becomes more frequent.
Drawing pain in the kidney area
If the pain has a pulling character - most likely this is due to trauma, muscle tension. The first signal is that the pulling pain in the kidney region is also manifested in a calm state. But after a while it stops. In this situation it is better to avoid sudden movements, and also apply a warm compress. If the bruise is insignificant, the pain will pass through the time. But if there was a gap in the kidney (this happens when lifting the weight), then the pain will intensify, it will be hard to endure. At home, you will not do anything, and you need to contact the hospital as soon as possible to provide the patient with professional, medical care.
Sharp pain in the kidney area
One of the most serious types of pain is a sharp pain in the kidney area. At such sensations independently to go to hospital it is not recommended. It is best to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors - the patient should remain at rest. A very common mistake in the occurrence of sudden pain in the kidneys is the taking of pain medications. This in any case can not be done. The only drugs that doctors allow are spasmolytic drugs (Nosh-pa, Baralgin). Further in the diagnosis it will be more difficult to establish the true cause of seizures. In addition to kidney disease - it can be a symptom and an ectopic pregnancy, and appendicitis, and an attack of pancreatitis.
Severe pain in the kidney area
It happens that severe pain in the kidney area occurs suddenly and is accompanied by intolerable attacks. This occurs in renal colic. The pain in the region of the kidneys will be waved by the waves - then intensify, then subside. Most often, severe pain in the kidney region is still in the stomach, the genitals. Vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, and nausea may occur. Such symptoms are caused by a sharp violation of the outflow of urine, which is due to severe pain in the kidney area. Pain in the kidneys area may appear due to severe stress, swallowed fluid intake before bedtime. In this case, an ambulance is also called, and an immediate examination is required.
Acute pain in the kidney area
Usually acute pain in the kidney area occurs with renal colic. Renal colic is a strong pain until the intolerance in the kidney area, which is accompanied by cramping sensations in the lumbar region, sometimes it can give back even to the hip. With this kind of pain, it is very difficult for a patient to find a position in which the pain subsides. With renal colic, acute pain in the kidney region occurs suddenly, it can happen while walking, cycling, in transport. There is pain in the kidney area is also fast, as it began. But, sometimes the sharp pain turns into a dull one. She also quickly - then subsides, then suddenly appears. Kidney colic with interruptions can last a day, or even more. In this situation it is important to consult a doctor in time.
Dull pain in the kidney area
Dull pain in the kidney area can occur, as a consequence of spinal injuries. And also is a signal about the disease of internal organs. If the pain in the kidney area occurs in women - this may indicate a pelvic disease. Most often, such symptoms occur in chronic diseases.
Another cause of dull pain, may be the omission of the kidney. Pain occurs in the lumbar region, if the person is in an upright position, with a cough, during exercise. When omitted, the pain in the kidney region disappears - if you lie on your side or on your back. And when the position "on the stomach" is vice versa.
Pulsating pain in the kidney area
Pyelonephritis can be chronic. He goes into this stage after a sharp form. And it flows almost without any visible symptoms. As a rule, a chronic form is acquired in childhood. Statistics are more likely to chronic women are more likely. The first symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis are the appearance of fever and a constant throbbing pain in the kidney area. And the affected can be, as one kidney, and both. If the disease develops on both sides, then the pain in the kidney region will extend to the entire lumbar region. As a rule, only a fifth of patients experience an increase in temperature.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the pain in the kidney area
When the diagnosis of pain in the area of the kidneys is carried out, the initial stage is a detailed interview of the patient and a general examination. The survey identifies the main complaints, symptoms of the disease. Naturally, the symptoms directly depend on the form and stage of the disease. During general examination of the patient, special attention is paid to swelling (if any). In the region of the kidneys, tapping is performed to determine how severe the pain in the kidney region is. Also increases blood pressure by palpating the pulse.
In order to deliver a definite diagnosis, a laboratory diagnostic method is carried out. This method includes:
- Delivery of a common blood test. This makes it possible to determine the presence of inflammation. In the blood, the concentration of protein C increases, the number of leukocytes increases, and the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation increases.
- In the biochemical analysis of blood, an increase in the concentration of urine is established. Sometimes studies are conducted to determine antibodies of antistreptolysin, which indicates a bacterial environment.
- In the detailed analysis of urine, you can determine the presence or absence of this element. In the normal analysis of protein in it should not be.
- A kidney biopsy is also performed. It allows you to determine the morphological type of kidney disease.
Treatment of the pain in the kidney area
Kidney diseases can differ in the forms and methods of their treatment. But absolutely for all types of diseases, you need a proper diet.
Enemy number one, in diseased kidneys, is salt and the use of large amounts of fluid. Very salty food, of course, causes the desire to consume more liquid. And this is not desirable if you have pain in the kidney area. If this nutritional condition is neglected, the patient will get swelling and an increase in pressure as a result. Dosage of salt intake per day - 3-7 grams. It all depends on the degree of complexity of the disease.
If you are treating pain in the kidney area, then an overabundance of phosphorus and potassium should be avoided. Canned food, dried fruits, fried vegetables and dairy products contain a large number of these elements. How strange, you need to be careful with the fruit. It is recommended to eat apples and pears.
Ideally, your diet should be prescribed with the doctor. Only an experienced specialist will tell you about the products that should be taken into account, and which ones to beware of.
In the treatment of pain in the kidneys with drugs, very often use anabolic steroids, they include Nerobol, Retabolil, Lespenefril. Dosage of Nerobol - 0.005 g of 2-Zraza per day; Retabolil - the average dose for an adult organism is 25-50 mg, taking the medication every 3 or 4 weeks; Lespenefril - 1-2 teaspoons for the age of 18 years; Lespenfril - 1-2 teaspoons a day, and if the form is more complex - from 2-4 (maximum - 6) teaspoons per day.
Of course, cases are often not that without a surgical intervention, a patient does not save his life. Indeed, pain in the kidney is a very serious sign of abnormalities in the body.
Treatment of pain in the kidney by alternative methods
If you decide to get rid of kidney pain by using alternative methods, pay special attention to the herbs and berries.
- One of the most common recipes is the treatment of corn stigmas. Very often this method is used for edema of the kidneys. During the reception of corn stigmas it is very important to follow a diet. To prepare this tincture it will be required: pour boiling water (1 cup) with herb (1 tablespoon), boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Then let it stand for 25-30 minutes and drain. Tincture should be taken every 3 hours for 2 tablespoons.
- If you are suffering from inflammation of the kidneys, then for the preparation of the next tincture you will need bear ears (even in the people this grass is called "bearberry"). The main properties of this plant are diuretic and anti-inflammatory factors. Preparing the tincture is also fast: the bear's ears (1 tablespoon) are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, and the water bath lasts for about 30 minutes. Then the solution must be cooled, drain, and bring to a volume - 1 glass. A medicine is taken from bearberry 3 times a day for ¼ cup.
- When a person suffers from pain in the kidneys, it is very useful to take baths from the field of horsetail. And it is not necessary to completely immerse in the herbal solution. You can do leg or saddle procedures. To do this, you need to fill in the field horsetail with 5 liters of boiling water and insist 2-3 hours. If you want to make a foot bath, then you need 150 grams of decoction. On a whole bath, you need to add 350 grams of horsetail to the water. And enjoy the procedure.
- In nephritis and cystitis, it is recommended to drink a tincture of flowers of a blue cornflower. For cooking, take the flowers of cornflower (1 tablespoon) and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Take tincture should be for half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Such a decoction is a strong diuretic.
- Also, with kidney disease, it is useful to drink radish juice on a cup or half a day. Honey is added to the drink, and this makes the juice more pleasant.
Treatment with alternative drugs usually takes longer than with medication, but does less harm to the body. Therefore, choosing the methods of treatment and prevention, it is good to cock everything "for" and "against".
As a rule, with many diseases, there are always self-treatment methods. To the alternative medicine resorts a considerable number of patients. But if you suddenly feel pain in the kidney area, then here resort to treatment at home is strictly prohibited.