Pain in the right ovary
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the right ovary can not be a false signal.
Sometimes it is caused by a mild ailment, which itself can be eliminated, and sometimes it is a "cry" for the help of the body. Often, this "cry" is too "loud", which can not tolerate. And you do not have to endure it! As an emergency anesthetic, you can resort to tablets "Nosh-pa", "Analgin", "Ketonov". But again, these pills will only temporarily relieve spasm, and the problem can be solved only by eliminating it.
The female reproductive system differs somewhat from the male and not only by external signs. The female body is more susceptible to various factors (hypothermia, viral diseases, including STDs, fungal diseases, and so on) than the male. As for the ovaries, the genital function of a woman largely depends on them.
Causes of pain in the right ovary
- oophoritis - can provoke pain in the right ovary. What it is? Oophoritis is an inflammatory process in the right appendage of the ovary. Inflammation itself can occur for many different reasons: infection, colds, stress, decreased immunity, physical activity;
- there is another variant of the inflammatory process - adnexitis of the right ovary. The causative agents of such a disease can be: chlamydia, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis. In this situation, pain can cover not only the right lower abdomen, but even reach the waist. With such symptoms it is better not to joke as it can lead to definitive infertility! Only tests and competent treatment can solve the problem,
- polycystosis, if you literally consider "poly" - "a lot." And the ending is already clear - the cyst. That is, the cyst is in the plural. If we consider the computer diagnosis of polycystic ovary, the ovary looks like a ball filled with small (8-10 mm) beads. Each ball is a cyst. If we talk about the quantitative composition, then there can be more than 10 formations. This disease is not common, but still some difficulties can arise: infertility,
- cyst in the right ovary, another tumor is a tumor. With its small size, the development of the disease can be asymptomatic. In the case of large sizes, the pain in the right ovary has a permanent effect, which jams the nerve endings and internal organs.
Causes of pain in the right ovary can only be established through medical diagnosis: ultrasound and analysis. As for self-examination, it is impossible to get an exact answer by reading books. Even doctors who have gone through many years of training and practice can not diagnose, focusing only on the description of symptoms, especially since many diseases have similar symptoms.
Pain in the region of the right ovary
Pain in the right ovary can lead to serious consequences, including infertility, if the situation is not resolved in time. In addition, when there is pain in the area of the right ovary, age and lifestyle should be considered. And now it's not about a teenage girl with a polygamous relationship to intimate relationships, but about women, girls, girls in general. Pain in the right ovary can occur even in a girl who has not reached puberty. Most often, it is caused by an inflammatory process on the basis of hypothermia. At the grandmother who has gone through a climax about 20 years ago such too it is possible, and the reasons here can be different, including an inflammation and infections. Specifically, the reasons for the appearance of pain, we will consider below.
Symptoms of pain in the right ovary
This includes "critical days". Each woman carries this period in her own way: someone leads a normal lifestyle, someone pulls the lower abdomen, someone takes painkillers, and someone accompanies pain in the right ovary. Why is this happening? How can the menstrual cycle affect the pain sensations directed to the right ovary?
At the end of the menstruation in the ovary, where the eggs are located, a kind of yellow body is usually formed, a kind of yellow body consisting of the compounds of several cells that form progesterone. Speaking without medical terms, if the same body turned out to be "underdeveloped," it partially destroys the mucous texture of the uterus, which is the cause of pain in the ovaries before "critical days". Pain can occur in the right, in the left or in the two ovaries at the same time. There are no serious consequences in this case. But just in case it's better to visit a gynecologist in case, suddenly the cause is a disease.
Pain in the right ovary before the onset of menstruation can occur 2 to 3 weeks before their "start". At this point, the ovary leaves the egg, creating at the same time a very small hole, from which the blood in a small amount falls into the abdominal zone. It is the blood that becomes the causative agent of pain, as "the nerves" of the abdominal cavity. Painful sensations can appear not only in the right, but also in the left ovary. This phenomenon is considered normal, but if the duration of pain is more than 12 hours and plus temperature, then this is the probability of its rupture. In this case, medical intervention can not be delayed! Otherwise, a large flow of blood can enter the abdominal region and provoke peritonitis.
If a woman complains of pain in the right ovary during the menstruation, she confuses her with pain elsewhere, for example, in the uterus. So, as the ovaries do not disturb during menstruation. But still, if the pain is in the ovary, then it signals the presence of a cyst.
Among other things, pain in the right ovary during and after sex is likely. There are many variants of pain education:
- STDs and inflammation of the genitals,
- cyst, polycystosis,
- benign and malignant tumors of the ovaries,
- cervicitis,
- dryness of the vagina,
- vaginismus,
- excessively deep entry of the penis into the vagina.
Pain in the right ovary after surgery is also common. After surgery, any organism needs a rehabilitation process. If the surgery was gynecological, namely, ovarian puncture, the pain in this place is the usual situation, as the ovaries in this case were subjected to some kind of trauma. Imagine that you hit the knee: it heals, but it also "aching" and hurts. Similarly, here, the ovary heals after the operation. Basically painful sensations last no more than a week, depending on the characteristics of the female body. If the pain in the right ovary is unbearable, then a visit to the doctor is mandatory.
Drawing pain in the right ovary
Sometimes drawing pain in the right ovary creates the impression that the ovary is falling down, but the pain is not strong and not sharp. You can make the assumption that this cyst. But, the variant of such illness as sciatica - sciatica nerve inflammation - neurological disease is not excluded. The same symptoms are possible with a diagnosis of apoplexy of the right ovary - bleeding from the right ovary to the abdominal area. If the disease has acquired a severe form, then surgery can not be avoided. In addition to the above diagnoses, such symptoms can be justified by the fact that some women of fashion in the cold season wear short skirts and nylon pantyhose 20 DEN, without thinking about what can provoke the development of the inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. Infectious and fungal diseases, sexually transmitted infections can also cause pain.
In any case, the examination is mandatory.
Aching in right ovary
There are many reasons for this! This also includes ectopic pregnancy (it is very important to urgently address to the gynecologist, in order to avoid the rupture of the tube), adnexitis of the right ovary, painful ovulation and much more. It is possible that aching pain in the right ovary is not associated with female diseases. There are many options: an inflammatory process in the bladder, pain in case of problems with the kidneys can give to any part of the abdomen and lower back.
But, no matter how it was, if something hurts, then in the search engines you can find the answer to your question only for informational purposes! Self-medication or online diagnostics is not the right way to solve the problem. A doctor and only a doctor can help in this situation. And even if there is absolutely no time, it is extremely necessary for this case to find a window in its schedule!
Sharp pain in the right ovary
If a woman has a sharp pain in the right ovary, then this is a serious reason for going to the hospital. Why? Here are a few reasons:
- cyst or other neoplasm that has reached a large size,
- twisting the cyst of the right ovary, which may be a consequence of necrosis, peritonitis,
- Buried right ovary,
- syndrome of ovarian hyperstimulation. In this case, the ovaries are significantly enlarged in size and the formation of small follicular cysts. Symptoms of the disease include: weight gain, shortness of breath, bloating, ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, a decrease in the daily volume of urine up to 500 ml, at a rate of about 1500 ml, hypovolemia - a decrease in the volume of blood in the body,
- mental illness.
Severe pain in right ovary
Strong, like a sharp pain in the right ovary can be a signal of any disease. Here, the tumor, cyst, ectopic pregnancy, rupture of the right ovary, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, twisting of the right ovary cyst and much more. The answer to the question of the cause of severe pain in the right ovary can not be obtained through forums and medical directories. Or a friend who says: "Oh, I had it" was also not an adviser. The real result can be obtained with the help of ultrasound, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), analyzes. For those who do not know the advantages of MRI: a harmless examination of the body, which can determine not only the problem of a certain area of the body, but the whole body.
Acute pain in right ovary
As a sickle on ... This is how you can describe acute pain in the right ovary. It is impossible to endure such feelings! Sometimes even painkillers do not help. For sure, a woman in this position is not able to search the Internet for ways of treatment, and immediately cause an ambulance. And it is right!
Surely, many have heard of the probability of a ruptured cyst. Under such circumstances, a woman may even die. Perhaps some think that such words are trying to intimidate people for advertising purposes. But such cases were fixed. And the fault of all is the untimely visit to the doctor.
One of the most dangerous options is described here. It is not at all necessary that it is for this reason that acute pain in the right ovary arose. There may be the same reasons that are characteristic of severe and severe pain. And, if the pain is acute, then the factor of its appearance is serious.
Who to contact?
What if the right ovary hurts?
Usually the diagnosis is made by a gynecologist at the examination: examination, tests, ultrasound. But there are cases of diagnosis by other specialists - urologists and neurologists.
Since, the reasons for which there is pain in the right ovary is many, then there are several ways to recognize it:
- Computed tomography (CT) can be attributed to the radiographic type of research, which makes it possible to see a clear picture of the diametrical tissues of the whole organism. If the diagnosis is ovarian cancer, then CT is able to determine its spread to the liver or other organ. In addition, other risk factors can also be identified: kidney and bladder damage, tumor size and lymph node size;
- X-rays with barium is intended in the event that there is a suspicion of ovarian cancer (or one of them) that spreads into the rectum or large intestine. Before the study (per day), the patient takes a laxative. The process of diagnostics itself looks like this: a white liquid consisting of a barium sulphate suspension is introduced into the rectum and large intestine. This is done so that the radiography is more distinct,
- the chest X-ray is again used for cancer ovarian disease to determine whether there are any lung metastases,
- positron emission tomography is designed to detect cancer,
- Laparoscopy is used not only for examination of the ovaries, but also for other organs of the small pelvis,
- biopsy is a diagnostic procedure that is prescribed in the event that the menstrual cycle is broken, the presence of additional lobes, fibroma, papillary proliferation, tecomatosis or polycystic ovary.
Treatment of pain in the right ovary
To get rid of pain in the right ovary can be with the help of painkillers. A guaranteed way that will get rid of the pain forever is the treatment of its cause.
If the pain in the right ovary provoked adnexitis of the ovary, then it is usually treated with such drugs:
- "Metronidazole" has antimicrobial properties. Used to treat urogenital trichomoniasis, trichomoniasis, trichomonas vaginitis, extraintestinal and intestinal amebiasis, balantidiasis, giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis.
The method of application depends on the degree of the disease, but in any case, the daily norm should not exceed 4 g.
Side effects: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, anorexia, stomatitis, glossitis, pancreatitis, headache and dizziness, impaired movement coordination, emotional disorders including depression and sleep disorders, hallucinations, convulsions, leukopenia, neutropenia , skin allergic reactions, rhinitis, fever, cystitis, dysuria, polyuria, candidiasis.
Do not appoint patients with organic lesions of the central nervous system, with severe renal failure, during pregnancy and lactation, children under 2 years of age, and with hypersensitivity to the drug.
The combination with the medicine "Amoxicillion" is not recommended. Also, persons under 18 are not advised to take this medication.
In case of an overdose, nausea and vomiting may occur. If the drug was used in excessively large quantities - epileptic seizures or peripheral neuropathy.
Specific antidote therapy does not exist. Treatment is symptomatic with the help of gastric lavage.
- "Erythromycin" is a macrolide, an antibiotic. It is prescribed in the presence of chlamydial and mycoplasmal infection. The dosage is determined by the doctor. In case of any contraindications, it is possible to replace "Ofloxacin", "Doxycycline", "Azithromycin" with other antibiotics, and so on.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, absence of hearing, simultaneous reception of drugs "Terfenadin", "Astmetizol", breast-feeding.
Side effects: skin allergic reactions, eosinophilia (anaphylactic shock is possible), nausea, vomiting.
Overdose is characterized by impaired liver function, loss of hearing.
Symptoms of overdosage are treated with the help of gastric lavage, the use of activated charcoal. It is necessary to monitor the parameters of the respiratory system.
- "Tseftibuten" is an antibiotic used in the presence of an infection provoked by the following pathogens: entrobacteria, streptococci, gonococci and so on, which contribute to the appearance of adnexitis.
As for the method of application, then you should strictly adhere to the prescription of the doctor.
As for alternative methods of treatment, then there is a controversial issue about effectiveness in the way one helps, and the other - no. But, no matter how it was, it does not harm such a method, if it is an addition to the main, medicamental method of treatment:
- bake the onion in the oven, then remove its upper part, which must be crushed before the formation of gruel. The resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze so that a tampon turns out. This tampon is left in the vagina for the night. The course of treatment lasts a month,
- Aloe juice has long been used for medicinal purposes, since its properties are multifaceted. Our case is no exception. So, aloe juice is carefully mixed with cabbage juice - the most popular folk method for treating adnexitis. You should make a cotton swab that falls into cabbage-aloe juice. The tampon is injected into the vagina 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
If doctors diagnosed oophoritis, then the way of its treatment is somewhat different from the previous disease:
- antibacterial drugs: Azitrocin, Amoxiclav, Hexamethylenetetramine, Gentamicin, Doxycycline, Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Metronidazole, Negrum, Forloxacin, Roxithromycin, Trichopolum , "Cefotaxime", "Ciprofloxacin". Methods of administration and doses take place under the strict supervision of a physician. Self-assignment will not give the proper result;
- vitamin preparations containing vitamins C, E,
- Analgesics: Analgin, Aspirin, Asalgin, Aspilight, Tempalgin, Spazmolgon.
Recipes from "grandmothers":
- leaves of cabbage are cooked in homemade milk. The resulting liquid is poured into a vessel on which it is convenient to sit, since the healing procedure is carried out as a steam bath. At the same time, they are wrapped in a warm blanket. The course of treatment is not measured in a calendar ratio, then there is a need to do so until a full recovery,
- syringing decoction from the bark of oak, mistletoe, daisy leaves, nettle. Each plant should be 20 g. As well as add 10 grams of water pepper and herbs shepherd's bag. All this is poured boiling water 1 liter. Infusing the drug needs 3 hours. Now it can be used for its intended purpose.
Categorically it is forbidden, regardless of what disease provoked pain in the right ovary, put a heating pad or cold compress on the pain zone! In such ways, you can aggravate the situation and increase pain.
How to prevent pain in the right ovary?
The mentality of a post-Soviet man is arranged so that he begins to think about his health at a time when his illness overtook him. But he forgets about prevention. Warn any disease is possible if you regularly take medical examinations. This is not difficult, only 2 times a year. After that - half a year of quiet life. Of course, no one gives 100% guarantee as we are all living people and are prone to disease at any time. But nevertheless, prof. The examination can determine the diagnosis in time, which was not even suspected!
Pain in the right ovary can be prevented if you take care of yourself and take precautions: warm clothes in winter, do not swim in cold water, in case of frequent changes of sexual partners use a condom, monitor personal hygiene (clean towel, personal accessories), do not raise too heavy load.