Pain in the muscles of the back
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the back muscles, in some people, can be a consequence of the usual physical fatigue, a long stay in an uncomfortable, or as the physiologists say, in an unnatural physiological posture. This often happens in the summer with gardeners and gardeners, who spend most of the day in a bent position above the beds. Violation of posture among schoolchildren and office workers becomes one of the provocateurs of back pain in the daily routine almost all year round, regardless of the age and gender of the person.
In others, pain in the back muscles can be a signal for the resumption of the chronic process, which necessarily proceeds accompanied by pain from the back. And the disease does not necessarily have to cover the musculoskeletal structure of the back, an echo in the form of dorsal pain, can be the defeat of any organ in the body, regardless of its location.
There is also a third category of people who have pain in the back muscles constantly, changing only the degree of their intensity and character of manifestation. This category includes patients who have serious back injuries in their past, including the musculoskeletal system and damage to the vertebral column itself. For example, a herniated intervertebral disc can provoke the appearance of minor, aching pain in the affected area, and can cause serious pain attacks accompanied by a loss of motor activity, although they may not show themselves for a long time with any pain. The bruise of the spinal column will give pain in the back muscles for a long time, and even after complete recovery, the likelihood of pain in a certain position of the body or during sudden movements is high.
Every cause that results in pain in the muscles of the back or in other parts of the body must necessarily be viewed in a complex, without detaching from external factors, a person's lifestyle, his professional activity and the presence of concomitant diseases, which, in the first place, can become provocateurs of painful symptoms in the back.
What causes pain in the back muscles?
Pain caused by severe muscle spasms can be called miafascial (dysfunctional disorders of the myafascial tissue), dorsalgia (the term directly indicates pain in the back muscles) or myalgia (a common term for all muscle pains). Since in any case it is a question of muscle pain, in the text we will use the general concept of "myalgia".
Myalgia occurs as a result of a lack of oxygen in a pinched, twisted, overstrained muscle. This is possible, just the same, in the wrong position of the body, often disregarding the correct posture and other situations.
Muscular-fascial pains are provoked by serious disorders, such as:
- vertebral osteochondrosis,
- scoliosis,
- hernia.
Among the diseases, one of the characteristic signs of which is pain in the back muscles, are:
- bruises, trauma, stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the spinal cord;
- inflammation of the back muscles proper (myositis);
- sciatica of the lumbosacral region;
- lumbago;
In addition, there are a number of diseases that are not related to the muscles of the back, nevertheless, accompanied by pains in that area, more often on the irradiating sign:
- Cardiovascular diseases, for example, ischemic disease;
- renal and gallstone diseases;
- many diseases of the pelvic organs;
- diseases of the hip joint;
- oncological affection of organs, including the spine.
Separate item should highlight stressful situations and nervous overstrain. According to many scientists, by themselves, such emotional states are not always capable of provoking severe muscle pains, but in the presence of one of the diseases in which there is an increased muscle tone, the appearance of muscle spasms at the time of stress increases many times. Therefore, it is not necessary to exclude the emotional factor from the possible reasons for which pain in the back muscles can occur.
Who to contact?
How to recognize the back muscles?
The most optimal methods of diagnosis from the number of instrumental can be called:
- X-ray examinations;
- magnetic resonance examination;
- computer tomogram.
It is absolutely necessary to take into account the data of clinical and biochemical indicators of blood analysis.
Pain in the muscles of the back and methods of treating it
The very first and necessary measure, which should be resorted to in the case of back pain, is the creation of rest and equal position of the body to the patient. Having provided maximum peace, you can significantly reduce the pain syndrome. After the person was laid, it is necessary to apply an anesthetic agent from among antispasmodics. Well, if in the immediate environment will be a person with a medical background. It is quite difficult to cope with muscle pains in the back, if it is not a patient for whom such a case is not a surprise.
As a rule, people suffering from constant back pain keep "all the necessary preparations at hand" for quick relief of pain and even are able to make themselves an intramuscular injection. But still it is necessary to trust such procedures to professionals, in order not to aggravate the situation by adding complications from a wrong injection.
Treatment of patients with pain in the back, in the acute phase, it is generally preferable to conduct at home, thus ensuring maximum comfort to the patient, without forcing him to once again perform a mass of movements, to receive an injection in the procedural room of the hospital. Such tactics of patient management is possible in case of not burdened disease, in other words - if the situation allows. If the case requires the presence of a patient in the hospital, where there will be access to all necessary devices, both medical and diagnostic, then there is no point in insisting on home treatment.
The main emphasis in the treatment, in addition to rest, is done on preparations from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesics and muscle relaxants. The treatment complex includes massages and physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy. In some cases, cryotherapy courses are shown.
In addition to conservative treatment, the use and surgical intervention is not ruled out. The decision on the need to switch to a surgical method is taken either from the very beginning, when the situation leaves no choice, for example, in the case of a spinal injury or rupture of the back muscle through a rib fracture, or after complications arising against inadequate treatment, when the progressive disease can not be stopped exposure to drugs alone. It happens in cases with tumorous neoplasms.
Modern methods of treatment have reached the maximum heights and therefore, even surgical intervention can be carried out with minimal damage to tissues, both external and internal. Postoperative recovery periods after such interventions are much faster and painless.
Healthy back, as an indicator of wisdom
To the bodies of our body were always in a healthy state, we need to build a correct attitude towards them. If the body does not hurt, it does not mean that he is completely healthy. Surveys conducted in a complex two times a year will allow you to control all the processes that take place inside our body and, as they say, keep your hand on the pulse. An annual survey should become a necessary standard of behavior, without which further exploitation of one's own body is impossible. Technical inspection of the car is carried out at a strictly reserved time for him, and every driver knows that, he will miss this time and will certainly be followed by a fine. On the part of our body, such punishments follow in the form of various pains and diseases that have not been detected in time.
Trained muscles are capable of withstanding heavy loads, compared to untrained muscles. Pay attention to the back need not only when it has already started to hurt. Daily exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the whole body will take an average person no more than 20 minutes a day, but they will allow you to saturate all the cells with oxygen, start a lot of chemical, organic processes in the tissues and raise the vitality to the proper level.
Pain in the back muscles, like most diseases, is much easier to prevent than cure, so learn a wise attitude to your body and it will not leave it without attention.