Pain in the temples
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Doctors, neuropathologists, leading the reception, often face complaints of pain in the temples. They occur in 80% of patients all over the world who seek advice. And not all people who complain of pain in the temples are officially registered. Therefore, the real number of patients who suffer from pain in the temples, doctors do not know, because they prefer to be treated independently. What are the causes of pain in the temples and how to avoid them?
What are the pains in the temples?
When the head hurts, a person may temporarily lose the ability to work - so strong can be pain. According to WHO, the headache in the temples refers to the top twenty diseases that deprive a person of work capacity.
The head in the temples can be sick with 45 diseases. A person can not even know about them, so it is important to be examined at a headache.
First of all, you need to check whether the headache in the area of the temples is associated with trauma, blood pressure changes. If not, but the pain in the temples is disturbed from time to time - the cause may be a muscle strain or a migraine, which also affects many people.
Causes of pain in temples
Pain in the temples can arise due to a violation of blood circulation in the brain, as well as incorrect nervous regulation in the vessels of the brain. When the carotid artery is spasms (or one of its branches), the blood flow may be disturbed, and then the whiskey is sore. From the spasms of the vessels, the nerve endings become irritated, and since they are on the walls of the vessels, the vessels themselves narrow or expand, and pain develops in the temples.
Pain in the temples can torment a person due to a violation of the tone of the vessels of the arteries or veins.
If a person is still young, he may have headaches in the temples because of a violation of the functions of the vegetative system, as well as increased intracranial pressure.
When a person is 30, he may have a jump in blood pressure, primarily, an increase in pressure, as well as manifestations of atherosclerosis. The causes of such an unpleasant state can be overload - both physical and mental, as well as weather changes. The nature of the pain can be pressing, pulsating and concentrating in the temples or the occipital part.
Headaches with localization in the temporal part of the head can arise due to infections of various kinds (for flu, colds, tonsillitis, otitis, etc.). The cause of headaches, which are concentrated in the temples, can be alcoholic and other poisoning (in particular, while in the painted premises).
Headache can cause and pains of psychogenic nature. This type of aching pain, they can change the location of the location - appear then in the area of the temples, then in the nape of the neck, then bother in the forehead. Pain is accompanied by other conditions - discomfort, irritability, poor sleep, a person quickly becomes fatigued, attention is spread, a person complains of a bad memory.
The cause of headaches with concentration in the temples can be hormonal disorders, for example, imbalance of hormones or hormonal storms during puberty (especially in girls with the first menstruation), and also during menopause in women over 45.
The cause of the headache may be and temporal arteritis. This disease, which is caused by inflammation of the temporal arteries (their walls). It is quite rare, but it is accompanied by strong throbbing pains in the region of the temples.
Pain in the region of the temples can also cause craniocerebral injuries, as a result of which the nerves of the back and brain are broken.
The cause of headaches and especially - pain in the temples - may be deformities and disruption of the temporomandibular joint. The head with this disorder can hurt in the nape of the neck, temples and give in the shoulder blades or shoulders.
This pathology can be recognized by the fact that a person often clenches his teeth, grinds them and complains of a headache. The pathology of the jaw and temporal joint can cause other disorders - for example, pain in the muscles of the shoulders and back. Pain can also respond in the neck or forehead.
Pain can disturb a person very much, while a doctor can be difficult to diagnose. Therefore, with such pains, an additional examination is needed.
What foods provoke pain in the temples?
It, first of all, products with food additives containing glutamate of sodium (it is a flavor additive). Studies show that sodium glutamate can provoke headaches in more than 20% of people worldwide. As soon as a person ate something containing glutamate sodium, his head may begin to ache after 30-40 minutes. And this unpleasant effect affects both beverages and products.
Glutamate sodium is abundantly contained in vermicelli with fillers, concentrated soups, meat, canned food, spices, seasonings and any other semi-fast food. Headache can also occur after using hot dogs, as in most cases they are oversaturated with harmful nitrites.
Additional symptoms in the overabundance of sodium glutamate and its harmful effect on the body - increased sweating, shortness of breath, muscle tension of the face and neck, a headache of a pulsating nature that is located in the temples, forehead, and aching pain in the neck, shoulder blades, shoulders.
List of products with nitrites
- Hamburgers
- Hot Dogs
- Canned food of any kind (meat and fish)
- Salted meat
- Sausages
- Bacon and dishes from it
- Cold and hot smoking fish
- Any fast food (cereals, soups)
Chocolate as a provocateur of headache
Very strange, but chocolate - a product that is positioned as a "meal for happiness", can provoke pain in the temples. Why? Studies show that chocolate can be the culprit of hypoglycemia because of the large amount of sugars in it.
Beans also provoke a hypoglycemic effect. In addition, chocolate contains caffeine, and it can increase the risk of migraine.
Phenylethylamine in the chocolate can cause a narrowing of the vessels of the brain, from this in the temples there are pulsating pains. Therefore, chocolate should be taken in dosage, and if a person has a headache, abandon it altogether, until the headaches are gone.
Causes of migraine
In translation from the Greek migraine - gemikraniya, with her half of the head hurts, and the area of the temples, forehead troubles most. The nature of pain with migraine is pulsating, resembling attacks, which then weaken, then intensify. In addition to pain, migraine can be accompanied by a strong reaction to light, noise, a person may have nausea, vomiting.
Groups at risk for migraine headaches - people of a fairly wide age range - 25-45 years. Migraines can bother at any age. Migraines are accompanied by numbness of the legs or hands, tingling, depressive conditions, or - at the other extreme - aggression or irritability. These symptoms with migraines are called aura.
What is the danger of a headache?
It can be accompanied by pain in the muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, even the face can ache due to a tension headache. The reasons for this pain are uncomfortable and constant posture, which often happens in office workers.
If a person stays in the same position for a long time, for example, when typing at a computer, his muscles - the neck, back and shoulders - are overextended. The blood flow slows down, oxygen and nutrients do not flow so well into the blood, and pains not only in these parts of the body, but also in the temples, because the circulatory system is one.
In addition, that muscle overexertion causes weakened blood circulation, the result of this state can also be the production of histamines - substances that provoke inflammation of nerve endings.
A peculiarity of the headache is that even after the elimination of irritating factors (noise, strong light, muscular overstrain), the head does not cease to hurt at once. Pain lasts for several hours, and sometimes does not go away even during the day.
How long can you tolerate a headache?
Headache can not be tolerated - it is necessary to check the pressure and consult a doctor for examination. As a rule, spasmolytics such as no-shpy or spasmalgon or other drugs help.
Since the headache deprives the person of the opportunity to work fully, it needs to be treated at early stages, so as not to aggravate his condition.
Headache of tension
Overstrain - mental or physical - can also be the cause of pain in the temples. As soon as a person has sat at a computer for a long time, for example, when preparing a report or engaging in other intense mental work, he may have a tension headache, which is often localized in the temples and in the frontal part.
The nature of pain is aching, permanent, not passing. There may be a sensation, as if the head is squeezed with an iron tight hoop.
How to distinguish a tension headache from another kind of pain? With a tension headache, the head equally hurts from both sides, and with migraine - on the one hand.
Who to contact?
What is dangerous self-treatment for pain in the temples?
When a person does not go to the doctor and continues to suffer from pain in the temples, he may not be aware of the serious diseases that are signaled by the whiskey. If a person, wanting to muffle pain, begins taking painkillers or antispasmodics without a doctor's recommendation, they can harm the body.
Uncontrolled use of drugs may not eliminate the cause of the disease, but provoke a risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other vital organs. If a person, trying to fight pain in the temples, takes large doses of medications, the immune system can react to it aggressively and the person develops an allergy.
What to do with a headache in the temples?
It depends on the cause of the headache. If this is a migraine, then getting rid of the headache, alas, will be very difficult - migraine can last for several days, and even weeks. In addition, with migraines it is very difficult to calculate the time of the next attack. But you need to know that the pain in most cases overtakes suddenly, so at hand you should always have painkillers and a phone to call an ambulance.
If the cause of the headache in the temples is a muscle strain, then you can get rid of it by changing your posture and providing blood flow to stagnant muscles. True, the head will not stop hurting right away, but after a while. Therefore, you need to carry anesthetics with you.
What medications are suitable for pain in the temples?
Drugs that people take with pain in the temples, should be non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory. It can be medicines with ibuprofen in the composition. This substance helps to weaken the inflammatory process, relieve attacks of nausea, vomiting, weakness, depressive state.
Preparations with ibuprofen are much safer for the body than those containing analgin, aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
The drug "Imet" is very good for relieving the headache, since in each of its tablets 400 mg of ibuprofen. In order to relieve an attack of pain in the temples, this is a sufficient dose. Once a person with a headache took a pill with ibuprofen in the composition, it enters the body within a minute or two after taking the drug. This immediately removes the attack of pain.
Preparations with ibuprofen are very good when the headache is accompanied by stomach spasms. As a result of these spasms, food can not pass through the esophagus, its walls stretch, and a person can suffer from pain not only in the temples, but also in the stomach. This danger should be removed with the help of medicines with ibuprofen in the composition already at the initial stage of the attack, so as not to expect too much pain in the temples.