Pain in the stomach during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the stomach during pregnancy is familiar to every second woman waiting for the baby.
Unpleasant sensations excruciate the expectant mother, both in the first trimester, and on later terms. Most often, gynecologists explain the pains with a growing uterus, which gradually displaces internal organs, but it is worth remembering that in 44% of women the pregnancy provokes an exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
Why does my stomach ache during pregnancy?
The pain in the stomach during pregnancy can be caused by various causes and have a different degree of danger.
The most common factor that provokes stomach pain is the ever-growing uterus, which gradually displaces internal organs, without bypassing, naturally, the gastrointestinal tract. The increase in the uterus can also affect the normal passage of food into the esophagus (reflux).
In addition, pain in the stomach can cause:
- Stress.
- Overeating, common to most pregnant women.
- Long intervals between meals (or so-called hunger pains).
- Indigestion and insufficient allocation of gastric juice (hypoacid conditions).
- Heartburn.
- Constipation and other problems with stools.
- Toxicosis and even the slightest tension of the abdominal muscles.
Despite the happy months in the life of a woman, her body experiences stress; in this period it is weakened, and this means - the most vulnerable. That's why bacterial, viral and fungal infections easily "stick" to it.
Among other things, during pregnancy, chronic gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis worsen (according to statistics, 70% of women suffer from it), gastric and duodenal ulcers, increased acidity; problems with the liver, pancreas and gallbladder.
Do not forget that during pregnancy, most people have an allergy (even if the future mother did not have it) for some food - this is another reason for the pain.
Causes of gastric pain in pregnancy
- Different kinds of gastritis:
- Bacterial.
- Stressful acute.
- Erosive.
- Fungal, viral.
- Atrophic.
- Stomach ulcer.
- Gastric polyps.
- Improper nutrition, resulting in:
- Dyspeptic phenomena.
- Constipation.
- Tension of the abdominal muscles.
- Overwork.
- Infections.
- Damage during injuries.
Pain in the stomach during pregnancy can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Then the attendant symptoms, except pain - spasms, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. This symptomatology can last from day to 72 hours. Food poisoning can manifest itself in the form of abdominal pain and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Pain in the stomach may also occur due to angina or pneumonia.
It happens that the pain in the stomach during pregnancy is accompanied by constant tension and pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can arise from the development of appendicitis. Then you need to consult a surgeon.
The causes of stomach pains of an irradiating nature, that is, not associated with the stomach itself, in pregnant women may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gallbladder, liver, pancreas, diseases of the bacterial or viral etiology of the urinary system: the urethra, kidneys, ureter.
The cause of gastric pain may be lactose intolerance (that is, intolerance to dairy products). When such pregnant women drink milk, they begin to have pain in the stomach. Such pains are accompanied by different types of food allergies. They can occur during eating or immediately after eating.
What increases the pain in the stomach during pregnancy?
Pain can become worse when the disease changes into a chronic form.
It is worth knowing that in 44% of cases in pregnant women with gastric pain remission of the duodenal ulcer or stomach can occur. This is due to the large amount of progesterone that is actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman. It contributes to the production of a large amount of mucus, which covers the stomach and this image reduces and prevents the occurrence of pain in the stomach.
Symptoms of stomach pain in pregnancy
Pain in the stomach during pregnancy, which have a cramping character, can occur with neuroses, gastritis and other neurological diseases. Most often, such painful feelings begin suddenly and soon pass.
Often the pain in the stomach is confused with pain in the intestines. Gastric pain is palpable above the navel or in the left sub-ribbed part, the intestine is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the area below the navel.
If the pain in the stomach during pregnancy is very strong and cutting, then this is not related to the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. It is worthwhile to be alerted if the pain occurs along with such concomitant symptoms:
- Constant strong spasms.
- Vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
- Blood in the feces.
- General deterioration of health: lethargy, fatigue, depressive state.
How intense is the pain during pregnancy?
Its intensity can vary from mild to very strong. If the pain in the stomach is chronic, it can be aching, but not strong (peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, duodenitis). Therefore, a woman can not pay any attention to this pain for a long time, until the painful sensations begin to intensify. But it is advisable to consult a doctor right away, because the consequences are unpredictable.
Of course, it is impossible to determine by the strength of the pain about what disease it caused. True, every woman has her own perception of pain - the pain threshold can be high or low. It depends on it, whether the woman will have severe pain or lung, which she can endure for some time. It should be taken into account that with exacerbation of peptic ulcer the pain may not be felt.
If the stomach hurts in the beginning of pregnancy
The pains in the stomach during pregnancy in the early period were overgrown with an incredible number of myths, mostly baseless.
The biggest misconception is the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Indeed, such a danger exists, but to the pains above the navel has nothing to do.
Pain in the stomach at the beginning of pregnancy is most often associated with the body's response to stress. It is during this period of time (first trimester) that the woman is most irritable, and this affects the condition of the stomach mucosa. In addition, the body is additionally loaded with a hormonal surge and physiological changes.
In the early stages of pregnancy, most women suffer from toxicosis, so they refuse to eat. Doing this is strictly forbidden, because the lack of vitamins and minerals that are in the products can badly affect the gastrointestinal tract.
Do not forget that in the beginning of pregnancy chronic gastrointestinal diseases become worse (especially gastritis and ulcer). Therefore, a thorough examination and observation of the gynecologist and gastroenterologist is necessary.
If it hurts in the stomach during late pregnancy
The pain in the stomach during pregnancy in later terms is due to various reasons.
If at the period of 27 weeks of pregnancy the stomach hurts, in most cases - it's physiological reasons. The fact is that the growing uterus displaces upward all the internal organs; Of this process, the lungs and stomach most suffer. In addition, late in pregnancy reduces the tone of the gastric sphincter, which makes it difficult to pass food. Overeating may also be the cause of stomach pain at week 27 of pregnancy .
If the pain in the stomach is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness, then this is a sign of food poisoning. In this case, you should immediately contact a doctor who will prescribe the safest treatment and, if necessary, leave the woman under surveillance in the infectious disease department.
When at the term of 39 weeks of pregnancy the stomach hurts, then you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. The fact is that at the last stages of pregnancy (37-40 weeks), attacks of pain in the stomach and concomitant symptoms (heartburn and indigestion) happen much less often, since the baby's head falls and the uterus presses less on the stomach.
The cause of stomach pain during pregnancy at week 39 may be an infection; quite often the pain at this stage of pregnancy indicates an early birth.
The nature of stomach pain in bearing a child
With pain in the stomach during pregnancy, complications can often occur. This may indicate that a woman may have other co-morbidities. For example, burning pain with gastritis can be accompanied by a ulcer or solarite. Those pregnant women who are sick with chronic gastritis often experience also a heaviness in the abdomen and a feeling of bursting. Such a feeling can also occur with the defeat of the pylorus. Such symptoms can also occur with cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis, or with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
If a woman has intense pain in the stomach, the cause may be gastritis in combination with colitis and pancreatitis. Such patients may have a dull, aching pain that does not last long. But with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, the pain can be cramping, sharp, strong, paroxysmal. But the pain that women characterize as dagger, happens with a perforated ulcer.
It is very important to know what are the symptoms of stomach pain during pregnancy. It depends on what the cause of the stomach pain will be determined. This is very important for diagnosis. To determine what is the cause of stomach pain, you need to consider the relationship of pain with eating habits. If the gastritis is chronic, the pains appear with a very short time after eating - almost immediately. Especially after sour and fatty foods. If a woman has an ulcer, the pain can occur immediately after eating, but not more than a time interval of 1.5 hours. If a woman has an ulcer of a doorkeeper, the pain may occur approximately in the interval of 1.5 hours after ingestion.
If the duodenal ulcer has already spread, the pain occurs later than an hour and a half after eating. If the food has a very high percentage of acidity, for example, milk (but not fermented) products, the meat is boiled, then the stomach pain in pregnant women occurs later, more than 2 hours after eating.
If the pregnant woman takes vegetable food with coarse fiber, marinades from vegetables, black bread, canned food, the pain may be early.
If there is duodenitis, an ulcer of the duodenum, pain may occur before the desire to eat. Eat such patients usually at night, the pain passes after taking milk powder porridge or soft well-ground food. For example, various purees, minced meat - fish and meat. If you take soda, the pain in the stomach of a pregnant woman will also become less intense.
Pain in the gastrointestinal tract can also increase after severe overstrain (physical) or mental stress. When a woman develops duodenitis or an ulcer, pain is associated with physical overstrain and emotional stress.
Who to contact?
Treatment of pain in the stomach during pregnancy
Treatment of pain in the stomach during pregnancy is a complex process, therefore requires special care.
Since about 70% of pregnant women suffer from an exacerbation of gastritis, in especially severe cases the doctor can prescribe a gastroscopy or ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
Drug treatment, like surgery, is contraindicated for expectant mothers, since any chemical element contained in the preparations can adversely affect a baby's health. Nevertheless, if the pain in the stomach during pregnancy is very strong, the doctor can prescribe the most sparing homeopathic medicines that a woman will take in small doses (for example, "Iberogast" - 20 drops, no more than twice a day)
The optimal method of treatment of pain in the stomach during pregnancy are alternative methods:
- The general condition will improve the decoctions of sedative herbs (motherwort, lemon balm, valerian).
- Gastritis with normal and high acidity is treated by harvesting yarrow, chamomile and St. John's wort (pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for two hours, take three times a day before meals).
- Gastritis with low acidity is treated by harvesting herbs cumin, wormwood, fennel, oregano or thyme (buy in a pharmacy and brew according to instructions).
- To treat gastritis during pregnancy, you can use honey in its pure form or as part of recipes (with aloe juice one teaspoon three times a day).
- Well, with pain in the stomach, mineral water ("Borjomi", "Essentuki", etc.) helps.
When treating pain in the stomach during pregnancy, the expectant mother needs rest, bed rest and a strict diet that excludes sharp, salty and fatty foods, as well as frequent meals - every 6-7 hours.
How to prevent stomach pain during pregnancy?
Avoiding pain in the stomach during pregnancy is almost impossible, but still make them rare and insignificant is quite realistic.
- During the day should be eaten fractionally (6-7 times a day), in small portions; in any case not allow overeating and not eat at night.
- Exclude from the diet harmful and heavy food: spicy, fried, smoked and salted, as well as rough products.
- Drink a sufficient amount of water, including mineral water.
- Do not make long breaks between meals. When toxicosis and after awakening, it is necessary to eat a little "neutral" food, for example, a banana.
- Do not take a horizontal position for 20 minutes after a meal.
- To pass a timely examination with a doctor.
- As little as possible to be nervous, avoid stressful situations.
A healthy lifestyle and careful observance of simple rules will help future mothers not to suffer from pain in the stomach during pregnancy, but to enjoy the situation and be in shape even after the birth of the child.
Is the stomach pain in pregnancy a symptom of a serious illness or a physiological norm? In order to determine this, you need to consult a doctor in time for consultation.