Pain in the right kidney
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the right kidney is a signal indicating a developing pathological process, either in the renal system itself or in nearby organs. Anatomically, the right kidney differs from the left only in its location; it is located slightly below, under the liver.
The rest of the functions of both kidneys are identical. The parenchyma (renal tissue) is not endowed with pain receptors, so the pain symptom is most often associated with changes in the structure, size of the pelvis or capsula fibrosa - the fibrous renal capsule as a result of inflammation, compression or urodynamics. If there is a one-sided pain in the right kidney, this is a reason to consult a doctor, undergo a comprehensive comprehensive examination, find out the cause of the painful sensations and start treatment.
Causes of pain in the right kidney
The factors that provoke pain in the right kidney can be very diverse, the main causes of the pain symptom can be as follows:
- Inflammation of the appendix, which can be localized in twelve zones, sometimes not at all in the place where it is habitually defined. An inflamed appendix can cause pain in the right kidney, in the back, if it is anatomically bent back.
- Nephroptosis is a prolapse, displacement of the kidney, which is most often observed in women. Right-sided nephroptosis is caused by insufficient strength of the ligaments of the right kidney, as well as pressure from the upstream liver.
- Right-sided pyelonephritis in pregnant women (gestational pyelonephritis), due to the specificity of the venous system and the characteristics of the increasing uterus, which most often shifts to the right.
- Urolithiasis (urolithiasis), which according to statistics in 60% is primarily found in the right kidney.
- Congenital or secondary hydronephrosis, a disease of a unilateral nature in which renal tissue atrophies, the calyx and the pelvis of the organ expands.
- Tumor process, cancer of the right kidney. Benign tumors - fibroma, fibroids, adenoma. Malignant - adenocarcinoma, nephroblastoma.
- Cyst of the right kidney.
- Pyonephrosis is a complication of urolithiasis and pyelonephritis, in which the parenchyma of the kidney necrotizes (melts).
- Abscess, kidney carbuncle is an inflammatory purulent process, characterized by the melting of the renal tissue and the formation of a purulent cavity.
- Ischemia of the right kidney due to prolapse (nephroptosis).
- Stenosis of the right renal artery.
- Trauma (rupture, crush) kidneys.
- Parasitic kidney disease.
- Radiculopathy, vertebral cause.
The causes of pain in the right kidney should be determined by a specialist - urologist, nephrologist, possibly an oncologist.
Symptoms of pain in the right kidney
Clinical manifestations of pain in the right kidney are somewhat different from the general symptoms of bilateral nephropathy and depend on the root cause, a provoking factor. Symptoms of pain in the right kidney may be as follows:
- Drawing pain in the lower back to the right.
- Right-sided renal colic, radiating to the groin, accompanied by increased urination.
- Hematuria (blood in the urine).
- Right-sided pain from the lumbar region when the body is in a vertical position, the pain subsides as the position changes to a horizontal position.
- Right abdominal pain radiating to the lower back.
- Pain in the right kidney, accompanied by fever, increased heart rate, headache.
- Pain when urinating, accompanied by aching pain in the right back.
- Pain in the right kidney, radiating to the leg.
- Itching of the skin.
- Change in color and composition of urine.
In general, the symptoms of pain in the right kidney, as well as pain manifestations in both kidneys, in nephrological clinical practice are usually grouped into three main groups:
- Urinary syndrome.
- Hypertensive syndrome.
- Nephrotic syndrome.
Pain in the right kidney
A painful right-sided symptom in the kidney is often not specific, that is, one that may indicate a specific disease. Most often, the pain in the area of the right kidney needs to be clarified and a comprehensive, comprehensive diagnosis. In addition, to determine the root cause of the disease and clarify the clinical picture helps collected history and specification of the nature of pain. Pain in the area of the right kidney may be associated with vertebral pathologies, intestinal infections, gallbladder disease or inflammation of appendicitis, gynecological or urogenital diseases, but most often the pain symptom is associated with renal pathologies. Among the causes of pain in the area of the right kidney are the following:
- Stones that are in the organ or ureter, manifest characteristic pain if an obstruction (blocking) of the urinary tract and stretching of the fibrous renal capsule develops.
- Acute renal (renal) pain may be triggered by a bacterial infection in pyelonephritis in the acute stage or as a result of the development of a perinephric abscess.
- Dull kidney injuries, most often of a closed type, are accompanied by the formation of subcapsular hematoma, a violation of the structure of the parenchyma. Often, injury to the organ leads to haemoperitoneum - intraperitoneal bleeding and provokes intense diffuse pain in the area of the right kidney, the upper quadrant of the abdomen.
- Pain in the right kidney closer to the bottom of the abdomen can be a signal of pathologies of the urinary system, for example, inflammation of the bladder.
- Diseases of the biliary system - gallbladder, bile ducts, as well as liver pathology, inflammation of the colon diverticulum, tumor processes in the abdominal cavity are possible diseases, the symptoms of which include pain in the right kidney area.
To differentiate the factors that provoke a pain symptom, it is necessary to specify the specifics of the sensations of a sick person. Pain in the right kidney can be:
- Chronic.
- Sharp, stabbing.
- Pulling, disappearing when changing body position.
- Paroxysmal
Aching pain in right kidney
Almost all inflammatory diseases of the kidneys in the initial stage begin with implicit, chronic pain. Aching pain in the right kidney can signal the development of such diseases:
- Omission or nephroptosis of the right kidney is accompanied by pulling, aching pains in the right lumbar region. When you change the position of the body, the pain subsides.
- Aching pain in the right kidney may indicate hydronephrosis, which most often begins asymptomatically. The aching right-sided pain often extends to the entire lower back.
- The aching pain, which is localized in the upper zone of the back on the right, accompanied by subfebrile temperature and painful urination may be a sign of developing right-sided pyelonephritis.
Dull pain in right kidney
It is a sign of a chronic inflammatory process of infectious etiology, and it may also indicate the development of a kidney tumor. Benign and malignant tumors in the early stages often do not manifest clinically, only periodic dull pain in the right kidney can indirectly indicate the development of the pathological process. It should be noted that this nature of pain is due to the fact that the kidney itself has no pain receptors. The renal fibrous capsule, which is subjected to pressure, structural deformation, stretches and signals the onset of the disease. 3
Acute pain in the right kidney
This is a more specific symptom that may indicate such problems:
- Urolithiasis, urolithiasis. Acute pain in the right kidney is colic, which develops suddenly and proceeds paroxysmally. The pain may be localized both above and below the abdomen, depending on where the calculus passes. The painful symptom has an irradiating, reflected character, that is, the pain gives in the groin.
- The most serious complication is thromboembolism, which manifests itself as acute pain in the right kidney, accompanied by hematuria (presence of blood in the urine). Renal embolism is a dangerous condition that threatens not only the health of the patient, but also his life.
- The inflammation of the appendix is manifested by a typical picture of the "acute abdomen", in the clinic of which acute pain in the right kidney can be included.
- Radiculopathy or vertebral diseases can also manifest as pain radiating to the right kidney.
Pulling pain in right kidney
May have a variety of precipitating factors, among which the most common are the following:
- Liver disease. Since the liver is located above the right kidney, hepatopathology exerts direct mechanical pressure on the kidney.
- The cyst of the right kidney, which in the initial stage develops asymptomatically, often over the years. The disease is characterized by a nagging pain in the right kidney, which is clinically manifested in the anterior peritoneum, less frequently in the lower back.
- Stasis of urine flow, in which the fibrous capsule of the kidney is stretched and a nagging, aching pain appears.
The nature of pain in the right kidney can be an important diagnostic sign that helps determine a comprehensive, comprehensive diagnosis plan.
How to recognize pain in the right kidney?
Diagnostic measures begin with an initial examination and anamnesis.
Diagnosis of pain in the right kidney is carried out on an outpatient basis, if the pain symptoms are not acute. Attacks of renal colic, severe pain, accompanying temperature and changes in blood pressure, involves examination in the hospital, most often it begins after relief of an acute condition.
Diagnosing pain in the right kidney may include the following activities:
- Physical examination, examination, palpation, percussion.
- Collection of anamnestic information.
- Urinalysis (general analysis and bacterial culture).
- Blood test, both the general (OAK), and biochemical.
- Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, including both kidneys.
- Kidney urography.
- X-ray of the spine.
- Angiography.
Treatment of pain in the right kidney
The therapeutic strategy is directly related to the main cause of the pain symptom. The treatment of pain in the right kidney can be carried out both conservatively and operatively.
Conservative treatment of pain in the right kidney is the prescription of medicines that relieve the inflammatory process, and therefore pain syndrome. These may be antispasmodics, steroids, antibiotics, anticoagulants, diuretics. In the presence of pathological kidney damage, dialysis is possible. In addition, an important component of the therapeutic complex is a special diet, which involves restricting the intake of certain products. Most often, all salty, spicy dishes and smoked meats are excluded from the diet. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of highly effective drugs that help in the treatment of many kidney diseases. Therefore, surgery is carried out only in cases where the patient's condition does not allow the use of conservative methods (emergency conditions)
Surgical treatment, including urgent, is carried out with such diseases:
- Trauma to the kidney (rupture, crush).
- Benign adenoma, fibroma.
- Malignant tumors.
- Urolithiasis in the stage of exacerbation and blockage of the urinary duct.
- Purulent pyelonephritis in the acute stage.
- Purulent extensive abscess of the right kidney.
- Renal artery thrombosis (thromboembolism).
- Cyst of the kidney, purulent, large.
In exceptional cases, when it comes to saving the patient’s life, a kidney transplant is indicated.
Preventing pain in the right kidney
The primary preventive measures to help prevent pain in the right kidney are primarily the observance of a healthy lifestyle and the rules of reasonable nutrition. The kidneys perform important filtration work, so their condition depends on the quality of nutrition. Physical activity, a reasonable attitude to their own health, the exclusion of hypothermia - these are measures that can prevent kidney disease. In addition, from early childhood, children should be taught to follow basic rules of personal hygiene, especially for girls due to the peculiarities of the structure of internal organs and the potential possibility of motherhood in adulthood. It should be noted that some medications, when they are uncontrolled, can also cause pain in the right or left kidney, so their purpose is the prerogatives of the doctor, and not independent experiments with their health. Nephrotoxic drugs include:
- antibiotics of the penicillin group (semi-synthetic), tetracyclines, cephalosporins, sulfonamides.
- preparations containing aminocaproic acid, aminoglycosides.
- analgesics.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen and other drugs in this group.
- indomethacin in combination with paracetamol.
- cytostatics.
- radiopaque substances.
Secondary prevention of pain in the right kidney is an activity aimed at eliminating the possibility of a relapse of the disease. First of all, outpatient registration and systematic observation with the attending physician is necessary. In addition, in case of kidney diseases, Pevsner diet No. 7 is shown, which significantly improves the metabolic processes in the body, activates urination, helps control blood pressure, and restores normal water-electrolytic balance. The diet is prescribed both during the treatment process and after recovery in order to consolidate the therapeutic effect. Diet number 7 is a menu with extremely low protein content, minimal salt and fluid restriction. The composition of the dishes includes foods rich in vitamins, trace elements, food should be fractional, at least five times a day.
Prevention of pain in the right kidney is also a preventive examination of the kidney system in people with such diseases:
- Diabetes mellitus type I, II.
- High blood pressure.
- Chronic diseases of infectious etiology.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- The use of long-term antibiotic therapy, nephrotoxic drugs.
- Age: women over 50 years old, men over 55 years old.
- Family, genetic predisposition to kidney disease.