Pain in the right shoulder
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the right shoulder from time to time can bother a person and very often there are a lot of reasons for its appearance. The main and dominant cause of pain is not always easy to determine on its own, therefore patients can characterize it as painful sensations of unknown etiology.
The nature of pain and its localization can tell about its original cause and become a signal about the beginning of any painful processes in the human body.
Causes of pain in the right shoulder
The main reason for the painful sensations can only be told by a doctor, but initially one should take into account the main points, which cause pain in the right shoulder:
- Tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendons that surround the shoulder joint. The most common cause of tendonitis is uneven and strong physical activity. In most cases, it is a disease of athletes and people whose activities are related to physical labor. Pain in the right shoulder with tendonitis is often dull, felt when palpation (palpation) or with active movements of the hand with an inflamed tendon, while similar passive movements are painless.
- Bursitis is an inflammation of the mucosa of the shoulder bag. The cause of bursitis is trauma and microdamage, heavy physical work, heavy loads when playing sports, infection. It is expressed by soreness at a palpation, a tumescence and the raised temperature of the struck place. During this disease, painful sensations are often uncaused and begin to increase with hand movements.
- Sudden, intense and prolonged pain in the right shoulder, which appears and grows when the arm is raised or 90 degrees away, indicates a suspicion of calcium deposits in the tendon passing under the collarbone.
- Shoulder bladder periarthritis is a state of complete immobilization of the joint, when active and passive movements become impossible due to acute and exacerbated pain. This disease affects the majority of people over 50 years of age. Unfortunately, the exact cause of the disease has not yet been established, but often the catalyst for its development is the disease of the cervical spine, a prolonged state of immobilization of the hand.
- Trauma or other damage to the cervical spine also causes pain in the right shoulder. It is manifested by numbness and tingling in the hand, which grows when turning the head.
- Diseases of the lungs, liver, tumors in the chest can also become one of the factors of painful sensations.
How does the pain in the right shoulder manifest?
The symptomatology of pain in the right shoulder is somewhat different from the symptoms of joint diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system, so it is worth paying special attention to such pains, since they can talk about pathologies of other organs and systems. The main symptomatology of pain in the right shoulder is:
- Dull pain in the right shoulder, which is especially felt on palpation.
- Painful sensations both with active and passive movements of the hand.
- Swelling, redness and fever.
- Strengthened and constant painful sensations during lifting and drawing of a hand aside.
- Full immobilization of the joint due to pain.
- Numbness and tingling in the hand and the entire hand.
- Diseases of the spine can also cause pain in the right shoulder.
- Acute painful sensations that appear immediately after sudden movements of the hand or lifting weights.
Pain giving to the right shoulder
The pain in the right shoulder in the majority appears due to its irradiation (spread) from other diseased organs in the human body. The main on the list are diseases of the spine (especially the thoracic and cervical spine). Such pains are localized in the back and accordingly irradiate into the scapula. No less popular cause of giving pain are inflammation of the digestive organs: the pancreas, liver, gall bladder and its duct, which happens due to muscle spasm and blockage of the bile ducts. Renal colic also has the property of giving off pain. In this case, the pain in the right shoulder is aching, in the zone of the scapula - pressing, the patient's state of health deteriorates sharply, blood pressure drops, skin becomes pale. When there is an intolerable giving pain in the right shoulder, anesthesia will be an emergency, but it is worth remembering that when the underlying cause is serious, the use of anesthetics threatens to worsen the condition. In this situation, you should immediately call a doctor.
Aching pain in right shoulder
When a patient has complaints of aching pain in his right shoulder, then a thorough medical examination should be carried out, since this symptom can talk about many obvious and hidden potential health problems. These problems, as often happens, are related not to the dysfunction of the joint itself, but to the dysfunction of other organs and body systems.
Aching pain in the right shoulder mostly grows and intensifies gradually. If the stiffness of muscles and restriction of movements is felt, then the diseases of the musculoskeletal system are likely to cause this. Also, pain can become a signal about such a potentially dangerous disease as acute cholecystitis, so if a history of a person is observed, or liver and gallbladder diseases were observed, then the doctor's consultation should be immediate so as not to aggravate the patient's condition.
If the aching pain in the right shoulder is related to the joint itself, then here it may be either inflammation of the tendons and muscles due to a physical reset, or even worse condition - the developing humeropathy periarthritis, so you can not postpone the visit to the doctor in this case.
Sharp pain in the right shoulder
A sharp pain in the right shoulder usually occurs suddenly, for example, when a person changes the position of the arm and joint, or when lifting the weight. In most cases, the pain subsides immediately after he takes the passive position of the hand or release the severity, in this case we are talking about diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It can be arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon), myositis (inflammation of the muscles). Another reason for the sharp pain in the right shoulder can be trauma: a dislocation or a severe bruise. As a rule, diseases of the internal organs can rarely cause sharp and giving pain in the right shoulder. An exception can only be acute diseases, when the pain is so strong that it can spread throughout the body.
Sharp pain in the right shoulder, both temporary and prolonged, is very difficult to endure, therefore, an anesthetic, cold compress (in case of trauma) and further hospitalization if necessary, will be an emergency.
Sharp pain in the right shoulder
Acute pain in the right shoulder often occurs due to an exacerbation of any chronic illness of the joint itself, the spine, internal organ or the whole organism. This can be an exacerbation of previously listed diseases of the musculoskeletal system and exacerbation of diseases of internal organs (cholecystitis, renal colic). Initially, the pain in the right shoulder is aching, pulling, but if it does not resist, then gradually it grows and grows into a sharp form. The first emergency aid in this situation is similar, as with the sharp pain described earlier.
Dull pain in the right shoulder
A dull pain in the right shoulder indicates an inflammatory process in the tendon, joint, joint muscle or directly about the disease of the spine itself. The cause may be accumulation of calcium salts, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, pinching of the nerve or intervertebral disc, tendonitis, myositis, as well as rupture of tendons. In the majority this kind of pain is tolerable for a person and therefore not always the patient turns for help to a specialist, but tries to heal himself, using improvised means of alternative medicine or chemist's drugs. By such self-treatment, the patient can further aggravate the state of his health and over time illness often turns into a different, more complex form, when cardinal measures of treatment are already needed. Therefore, do not ignore the painful feelings, no matter what they are - tolerant or intolerable.
Drawing pain in the right shoulder
Drawing pain in the right shoulder is often accompanied by dull pain and in the majority can appear for several reasons:
- pinched nerve in the cervical or thoracic spine.
- stretching muscles or tendons.
- rupture of tendons.
- injuries or previous fractures of the arm or shoulder.
- deposits of salts.
Drawing pains in the right shoulder always bring great discomfort to a person and if the cause of such pain is not serious, then it can be beaten by lightly massage the painful area with a local anesthetic anti-inflammatory ointment and gel, and try not to strain the joint, providing him peace and temporary immobilization.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of pain in the right shoulder
There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of pain in the right shoulder, so correct diagnosis of the disease is very important, since the correct diagnosis can help to choose the right treatment strategy, and also speed up the healing and recovery process.
Diagnosis is based on the analysis of patient complaints, the conclusion of an X-ray study, if necessary, also carry out laboratory tests. To compile an accurate and detailed medical history, it is necessary to learn from the patient the following:
- when the pain in the right shoulder first arose, what kind of character it was.
- how often and when pain is disturbed.
- were or whether there is an anamnesis of chronic diseases of the body.
- what diseases suffered in the near future.
- How the patient copes with pain in the right shoulder, what medications he takes.
First of all, you need to seek help from a therapist, and only then, during the determination of the cause of the illness, to contact other specialists in order to prescribe more accurate and effective treatment.
Treatment of pain in the right shoulder
When the exact cause of pain in the right shoulder is known, the right treatment and, accordingly, strict adherence to the curative regime will speed up the process of curing pain from the joint much faster. If the cause of the disease is hidden not in the joint itself but in some other organ, then the source of the disease should be treated first, but there are many sources, of course. If the cause of the pain directly in the shoulder itself (joint, tendon or muscle), then as with any disease, an integrated approach to treatment is needed here. Let's consider some basic points:
- Diet and diet. If the cause of pain in the right shoulder lies in the disease of the musculoskeletal system, then correct and rational nutrition will help the body cope with the disease. The most common consequence of malnutrition is the deposition of salts of uric acid in the joint. In this situation, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that contribute to the deposition of salts, such as flour, meat, canned foods, sweets. In order to normalize the salt balance, it will be useful to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Also important is the intake of calcium and vitamin D3 as well as drugs that affect the mineral metabolism in the bones, for example preparations "Osteogenon", "Osteochel C" (1 tablet 3 times a day).
- Drug treatment. Regarding medicines, first of all, with arthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, you need to take painkillers and anti-inflammatories, such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen; chondroprotectors "Alflutop", "Glucosamine"; combined preparations "Ambene", "Apizartron". But it is worth remembering that the reception of these funds should be prescribed only by a doctor, since the dosage of these drugs is set individually for each patient.
- Physiotherapy with pain in the right shoulder is a very effective and highly effective method of treatment. There are many methods of physiotherapy, they are all aimed at eliminating a certain symptom:
- reduction of pain (SUF-irradiation).
- joint restoration (magnetotherapy).
- removal of inflammation (infrared laser therapy, low-intensity UHF-therapy, high-intensity CMV-therapy).
- improvement of blood supply (ultrasound, hydrogen sulphide and radon baths).
Also, you can additionally engage in exercise therapy and undergo a massage course, if there are no contraindications. Among the general contraindications for the use of physiotherapy include diseases of the central nervous system, convulsions, tuberculosis, blood diseases, cancer.
- Surgical treatment is used in extremely neglected cases or when there is no positive effect of drug treatment. Modern medicine has reached a high level of development, so today most of the surgical interventions in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system have a positive outcome and allow the patient to return to normal life.
- Treatment with alternative methods at home can be used as an additional method or as maintenance therapy, for the reason that alternative medicine can not cope with the acute conditions of such diseases.
Prevention of pain in the right shoulder
In order to ward off the appearance of pain in the right shoulder, it is necessary to pay attention to many factors. For example:
- Food. It should contain a minimum of meat, sweets and other protein-containing products.
- Physical loads should be optimal and not excessive. It will be useful exercise therapy, yoga and other activities that do not require great physical exertion.
- General body massage improve blood flow and help relax the muscles.
- Sleep on a hard surface helps prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and improve posture.
Proceeding from everything, it's worth to take into account the fact that any pain in the right shoulder should not be ignored, it is very important to contact the doctor in a timely manner and take the necessary measures of treatment and prevention so that the disease does not develop into a serious stage. The patient, in turn, must approach the treatment with all seriousness and responsibility, only then one can expect a positive result from the treatment and favorable predictions.