

List Pain – P

Gastroenterologists often take patients who complain of stomach pain after eating. Although no significant problems were found with these people, such complaints deserve a serious medical examination. It is especially important to investigate this symptom in the elderly, because the incidence of stomach cancer increases with age.
Pain in the sternum is most often associated with heart disease. Still: since childhood, we have formed a clear association: the heart is in the chest. But statistics show: chest pain can be associated with cardiovascular disease in only 2% of cases up to 18 years, in 10% of cases up to 30 years and only with age - 50-60 years - these figures are gradually increasing. What are the causes of chest pain?
The most common complaint in the office of an orthopedic doctor is pain in the sole. Painful sensations are of a general, diffuse nature, embrace the foot entirely or its specific part.
The solar plexus (it is also called the plaque plexus or the celiac plexus) is the largest aggregate of nerve cells that are beyond the boundaries of the central nervous system. It is located in the abdominal cavity and surrounds the beginning of the upper and celiac mesenteric arteries of a person, directly behind the stomach. This cluster also received the name "abdominal brain".
Pain in the sky, like any pain in the mouth, can be intense and obtrusive, it is hard to endure, it deprives us of appetite and sleep. In general, the sky is the upper part of our oral cavity, connecting it and the larynx. It includes a hard and soft part that envelops the mucous membranes. Naturally, they are easily scratched and injured.
Often a person is faced with a situation where, with rapid movements, he has pain in his side.
Most often, pain in the side when running appears in beginners, in people who are just starting to run and can not choose the right load regime.
Pain in the side during pregnancy can be a manifestation of chronic or underlying diseases.
Pain in the side is a symptom by which many diseases can be diagnosed.
Pain in the shoulder joint is a fairly common complaint for patients of many age groups. The shoulder joint is actively used by everyone - from small to large, as this is perhaps one of the most mobile joints in the body.
With such a problem as pain in the scrotum, not only mature men face, but also teenagers. The annoying pain can be indicative of serious diseases leading to impotence and infertility.
The pain in the shoulder blocks the movement of the person, sometimes making them simply impossible because of too much pain. To clarify and eliminate the causes of pain, you should go to the reception to a traumatologist, neurologist or even an oncologist.
When a woman complains of pain in the sacrum during pregnancy, this means that she is concerned about pain with localization in the sacrum. To the very sacral bone pain can have nothing to do. The collecting image of "sacral pain" is a symptom of a whole complex of diseases that need to be given special attention, and in the state of pregnancy, attention should be increased many times.
Pain in the region of the sacrum can be a sign of quite a variety of pathologies, including diseases of the spine, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract.
Congenital disorders of the bone structure, improperly fused pelvic bones after fractures or congenital malformations, various pathologies in the small pelvis - all these causes can provoke pain in the sacrum. The sacrum is a transit territory for large blood vessels and anterior branches of the sacral spinal nerves.
Pain in the sacroiliac joint often occurs when lifting the weight in an uncomfortable position, with tension in the joint, supporting ligaments and soft tissues.
Pain in the right testicle can disturb males in both mature and adolescent age. Pain in this case varies from aching and pulling to unbearably strong.
The feeling of pain in the body always causes discomfort. Especially when it touches the abdomen. The abdominal cavity contains organs, tissues, responsible for the vital functions of our body. Pain in the right side of the abdomen occurs for many reasons and signals a disease of various organs. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after a doctor's visit.
The reasons for this pain can be many, so it is worth taking seriously any painful sensations during pregnancy, because it's about two lives. To be absolutely sure that nothing mom and child is not threatened, you need to consult a doctor.
Pain in the right shoulder from time to time can bother a person and very often there are a lot of reasons for its appearance. The main and dominant cause of pain is not always easy to determine on its own, therefore patients can characterize it as painful sensations of unknown etiology.


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