Gastritis in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Gastritis in pregnancy is a disease associated with the fact that stomach tissues become inflamed due to changes that entail the carrying of the child. Moreover, if a woman had problems before the pregnancy with GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - then a gastritis, most likely, will appear again, and the entire period of gestation will last.
Of course, gastritis will worsen the state of health of a pregnant woman - it is quite possible that it will cause the formation of an early toxicosis accompanied by severe vomiting.
Causes of the gastritis in pregnancy
The cause of the development of a chronic form of gastritis in the process of bearing a child can be such factors:
- stress, which leads to a violation of the natural life biorhythm - for example, the lack of a normal night's sleep and work at night, as well as various problems and conflicts in the family or at work;
- poor food - dry-fat, unbalanced irregular meals snacks on the go;
- poor-quality food;
- frequent use of dishes, including refined oil and refined grains, as well as products containing emulsifiers and preservatives. Harmful is still animal food with antibiotics and hormones;
- infection of the body with an infectious bacterium Hp.
Approximately 75% of women with chronic gastritis suffer from aggravation of this disease during pregnancy. Basically, these women have an early onset of toxicosis, which, moreover, can take place in a rather severe form, and even drags on for 14-17 weeks.
At the same time, we note that chronic gastritis during pregnancy on the process of gestation and development in the abdomen of the fetus does not have any negative impact. Troubles in this case will be pursued only by the future mother, who expects poor health.
The appearance and development of a chronic form of gastritis occurs due to the combination with other factors of negative effects on the gastric mucosa. The pathogenesis of the disease in various forms and forms has some peculiarities. Often observed and gastritis in pregnancy.
There are 2 groups of etiological causes of gastritis - exogenous, as well as endogenous.
Exogenous causes of gastritis:
- infection of HP;
- alimentary causes;
- frequent use of alcohol and smoking;
- long-term use of drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa;
- influence on mucous chemical agents;
- radiation;
- other bacteria (besides Hp);
- parasites and fungi.
Endogenous causes of gastritis:
- genetics;
- autoimmune causes;
- endogenous poisoning;
- endocrine dysfunction;
- chronic infection;
- hypoxemia;
- problems with metabolism;
- duodenogastric reflux;
- hypovitaminosis;
- the effect exerted on the stomach by other diseased organs.
Autoimmune atrophic gastritis in chronic form occurs as a result of the appearance of antibodies in the lining cells of the stomach, which causes such problems:
- The level of pepsin production with hydrochloric acid will decrease;
- Atrophy in the fundus of the gastric mucosa;
- The indicator of development of the internal factor of Kastla will decrease, and B12-deficient anemia will also progress;
- G cells of the antrum region of the mucosa will begin to produce more gastrin.
Symptoms of the gastritis in pregnancy
In general, gastritis by its nature is not considered a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth (with some, extremely rare, exceptions). Harm for the child who is in the mother's abdomen, he does not cause. Although for the woman the process of bearing will be quite difficult, as she will be tormented by severe toxicosis, vomiting, and constant heartburn. These symptoms can last all 9 months of pregnancy, before the birth of the baby, which in itself is very unpleasant, although not dangerous to health.
Even if you have not observed any reminders of gastritis for a long time, the mechanical movement of organs, the change of hormonal status and other causes arising from pregnancy can cause an exacerbation of the disease. It can manifest in various ways, and signs that would be specific for pregnant women, with gastritis not.
It is necessary to be careful if in the first half of the period of bearing the baby there is an early and severe toxicosis followed by heartburn, drawing dull pain in the epigastric part, belching with taste of rotten eggs, problems with stool, vomiting and nausea during the day. Also, the tongue can form a gray plume, and the temperature will rise to 37-38 degrees.
Gastritis in pregnancy with an increased acidity index occurs with symptoms of hunger, covering the upper abdomen. With a reduced acidity rate, constipation, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, and bad smell from the mouth are often observed. All these symptoms intensify if there is acute, fatty, salty, fried, sweet food.
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will have enough complaints from the patient and reading the anamnesis. If necessary, gastric juice can be studied for FGS and the acidity level.
First signs
With gastritis, the mucous membrane of the stomach inflames, thereby violating its functioning - in such cases, the food is poorly digested, as a result of which there is a waste of energy and strength of the whole organism. Gastritis can be acute or occur in a chronic form, have an elevated, normal and decreased level of gastric acidity.
The gastritis has many symptoms, but they also may not have any obvious signs. The main manifestation of this disease is the pain in the solar plexus, which can intensify after some products, medicines, liquids, especially if they have the effect of irritation on the mucosa. When gastritis should not eat spicy dishes, drink soda - they do not affect the stomach, contributing to the erosion of the mucosa.
Gastritis in pregnancy also has such irregular, but important symptoms - vomiting, heartburn, eructations, as well as bloating and gas leakage. If you have 2 or more of the above symptoms, plus stomach pains, you should consult a gastroenterologist. He will identify the type of disease and prescribe the necessary treatment - a diet, or using medical drugs.
Gastritis in early pregnancy
It has long been known that gastritis during pregnancy is already often from the very beginning manifested as a long and intractable toxicosis, so future mothers have to look for options that will calm the exacerbated gastritis and reduce pain and discomfort.
Any foods that we eat have a direct effect on gastric function and condition. Thus, if you have exacerbated gastritis, the diet will be strictly monitored, removing a large number of different products from it. Initially, it is forbidden to eat such food that can have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of your stomach: it's spicy, acidic, spicy, smoked, salty, fatty, canned foods, and too cold or hot food.
If your diet contains products that can be attributed to any of the above groups, they will have to be removed from there. In addition, it is forbidden to eat foods that contain a large number of carbohydrates, as well as synthetic additives.
At the heart of the diet should be a semi-liquid, natural food, which is prepared in a sparing mode - dairy products, stews and cooked vegetables, light soups made from vegetables and cereals, omelettes, fruits, soft-boiled eggs, jelly.
Where does it hurt?
Acute gastritis in pregnancy
Gastritis at its first stage has a sharp form - when the mucosa of the duodenum and stomach becomes inflamed. Such a disease has many causes - among such as bacterial, and mechanical, temperature or chemical stimuli.
Acute gastritis in the majority develops thus - first the upper cells and glands of the gastric mucosa are damaged, becoming the onset of the inflammatory process. It will affect the upper layer of the epithelium of the mucosa, but the inflammation can go further - along the walls of the stomach, penetrating even into its muscle layers.
Many women who have a chronic form of this disease often notice that gastritis becomes worse during pregnancy. In most of them it proceeds against the background of early toxicosis, which is accompanied by abundant vomiting. This symptom can last 14-17 weeks, leaking in a severe and very unpleasant form.
But in itself chronic gastritis is not considered a contraindication for pregnancy - it does not threaten the development of the fetus, and does not affect delivery. Although the feelings from him in the future mother will be uniquely unpleasant. And, of course, after the birth of the child, this disease will need to be cured without delay.
Chronic gastritis in pregnancy
It should be noted immediately that chronic gastritis in pregnancy has no special signs, because basically every person has this disease in his own way. For the most part it manifests itself in the form of pain in the epigastric region, eructations, nausea with vomiting and problems with stool. Also because of it can be observed early toxicosis in severe form, causing serious discomfort.
When a chronic gastritis is observed to decrease the level of acid secreted into the gastric juice, some of the disorders described above become much more noticeable. When the acidity of the stomach remains within the previous limits, or even increases (this situation is typical for young people), basically there are sharp pains in the upper abdomen, which are often repeated.
With gastritis with increased acidity, many pregnant patients note the appearance of sharp pain in the area "under the spoon". There may also be discomfort around the navel or right under the rib. Often, such pain manifests itself immediately after eating, and it is mostly fatty, spicy or sweet food. Occasionally, pain can occur that does not depend on the eating habits - at night or even if the person does not eat anything.
An exacerbation of a gastritis at pregnancy
Signs of gastritis in a pregnant woman can be observed at different times. Its main symptoms are heartburn, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, problems with stools.
Heartburn and nausea appear in the early term due to the fact that at this time the body begins to intensively rebuild hormones, preparing for the bearing of the child. As the baby develops, the internal organs of the mother change their location - the pancreas, together with the stomach, move back. Because of this, the contents of the stomach can enter the duodenum or esophageal canal. Alkaline acid, located in the duodenum, corrodes the gastric mucosa, which provokes the appearance of gastritis.
Chronic gastritis during pregnancy can be aggravated also because of a change in eating habits, because women in this situation are often very fastidious in eating, often wanting to eat exotic foods, sometimes in the most unimaginable combinations and types. Consumption of a variety of foods saturated with preservatives, as well as sweet are able in pregnancy to exacerbate a previously existing disease. It should be immediately treated, not delaying for later, as otherwise the intoxication of the fetus may occur.
Gastritis with high acidity in pregnancy
When removing gastritis with increased gastric acidity, you should know a few important things that will help remove the symptoms of the disease.
You can use drugs that help reduce the level of acidity of the stomach - for example, antacids. They should be taken about 30 minutes before eating. Medications that are part of this group should not be consumed for more than 3 days unless you consult a doctor.
To get rid of nausea, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with drugs related to the medicinal category of prokinetics - their effect makes it possible to improve motor activity in the stomach, reducing the signs of heaviness and bruising in its epigastric region.
Attacks of pain, if you are suffering from gastritis during pregnancy, can be eliminated by taking antispasmodics - they will remove spasms in the duodenum, as well as smooth stomach muscles, relieving pain and eliminating discomfort. But it should be noted that you should not abuse these medicines - they are able to hide the signs of some more serious illness, the development of which due to them will pass unnoticed for you.
It should also be noted that pregnant women are prohibited from using antisecretory medications that are part of the omeprazole group.
Erosive gastritis in pregnancy
Erosive gastritis is a kind of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which erosions appear on its walls - areas where destruction is very noticeable. A similar type of disease can appear as a result of treatment with certain drugs - for example, anti-inflammatory non-steroid substances, and also because of frequent consumption of alcohol and penetration of chemicals in the stomach that have a poor effect on the mucosa.
This gastritis is mainly manifested in an acute form, sometimes even bleeding may occur. Although it can be observed in chronic form, when periods of exacerbation of the disease are replaced by periods of remission. If there are shallow erosions in the stomach, they will manifest as pains, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea. If the erosion is deep, there will be bleeding areas in the stomach that can later develop into a stomach ulcer.
Erosive gastritis during pregnancy requires a patient's examination in a stationary mode, when she is under strict medical supervision. To treat the disease, it is necessary to prescribe and follow a fairly strict diet. It is also possible to accept medication when doctors decide what the risk may be for the development of the child, and also what will be the benefits of the medicines for the organism of the future mother.
Atrophic gastritis in pregnancy
Atrophic gastritis is one of the precursors of the development of stomach cancer. It can be identified due to such signs, noticing which, you should be alert:
- Loss of appetite;
- Bloating, rumbling and heaviness in him after eating;
- Regular eructations with a smell resembling rotten eggs;
- Problems with the stool - diarrhea and constipation change;
- The pain that arises from time to time after a meal is in the stomach;
- Manifestation of B12 deficiency / iron deficiency anemia;
- The tongue has a polished luster;
- You often sweat, quickly get tired, there is a general weakness;
- At a late stage of the disease, there is a decrease in body weight.
Mostly, symptoms such as dyspepsia syndrome - nausea, loss of appetite, heaviness in the abdomen, are identified and considered the most characteristic disease signs. Rumbling in the stomach, swelling.
Atrophic gastritis during pregnancy can manifest with a probability of 60-75% - this is a fairly high rate. Note that against the background of this disease, the likelihood of early toxicosis increases.
Since due to its position the pregnant woman can not undergo some diagnostic procedures, she needs to consult at once for 3 doctors - a gynecologist, therapist, as well as a gastroenterologist - for an adequate diagnosis.
Complications and consequences
If the future mother suffers from chronic gastritis, then it is expected that during pregnancy it will worsen, as more than 70% of them are affected by this disease.
Note that you can not start this disease, because complications in this case will not slow down to follow. But at the same time to use some powerful drugs, too, can not, because they can negatively affect the health of the child.
Any stomach upset should be taken very seriously, because if you start a disease or do not cure it on time, it can lead to serious consequences and complications. For example, there may be a miscarriage, or even a fatal outcome. If you run gastritis during pregnancy, it can grow into a stomach ulcer, which in turn can develop to a severe stage, which may have such symptoms as pain shock.
But in advance it is not necessary to be frightened, as painful sensations can be caused absolutely harmless reasons. Although a specialist consultation in any case is necessary.
It should be noted that the power of pain is not an indicator of the severity of the disease, because each person has his own pain threshold. And there are diseases that can develop at all without visible symptoms.
Diagnostics of the gastritis in pregnancy
Different forms of the disease have some characteristic features that allow to determine the clinical picture of the disease. For example, if the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa is increased, the first symptom is the pain that appears at the top of the abdomen, as well as under the right rib or around the navel. Discomfort increases after eating acute or oily (in general, any heavy for the stomach) food, but can also manifest at night or in general on an empty stomach. This form of the disease is mainly manifested in young women and it is necessary to treat it, suppressing the secretory activity in the gastric mucosa.
If gastritis in pregnancy has a form, when the acidity in the stomach is reduced, signs of dyspepsia become signs of it. In this case, the pain is felt quite moderately, increasing due to the reception of a large amount of food - the stomach walls are stretched. With such gastritis it is necessary to take drugs that can improve the secretory activity of the glands.
Basically, because of chronic gastritis, pregnant women suffer from toxicosis, which occurs in a rather severe form. In addition, such toxicosis lasts for quite some time - about 14-17 weeks, and standard treatment does not help improve the situation.
The blood test is carried out first - a biochemical study will help to identify the level of gastrin concentration in the body. There are procedures that can detect the presence of antibodies in the lining cells, as well as the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The analysis of peripheral blood will also allow to diagnose the presence of symptoms of B12-deficiency anemia, which often accompanies gastritis.
To clarify the diagnosis, study how the disease developed, and also can perform endoscopic examination of the stomach. A special device takes a sample of stomach acid to find out its level. Through analysis, you can find out the type of disease and determine what treatment is needed. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to endoscopic procedure, but if the preliminary treatment fails to make a diagnosis, it must be done.
Also, if there is a suspicion of gastritis in pregnancy, besides blood, you need to pass on a test for latent blood, and urine. Feces are taken to find out if the patient has any inconspicuous internal bleeding. This research method is often used in cases where, in addition to signs of gastritis in a pregnant woman, iron deficiency anemia is observed.
Instrumental diagnostics
To perform the diagnosis of chronic gastritis, the following procedures are performed:
- checking the work of secretory-motor gastric functions;
- Fibroendoscopic diagnosis is very valuable and productive, but it is quite burdensome for a pregnant woman, so it should be used only if other methods are ineffective or there are special indications. If the gastritis is insignificant, the gastroscopy will demonstrate the existing moderate swelling, along with irritation and inflammation on the damaged mucosa. In addition, the technique makes it possible to see focal hyperemia and an elevated level of mucus. Chronic gastritis in pregnancy, when there is an increased level of acidity, often occurs accompanied by erosive disorders on the mucosa;
- procedure for X-ray diagnosis of gastritis in a pregnant patient should not be carried out, because this method is not very informative, and X-ray radiation will have a negative impact on the child;
- the method of ultrasound carried out on an empty stomach will reveal the presence of hypersecretion and excess mucus in the stomach, assess the thickness and condition of all its walls and local inflammations that will manifest themselves under the sensor of the apparatus.
What do need to examine?
What tests are needed?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis for the main types of gastritis occurs if functional problems are observed in the work of secretory gastric function (gastric irritation, functional achilia). Such observations take into account the fact that in a chronic disease the symptoms are more pronounced and persistent, and how the pattern of inflammation of the mucosa changed during the biopsy and gastrofibroscopy procedures.
Gastritis in pregnancy, retaining or having an increased level of acidity, as well as antral gastritis, in which pain is observed, must be differentiated with ulcers. Gastritis has no seasonal exacerbations and does not corrode the stomach mucosa - it is not as dangerous as an ulcer, but in the absence of treatment it can grow into it, so it can not be started. Gastric polyposis should be differentiated from polyposis gastritis - here you need to focus on sight biopsies after this survey.
To perform differential diagnosis of a large hypertrophic gastritis, which is accompanied by a gastric tumor, as well as antral gastritis, use indications of sight biopsy and gastrofibroscopic examination.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the gastritis in pregnancy
During pregnancy, gastritis is difficult to treat, as many medications are prohibited for consumption, but it should be noted that gastritis does not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the child.
To cure gastritis in pregnancy, you should begin by selecting a suitable diet, as well as stabilizing the diet. When the sore is too heavy, bed rest can be prescribed, as well as fractional meals - the number of meals per day is divided by 5-6 times. There should also be breakfast and a full dinner. At the very beginning of treatment (the first days), one should eat only semi-liquid food - this is necessary in order not to overload the stomach.
Start the diet should be with thin soups on milk, as well as curd and dairy products. Then you can expand the diet by including eggs of quail or chicken, cooked steamed or boiled. You can also start eating fresh fruit and vegetable products.
Chronic gastritis is treated by an individual method, using differentiated and complex methods. If the disease worsens, Pevsner's diet No. 1, a semi-postal regime and a separate (5-6 times / day) diet are prescribed.
When a pregnant woman has gastritis with increased acidity, if there are no edema in the first half of the gestation, she may be prescribed a mineral water intake. It can be Jermuk and Smirnovskaya, which need to be drunk 1.5-2 hours after meals three times a day for 150-300 ml. This water reduces the erosion time of the gastric mucosa, helping to eliminate the inflammatory process. If there is a chronic gastritis with a reduced acidity index, mineral water like Essentuki numbers 4 and 17, Mirgorodskaya or Arzni are prescribed.
Chronic gastritis in pregnancy with increased acidity is mainly treated in the same way as eliminating peptic ulcer.
If the gastritis B is exacerbated in a highly pronounced form, the doctor can prescribe the tablets gastropharm (take three times a day 2 tablets half an hour before meals), since it prevents inflammation.
It can also be used with Maalox, which has an analgesic effect, and also has cytoprotective and anatomic properties. Take it either under the guise of a suspension, or under the guise of tablets an hour after the meal.
Adsorbing the drug Attapulgite helps restore the physiological balance in the stomach, preventing the rapid formation of acid. Take medication every day 3-5 times (1 powder 1-2 hours after eating, if necessary, you can use it for the night).
If the disease is gastritis A, signs of disturbances in intestinal digestion, as well as exocrine pancreatic gland functioning. To get rid of these symptoms, appoint 0.5-1 g of pancreatin before meals 3-4 times a day.
If there are problems with motor gastric function, apply metoclopramide. When there are pain, spasmolytics can be prescribed.
Chronic gastritis in pregnancy, against which the intake of vitamins deteriorates, can lead to serious complications of this disease. At some forms of a gastritis it is necessary to accept in addition vitamins of groups And, В6, С, В12, РР.
These vitamins are found in fruit and berry and vegetable products - they contain folic and ascorbic acid, as well as carotene, which contribute to the restoration of health and energy of the body. Nicotinic acid and vitamin A and B can be found in high-calorie foods - milk food, all kinds of cereals, black bread, sunflower and butter, and milk. But the vitamins coming into the body from food do not always fully satisfy his daily requests, so sometimes doctors can prescribe a patient suffering from gastritis, taking vitaminized food, on the packaging of which it is indicated, which contain vitamins, or some multivitamin preparations.
To stabilize the level of acidity in the mucous membrane of the stomach, you should additionally take vitamins from categories C, PP and B6 - they are often prescribed for patients suffering from chronic gastritis.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Gastritis in pregnancy can be treated with a physiotherapy method, but such procedures can be carried out if two basic conditions are met - to help the patient and not harm the child in her stomach. Basically, in such a position, procedures such as electrophoresis, acupuncture, electrorelaxation are used.
Thanks to the physiotherapeutic method of treatment, the clinical signs of gastritis become less. It also stabilizes the motor's gastric function, improving blood circulation, and increases the secretion of the mucosa. So, there are following physiotherapeutic procedures:
- Electrophoresis, in which the drug is introduced locally through the current, into the area of the disorder;
- Overlaying warming substances on the stomach, warmers;
- Electrotherapy - used isvitvospalitelny, relaxing muscles, analgesic effect of current;
- Magnetotherapy - for the treatment of magnets, which help improve blood flow, anesthetize, accelerate the healing of affected areas of the stomach.
If a pregnant woman has an early toxicosis with vomiting and nausea, physiotherapy can affect the emetic center in the brain to reduce the debilitating symptoms.
Alternative treatment
There are several alternative treatments for gastritis.
With the use of lettuce - a tablespoon chopped leaves of lettuce poured a glass of boiling water and infused for 1-2 hours, after which the tincture should be filtered. The resulting broth is drunk twice a day for half a cup, as well as 1 glass at night.
Herbal collection, which combines several components. This is 3 tablespoons. Bark fragile crust and 1 tbsp. Yarrow and leaves of trifoli. A tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, after which it is insisted for about 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to drink half a glass-glass of tincture for the night. This remedy helps to stabilize the bowels.
For treatment, thyme is also suitable. Take 100 grams of dry herbs, which need to pour 1 liter of dry white wine. The resulting mixture should be left for 1 week, at times shaking it. After this, tincture should be boiled and left in wrapped condition for another 4-6 hours. Then it is filtered and drunk daily 2-3 times before meals at a dosage of 30-50 ml.
Within a month, you can eat on an empty stomach about 8 grams of propolis every day. If the medicine has an allergy, the method should be stopped.
Gastritis during pregnancy facilitates sea buckthorn - 3 tablespoons. 500 ml of water are poured, boiled under a lid, filter and add honey (to taste). Tincture it is necessary to drink daily before meal on 2-3 glasses.
Herbal Treatment
Often, when gastritis worsens during pregnancy, many people prefer to cope with this disease with the help of natural remedies. A good effect in such cases can have tinctures and herbs, which help reduce pain, and also resist the inflammatory process.
For the treatment of gastritis, which are characterized by high acidity, apply herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, shamrock, mint leaves, celandine, as well as flax and oat seeds, and herb bird sheep.
If the patient develops a gastritis with a reduced acidity, flowers of wormwood, cumin, herb of thyme, fragrant oregano, parsley, parsnip, leaves of plantain will become a good medicine.
But consider that these herbs should be bought only in the pharmacy, and brew them in accordance with the instructions. Also, do not use too many of these tinctures, because some of them can have a negative effect on the course of complex treatment.
Improve the condition with gastritis and promote herbs that have a sedative effect - a motherwort and valerian. But we must remember that a pregnant woman can have a completely different reaction to any treatment, because her body is in an unusual position. So even phytopreparations should not be taken without consulting a specialist.
In the case of exacerbation of gastritis during childbearing, homeopathy is often used for treatment.
Homeopathic medicine Gastricumel, which has a sedative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispastic effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of chronic and acute gastritis. You need to use 1 tab. Under the tongue three times a day. There were no side effects. It can be used if you have a gastritis during pregnancy.
Antiemetic homeopathic medicine Spaskupreel, which gives an anesthetic, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, sedative effect. It is used for gastroduodenitis and gastritis to remove vomiting. Has no contraindications and side effects. The medication is administered three times a day for 1 table. Under the tongue.
Homeopathic remedy Nuks Vomica homaccord, opposing inflammatory reactions and soothing arising from inflammation spasms. Suitable if the patient has problems with the digestive tract due to complications resulting from drug therapy. Side effects and contraindications for the drug there. Admission is carried out three times a day at a dosage of 10 drops.
Operative treatment
Chronic gastritis in pregnancy in the absence of adequate treatment can develop into a peptic ulcer. The ulcer can lead to various complications, including possible bleeding in the stomach and intestines. This is very dangerous for a child's life - a miscarriage may occur. If there is severe bleeding in the stomach during pregnancy, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.
If the outcome is unfavorable, the ulcer can lead to the development of stomach cancer, although this disease is rarely observed in pregnant women. It is noted that the first signs of stomach cancer begin to manifest at the 15-16th week of bearing a child. There are painful sensations in the epigastric region, nausea starts with vomiting, there is a lack of appetite. Melena can also be observed, although the manifestations are smeared here. Diagnosis can be made based on the results of biopsy and fibrogastroscopy. In this case, only surgery is needed, conservative treatment will not yield any results. But it should also be understood that in most cases the prognosis for both the mother and the child will be unfavorable.
In itself, gastritis is treated with the help of diets, medications, various herbs and infusions - to eliminate it, surgery is not required.
Diet for gastritis in pregnancy
Pregnant women who suffer from gastritis should follow a diet, among the main rules of which are:
- Products must be thoroughly chewed or pre-chopped or grinded, turning into mashed potatoes;
- Do not eat too hot or too cold food;
- Eating should be done 4-6 times / day, but portions should be small.
If gastritis becomes worse during pregnancy, you should first use only liquid, made on milk, soups made of barley, rice, oats. Small portions, which are often used during the day, help to balance the work of the digestive system.
Another important task is to stabilize the stool. If you have diarrhea, drink blueberry, pear, pomegranate, blackcurrant, cinnamon juice; if you suffer from constipation, juices from apricots, carrots or beets, fresh yogurt or yogurt, and also grated vegetables will suit you.
There is a sharp, salty and fatty food is prohibited. Sweet can be, but in small quantities.
Gastritis can also be treated with green apples. We peel 2 apples from the peel, remove the core from them, and rub through a fine grater. The resulting mass must be eaten in the morning. In the first month, this mixture must be eaten every day, the second - 2-3 times a week, and the third - only 1 time / week.
More information of the treatment
The appearance of gastritis is prevented more easily than someone might think. Among the basic conditions - to learn to eat lunch in the hot food, do not eat too tightly, and generally try not to eat too quickly - chew carefully and slowly.
As a preventive measure, you should use diets, comply with the regime, both work and leisure. The main method is still a diet. With her, the daily diet is divided into 5-6 meals - in small portions. It is important to thoroughly chew the food, slowly and without swallowing large pieces. If you do not comply with the last condition, you can earn yourself indigestion.
Extractive substances, as well as food that is capable of irritating the stomach, must be removed from the diet. Among such products - preservation, spicy seasonings and spices, fat broths, smoked meat, strong black tea.
If you have gastritis during pregnancy, it is not recommended to overeat. It is also necessary to take into account the psychological state of the pregnant woman - she should try to avoid stresses, do not get upset over trifles, and watch her regime of the day.
It is also important to keep your teeth in good condition, as caries can provoke the appearance of an infection in the stomach.
Spontaneous disappearance of the H. Pylori bacterium in medical practice was not observed, since this infection is characterized by what remains for life. Therefore, the prognosis can be determined based on the effectiveness of anti-Helicobacter treatment. It can become worse if there are complications such as an ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma, MALT lymphoma.
Chronic gastritis during pregnancy is not dangerous for the life of the patient, but the sensations from it are very unpleasant. Basically, in this disease, inpatient treatment is not necessary, but if, as sometimes happens, complications begin that are aggravated by the development of the dystrophic process, the patient may be hospitalized in the gastroenterology department.
We can expect a negative prognosis and even a risk to life in the case of autoimmune gastritis development - this is determined by observing the course of pernicious anemia and the development of dysplasia. In this case, the patient will have to spend all her life under active supervision, in which endoscopic and morphological examinations will be used.
Autoimmune trophic gastritis can cause gastric adenocarcinoma. In general, the carcinoids formed during the course of the disease are of small size.