Pain in the lower abdomen on the right
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In the lower abdomen of the right side of the human body, one of the most important organs for vital activity is found, here the digestive organs, including the liver, reproductive ends (right appendage, prostate, and so on). The imbalance of each of these organs can completely disable the whole organism. Suppose, in the case of a disorder of the hepatic functions, can lead to serious consequences, where death is no exception. Infections and inflammation of the abdominal cavity can also lead to significant problems. The same can be said about the reproductive system, just as in the body of any living being everything is interconnected. Regular control of your health allows you to warn yourself against all sorts of problems and pathologies.
The pain in the lower abdomen on the right is more often experienced by women than by men. This is explained by the physiological characteristics, the anatomical structure of the body and the like. But, this does not mean that the severity of the pain in men is less than that of women.
Even children may suffer from intense pain, but more often, it is caused by the presence of appendicitis. But, again, it is not at all necessary that the cause may be appendicitis. In children, if something hurts, they do not quite understand the location and degree of location, namely, the stomach hurts and that's it, but where it hurts and how it hurts, the child can not always describe. And this is a completely different topic for reflection.
But, as for adults, in a sense it's much easier. It is easier for an adult to understand the adult person about the characteristics of pain.
Sometimes the pain in the lower abdomen on the right of its intensity simply paralyzes a person. And he, in turn, resorts to anesthetics, forgetting that this is only a temporary solution to problems. The pain itself does not arise, which means it just will not go away. It is necessary to identify the cause in order to eliminate it.
On the advice how to go and where to turn a lot, but philosophical reasoning about the common sense and the correctness of deeds do not help. Immediately take decisive action. And we will begin by establishing the reasons.
Causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the right
The factors that provoke pain in the lower abdomen on the right are divided into three groups, where the first group includes problems related to women's health, the second - to the male, to the third - the general reasons.
So, the first group:
- changes in tubal pregnancy, that is, it is about the development of the fetus outside the uterus,
- apoplexy of right-sided ovary,
- acute inflammatory process of appendages,
- problem pregnancy,
- Torsion of the leg of the cyst of the right ovary.
The second group:
- ailments of the genitourinary system: inflammatory processes of the right testicle, inflammation of the right appendage, prostate adenoma, prostatitis.
Third group:
- appendicitis,
- lesions of the intestine, for example, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, intestinal tumors,
- mezadenite,
- diseases of the upper urinary tract.
How does the pain in the lower abdomen appear on the right?
The most interesting thing is that the same signs can have absolutely opposite reasons. Which, in turn, often leads doctors into confusion. And here, diagnostics comes to the aid (but about it later). Let's analyze the symptoms.
Symptoms depend on the causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the right. In addition, there are many symptoms. Consider the categories of pain:
- on sensations: aching, pulling, pricking, burning, sharp, sharp pains and so on,
- constant and periodic. For example, pain only with urination, with inclinations and so on,
- changing the location of the location, that is, pain can give in the sacrum, in the leg, in the lower back and in other places,
- accompanied by other symptoms: temperature; physical weakness, up to the loss of working capacity and the like.
It is possible that a person only seems to have pain in his right side of the lower abdomen, because, often, the source of pain is in one place, and a person experiences soreness completely in another part of the body. If we talk about the kidneys, then they can cover completely the area of the waist and abdomen.
Stretching pains in the lower abdomen on the right
Drawing pain can be intense or tolerable. If a woman pulling strong pains in the lower abdomen on the right, then this is a possible signal about inflammation of the appendages. In medicine, it is often called salpingoophoritis or an undexitis. On the grounds, it is very similar to appendicitis.
What can provoke such a disease?
- coccus: staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, gonococci;
- fungi, viruses and other microorganisms, for example chlamydia, escherichia, tuberculosis.
A characteristic of this disease is that antibiotics are practically ineffective in treatment.
Inflammation of the appendages has three forms:
- acute,
- subacute,
- chronic.
In addition to inflammation of the appendages, it is not necessary to exclude the possibility of the origin of the ovarian cyst of right-sided localization. Initially, this disease can not give out its presence in any way. Over time, depending on the degree of its development, the cyst causes pain, which can be pulling, blunt, sharp and the like.
Men can experience cutting or pulling pains in the lower abdomen on the right side of the prostate. But again, it is not yet a fact that a man must necessarily have inflammation of the prostate. It is possible that the disease has a different name, for example, cystitis. But with cystitis, the lower abdomen usually hurts completely, not just the right side. Although, when it hurts badly, you can not figure out which side.
Aching in the lower abdomen on the right
Probably the most nasty and incomprehensible pains in the lower abdomen on the right are the aching. They are so exhausted that a person can not think of anything, except about pain.
In most cases, such pains are experienced by pregnant women in the last days of pregnancy. In the first half or in the middle of pregnancy such feelings can threaten a miscarriage. Often the pain covers the entire lower abdomen.
In women and men, such signs can signal small intestinal problems, for example, the prerequisites of diarrhea.
But! The aching plan of pain in the lower abdomen on the right can become sharp and sharp, and this is completely different causes and consequences. Therefore, to run to a critical state your body is not worth it. A timely visit to a doctor can solve a number of possible problems.
Sharp pain in the right lower abdomen
Worse than aching, only sharp pains in the lower abdomen on the right. And it's not just about pain, but about the diagnosis itself.
- appendicitis. When complaints of severe pain in the right lower abdomen, doctors first check the likelihood of appendicitis. In the case of this disease, pain can arise and disappear on their own. But, having appeared once, the pain will necessarily return again,
- Torsion of the leg of the cyst of the right-sided ovary. In this case, the power of pain has no boundaries. A sick woman from pain syndromes is capable of losing consciousness. Pain grows at the moment of movement. In the prone position, the sickness of the patient is much easier to bear. In addition to pain, it is possible that there is a fever that reaches 38 ° C, the pulse rate increases, the pressure drops significantly, cold sweat, problems with stool and urination. Naturally, treatment at the hospital is mandatory,
- Ovarian rupture is a very dangerous phenomenon, and sometimes the life of a woman literally weighs by a thread. Here, surgical intervention is urgently needed, as when the ovary ruptures the blood enters the abdominal cavity,
- tumors of the intestine, abdominal cavity. In this situation, the pain may be incomprehensible, or sharp, or sharp. It all depends on the degree of defeat. Any tumor has a malignant and benign character.
Benign - it's a local process, when it slowly develops without affecting adjacent tissues. The tumor does not produce distant metastases, does not resume after removal, does not create progressive metabolic disorders, up to the exhaustion of the body. In this case, death is a rare occurrence.
To benign neoplasms are included: adenomas, polyps. They can, in particular, if the diagnosis concerns the colon or stomach to acquire a malignant form.
Malignant features are determined by the fact that the growth of the neoplasm is carried out at an incredibly fast rate, while affecting and accompanying tissues and hitting them. Most importantly, as a result of such a consequence, the natural processes of organs in which cancer cells begin to predominate are violated.
With "late" diagnosis, metastases are detected that spread throughout the body, including the brain. And this suggests that, unlike benign education, a malignant tumor is not a local, but a widespread phenomenon.
If the patient refuses treatment, or the therapy was not performed on time, then the outcome of the disease is the most lamentable,
- if a man experiences sharp pains in the lower abdomen on the right, then, as a rule, appendicitis is suspected. But one should not refute other diseases related to the genitourinary system. In general, these are inflammatory processes (cystitis, urethritis), or some types of STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea). All these diseases are different for each person, so you should not exclude one or the other option.
In general, in the case of severe severe pain, you should call an ambulance as long as the patient is lost in conjecture and seek independent ways to solve problems, a desperate situation can arise. Independently before arrival, the first patient may take an analgesic preparation, for example, "Ketanov", less strong "Analgin", "No-Shpa", and only in those cases in which a person is sure that these medications will not cause harm to his body and no longer complicate the situation. As for hot-water bottles - in no event! If the cause of the pain was neoplasm, then at a certain temperature, a tumor can be ruptured, the fluid of which can enter, say, into the abdominal cavity. And in this situation, and before the morgue near (asking for forgiveness for the "black" statement, but - this is life).
Stitching in the lower abdomen on the right
Basically, stitching pains in the lower abdomen on the right are experienced with diverticula.
Diverticula are the formations (resembling a sac) of the intestinal wall. Anomaly of the disease lies in the fact that the contents of the intestine stagnate, resulting in inflammation.
The disease progresses very quickly. It all starts with constipation, followed by diarrhea.
Of course, before the diagnosis is carried out diagnostics to make sure of their suspicions and determine the form of the disease: chronic or acute. If you do not get treatment in time, it is possible to form suppuration, peritonitis, the appearance of fistulas.
Stitching pains in the lower abdomen on the right, most often related to diseases of the intestine (tumors, for example). But, that with confidence to name the reason of pains, it is necessary to spend inspection.
Severe pain right lower abdomen
These symptoms include diseases that are typical of severe pain in the lower abdomen on the right. Also in this category is Crohn's disease. What it is?
It is difficult to diagnose such a disease. Basically, it is determined during the operation to remove appendicitis. The reason for the erroneous diagnosis is the general symptoms. With Crohn's disease, patients are characterized by diarrhea, which is chronic. This is the main reason for creating a strong pain in the lower abdomen on the right. In addition, the disease is accompanied by vomiting, which is characteristic of appendicitis.
Dull pain in the lower abdomen on the right
"Will pass by itself" only if the reason for the dull pain in the lower abdomen on the right was the maturation of the egg in women, of course. There, really, there is no reason for panic, because, the body of every woman is individual and the like. But under such circumstances, pain occurs regularly - once a month with the same periodicity. If the soreness is constant, then nothing to do with the maturation of the ovary is a possible problem.
Well maybe?
- adnexitis,
- there is nothing surprising, but the kidneys can also give to the right side of the lower abdomen,
- The presence of a cyst on the right appendage, on the right ovary,
- cystitis and much more.
Cutting pain in the lower abdomen on the right
If a person is worried by the cutting pains in the lower abdomen on the right, the first thing he usually does is drink tablets with analgesic effect and call an ambulance. Feldshers are living people who do not carry special equipment for complete diagnosis, they immediately suspect appendicitis. And this is normal, because, most often, these symptoms occur precisely with this disease.
There are many cases when it was already clear on the operating table that the pain factor in the lower abdomen on the right was a disease that had nothing to do with appendicitis, except for pain, for example, a stone out of the gallbladder. Yes, we have heard about how simple and wonderful it is possible to remove stones from the gallbladder, not by traditional methods. But those who ventured to experience such a technique, are aware of what infernal pains may arise at this moment. Even there is a scientific name for such pains - an attack of cholelithic colic. At this moment the person literally climbs on the walls, whines and even screams.
Why does the stone escape cause such a sharp pain? The stone, leaving its previous location, falls into the close cystic duct or into the neck of the gallbladder. At this point, the stone itself injures a new habitat: the bladder duct or the neck of the gallbladder. Trauma is a mechanical effect that is painless, especially in this case, does not go away.
Pain on the right side of the abdomen
Any pain is a signal from the body that something is not going on inside it. It is possible that the pain in the lower abdomen on the right is the result of physical overstrain, maturation of the egg, a small disorder of the intestine - diarrhea and so on. But just such a sign can be the result of a serious illness.
Preventive examinations are also designed to prevent the emergence of certain diseases. But they are not an absolute guarantor of the fact that the disease will not arise sometime in the future.
Such pain should be examined by traditional methods, that is, in the hospital by a doctor. What kind of a doctor should I turn to, with pains in the right side of the abdomen:
- gynecologist,
- urologist,
- the oncologist (to be frightened it is not necessary, tumors not always malignant),
- gastroenterologist,
- proctologist,
- surgeon.
Periodic pain in the lower abdomen on the right
These pains in the lower abdomen on the right are troubling for many reasons:
- formation of a cyst on the right ovary,
- tumors in the intestine,
- oocyte maturation in the ovary,
- cholelithiasis (pains are formed after eating, especially fatty or fried, at the time of shaking in transport). Here the area of the coverage of pain extends to the right arm, the neck to the right. It calms down after applying a warm compress to the zone of the right hypochondrium.
To say for sure "why it hurts," you know, it's impossible with the naked eye. The diagnosis is established only when there are test results.
Low abdominal pain in the lower right
Today is weak, and tomorrow a lot of pain. This is not a threat, but a fact that is proved in practice. Not always, of course, the severe pains in the lower abdomen on the right begin with the weak, and the weak ones do not necessarily have to grow into strong ones. Simply if it comes from statistical data, most often people do not pay attention to mild pain, but come for help to doctors, when the problem already requires more radical solutions.
Weak pains are not a reason for panic, but only a cause for concern. Why?
For example, appendicitis. Yes, everyone has already heard about the sharp pain in this disease. But pains of a sharp nature occur even with appendicitis already at a critical moment. At the initial stage of development, the pain may be mild.
Inflammation of the appendages also does not immediately produce intense pains, problematic "critical days" and secretions.
Concerning masculine health: there are also a number of problems that are relevant to the inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitourinary system. Immediately, and cystitis, and prostatitis in the early stages of its development.
Cramping pains in the lower abdomen on the right
Such pains in the lower abdomen on the right are a serious reason for visiting a medical institution.
What could be the reason?
- ectopic pregnancy in the event that as a result of rupture of a tube the fruit has got to an abdominal cavity,
- renal colic. Sometimes the abdomen becomes acute,
- hepatic colic,
- pathological conditions leading to cholelithiasis,
- appendicitis.
And this is not the whole list of possible diseases.
What if the attack "caught" unawares?
Of course, call an ambulance. Taking painkillers in this case can not help as the main cause of cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the right is a statistical contraction of the smooth muscles of hollow organs.
The same pain is inherent in premature or timely delivery.
Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen on the right
How painful they are! Many felt the pulsation in different parts of their body. But painful pulsating symptoms, with an acute nature, good, not such a frequent event.
The pain in the lower abdomen on the right with the sensations of rhythmic pulsation is a sign of increased intracavitary pressure of the hollow organs. With such pain it often seems that a living being has formed inside.
If it is a question of postoperative pathology of the peritoneal cavity, the pain usually gives to the right leg, if a pathological substance, for example, blood or pus, falls into the foci near the nerve endings of the leg. Pain can affect not only the leg, but also other parts, depending on where, the pathological fluid will enter.
In addition, in the case of recurring pulsating pain in the lower abdomen to the right in the leg is possible as a result of suppuration of the appendages of the uterus. Other symptoms are also added here:
- increased body temperature,
- nausea,
- dizziness, weakness,
- allocation of cold sweat,
- heartbeats increase to a hundred beats per minute,
- lowered blood pressure, lower than 100 to 60,
- problems with stool, flatulence.
If you have all or almost all of the symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.
Burning pain in the lower abdomen on the right
Diseases of the abdominal cavity can create burning pains in the lower abdomen on the right. If suspicions of the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, including the abdominal cavity, are not recommended to take painkillers as they can adversely affect the health, because at this point the human body becomes vulnerable, and can even lead to a fatal outcome.
Diseases of the abdominal cavity can change one type of pain to another, for example, from acute to flow into a burning one, or to combine, for example, burning and sharp, or aching and searing.
Whatever the pain, this is pain, which means that there is a serious reason for consulting a doctor.
Pain in the lower abdomen on the right side of pregnancy
Pregnancy for some women is a real test. There are few hormonal changes that result in mood swings, the appearance of new taste characteristics "I want it, but I can not", toxicosis and so on. So also the pains in the lower abdomen on the right!
To the question "why?" There are many answers:
- if a woman is pregnant, it does not mean that she can not have diseases typical of the usual condition, abdominal disease, reproductive system organs, kidneys, liver and so on,
- the oncoming stupid pain syndromes can develop as a result of physiological causes. In the first three months of pregnancy, the aching or pulling pain is due to the activity of the yellow body located in the right ovary. The increase in the uterus has the same pain effect,
- sensation of labor during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is not a good sign. In this case, more than likely the threat of miscarriage, respectively, treatment should occur in the hospital.
Usually "problem" pregnant women come to see a doctor more often than healthy future mothers. In case of serious complications or pathologies, the gestation period takes place in the gynecological ward under the constant supervision of doctors. Common problems that make pregnant women suffer pain and are still in hospital:
Placental abruption
Its reasons.
- hypertension or sudden changes in blood pressure, which, as a rule, has psychogenic soil, for example, stress. Therefore, at the time of pregnancy it is undesirable to attend funeral ceremonies. And prejudices have absolutely nothing to do with it. Also, the level of pressure is affected by the lower hollow vein, squeezed by the uterus;
- frequent childbirth or multiple interrupted pregnancies;
- the previous impossibility of becoming pregnant;
- toxicosis, preeclampsia, preeclampsia;
- mechanical impact in the abdomen - trauma;
- smoking and drinking alcohol during this period. There can be no talk of drugs, of marijuana inclusive;
- reduced amount of hemoglobin or erythrocytes;
- allergy to certain medicinal forms of drugs, for example, protein or containing blood components.
Symptomatic specifics:
- light forms mostly asymptomatic;
- bloody discharge "from there";
- dizziness sometimes fainting;
- soreness in the abdomen, and its intensity depends on how strong the process of detachment is.
What to do in such cases?
It all depends on the timing of pregnancy. If the birth is not far off, then give birth. But, in the early stages, there is a need for inpatient treatment, which includes drugs:
- relaxing action on the uterus (which ones - the doctor appoints),
- removing spasm: "No-Shpa", "Papaverin", "Metacin" and so on,
- Haemostatic: "Decinon", "Vikasol", ascorbic acid,
- containing iron.
Uterus in a tone, in a hypertonus
If to explain "in Russian", then it means that the uterus is tense. Why, there are pains not in the places remote from it: a back, a stomach, a loin. The most common cause is the lack of progesterone, which is part of the treatment complex, and, so, is called "Progesterone." It is administered intramuscularly. But this is not the only factor that excites the tone of the uterus. These include:
- the content of a high level of male hormones,
- high concentration of prolactin,
- poorly developed reproductive organs,
- endometriosis,
- tumors of benign form in the uterus,
- inflammatory processes in relation to the reproductive system.
Hypertension of the uterus is almost the same as the tone of the uterus, only the degree of complexity in the first case is higher.
These two diseases are identified by palpation and subsequent ultrasound.
Treatment takes place in accordance with the causes that gave rise to this diagnosis. Also, sedatives with a herbal base, say, valerian, are added; antispasmodics.
Doctors are afraid of adverse consequences, therefore, to protect the pregnant woman (and herself) from a possible miscarriage, especially with bloody discharge, therapy is carried out permanently.
Isthmicocervical insufficiency
What it is? Simply put, the cervix has weak blocking functions. Because of the body, the pregnant woman is not able to hold the fruit inside herself. Among other things, such an anamnesis can penetrate all kinds of infections into the intrauterine region.
Why and where does this "muck" come from?
- anatomical soil. As a result of mechanical action on the cervix: complicated birth, improper suturing, abortion and so on,
- functional - congenital abnormality of the uterus.
Symptoms are not specific, that is, without bleeding, pain and so on. Basically, there are signs of frequent urination. Pain in the abdomen and secretions of the supra-type appear immediately when a miscarriage threatens.
Of course, this is not all the reasons, but they often coincide with the symptoms of interest to us.
Acute right lower abdominal pain
Acute pains in the lower abdomen on the right are provoked by the same diseases that we considered with sharp and severe pain. Acute pain sensations are common to many problems, for example, ectoscopic pregnancy. Another name for this phenomenon is ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancies are by no means a rarity that occurs in gynecology. Basically, the fetus with such an anomaly is formed in one of the uterine tubes (in our situation in the provisional). If a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen on the right, then, of course, that the fetus is located in the right tube. Painful attacks begin at the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy, because the space inside the tube does not correspond to the size of the fetus, and the tube begins to expand during the growth of the embryo, which leads to its rupture or the eruption of the embryo into the abdominal cavity. The patient at this period is marked with pallor of the face, pulse is quickening, blood pressure is lowering, dizziness is observed.
In fact, there are many reasons for forming strong, sharp and sharp pains in the lower point of the abdomen. And to identify the true problem is not always possible even for specialists on examination. That is, in order to clarify the circumstances, a competent diagnosis is needed, including ultrasound or MRI, blood tests, urine, feces, and so on.
Diagnosis of pain in the lower abdomen on the right
All already, for certain, know, with what the reception at the doctor begins. Yes, from a conversation during which the doctor asks the patient questions about the symptoms. In the case of the diagnosis of pain in the lower abdomen on the right, the specialist will ask questions of this kind:
- period of duration of pain, that is, their beginning and up to the present moment,
- how pain syndrome arose suddenly or gradually,
- type of pain, for example, sharp, dull, burning, weak ..,
- periodic or permanent,
- when it becomes easier, and when is it worse? Let's say that at the moment of movement the condition worsens, and in the prone position the pain becomes less intense or vice versa,
- the most palpable zone of pain (the center of the navel, above - below, to the right - to the left or everywhere),
- whether there is an escort of other signs, for example, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, loss of consciousness and so on.
After a questioning by a doctor, the range of possible diseases narrows, and he already knows about which direction to move further. But he can know the final result after carrying out a number of diagnostic methods of research:
- Examination of the digestive system:
- X-ray,
- Ultrasound,
- scintigraphy,
- endoscopy,
- blood tests, urine, feces.
- Examination of the genitourinary system:
- X-ray,
- Ultrasound,
- MRI,
- CT scan,
- tests of blood, urine, feces, smears.
Only after this the doctor can name the true reason of a pain in the bottom of a stomach on the right.
Treatment of pain in the lower abdomen on the right
Independent ways of treating pain in the lower abdomen right and left are contraindicated.
Before proceeding to the recommendations on the treatment of pain, I would like to first say about what to do absolutely not:
- Do not apply a hot water bottle or cold compress to a place that causes pain, even if it makes it easier. So it is forbidden to act because the cause of soreness is unknown,
- It is dangerous to use analgesic potions at random. Yes, the pills dull the pain, but are they suitable in a particular situation? In addition, in this way, a process of masking the symptoms occurs, which prevents the doctor from establishing an unambiguous diagnosis.
Such manipulations are not comic, and really can lead a patient to an untimely death.
Now let's talk about the treatment of pain.
From the category "impossible" we learned that it is forbidden to act by the "tyke" method. How, then, to remove the pain, if you already tolerate it, there simply is no moss?
If the patient is known for his diagnosis, then surely, drugs known to remove pain that have arisen for a specific reason.
Speaking specifically about treatment, therapy should relate not to pain itself, but to the cause of its occurrence.
For example, pains provoked by appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian rupture, are eliminated only surgically.
If the disease is inflammatory, then, first you need to remove the inflammation itself, and the pain itself will subside.
Alternative methods are effective for minor symptoms, for example, during menstruation, for example, broths from "bear ears", "field horsetail", "oregano". Often women use antispasmodics to eliminate pain ("Spasmalgin", "Spazmalgon", "Analgin" or other means).
During pregnancy, which occurs rather difficult, treatment is determined only after a complete examination, as in other diseases. But here the influence of therapeutic methods and on the health of the child is taken into account.
Talk about specific drugs and how to use them, we, naturally, will not be the same as with an incorrect self-identified diagnosis, taking medicines can lead to irreversible consequences.
The tips given by "clever people" on the Internet, such as "I've come across this," are blacklisted. And not at all because this "someone" is lying, but for the reason that the symptoms may be the same, and the reasons for their occurrence are different. And even the same diseases can have different forms: acute or chronic. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account both the degree of complexity and the duration of the course of the disease.
Prevention of pain in the lower abdomen on the right
Cautions that can prevent 100% of the pain in the lower abdomen to the right are absent.
Most often, the causes of diseases that provoke such pains are:
- improper diet, alcohol abuse,
- hypothermia of the body. Immediately the clothes are out of season, sitting on the cold, bathing in cold water and so on. Many believe that the sexual system of women is more prone to inflammation than men. But believe me, this is far from it. Remember the prostatitis and orchitis,
- abortion, unprotected sex, non-compliance with personal hygiene, STDs and the like,
- genetic predisposition to certain types of diseases, for example, oncology or features of the functioning of the digestive system,
- self-medication, for example, self-elimination of stones from the gallbladder is a dangerous thing.
The most reliable preventive tool is a regular medical examination, to which, unfortunately, many are indifferent, and pass it only because so requires management at work. Some manage to give "bribes" so that doctors mark "healthy". But such a procedure is needed not to the authorities, but, first of all, personally, to sleep with a calm soul.
But again, observing all precautions, there is no absolute certainty that the disease will not arise, and there will be pains in the lower abdomen on the right.
In addition, prevention should relate not only to pain, but even with the symptoms present, do not start the disease until complex processes such as a burst appendicitis or ovary, premature birth and much more.