Pain in the uterus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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With the onset of pregnancy, women are ready in advance to put up with many of the painful factors that may become in their path, during this period. But what if the pain in the uterus does not appear on the background of pregnancy? How and why can the uterus itself ache, and how does this affect the entire female body? These questions, as well as a number of accompanying them, we will try to answer and identify the causes of all possible uterine ailments.
What causes pain in the uterus?
Pathological processes in the uterus and their causes
In the reproductive system of the female body, the uterus occupies a central place. When there is pain in the uterus, one must be wary of this symptom. Especially for those women, for whom motherhood is a matter of the future. Emerging problems with the uterus, or its environment, with a high degree of probability lead to a decrease in the function of procreation. Therefore, a woman always needs to be especially careful about the health of the genitourinary system.
Pain in the uterus can be a consequence of inflammatory diseases occurring directly in it, covering the uterine environment - tubes, ovaries, intestines. The provocation of pain is the result of tumor growths in the thickness of the uterine muscle layers or in the uterine cavity itself, and the pain causes not only malignant, but also quite harmless, benign tumors, including fibromas, fibroids of varying degrees of development and localization sites. Frequent causes of problems with the uterus are surgical interventions in her cavity, which are abortions and spirals that have a contraceptive effect. The infection that enters the uterine cavity under these procedures will not be the sole consequence of further complications.
Scarring and inflammation of the endometrium
Scar tissue formed in those places where the medical instrument "walked" does not possess the properties that the natural lining of the uterus possesses, which will subsequently affect the implantation of the embryo during pregnancy. When entering the uterine cavity, the fertilized egg should reach the loose, even surface of the endometrium, in order to firmly anchor it. Scar tissue is not smooth, not friable and not elastic, hitting an egg on it will not be able to catch and pregnancy will not come. The more scar tissue in the uterine cavity, the less likely the onset of pregnancy. Pain in the uterus with the formation of scar tissue does not arise.
Scarring of the endometrium, its compaction, foci of inflammatory processes that occur on its surface, give in its complex diseases, under the names of endometritis and endometriosis. These diseases differ from each other strikingly, although women do not know the differences and often take them for different names of the same disease. In fact, this is not so. Endometritis refers to the inflammatory process that takes place on the inner surface of the uterus, and ultimately causes thickening and condensation of the endometrium. Endometriosis is a nodular pathology, that is, as a result of a hormonal failure, nodules are formed, small, dense and can be located anywhere in the uterine cavity, and in its thickness, or on pipes. With such a lesion, the endometrium assumes a more subtle structure over time. There is one thing that unites these two diseases - they give pain in the uterus as one of the symptoms.
Pain is not permanent. She begins to bother with the approach of the menstrual cycle. The intensity of it for each woman is different, it depends on the presence of concomitant diseases and the stage of development of the inflammatory process itself. More pain resembles a pulling and aching sensation in the lower abdomen, soreness spreads to the lower back. Painful symptoms tend to increase in moments of physical exercise, jumping or sexual intercourse.
A natural process that can cause uterine pain is pregnancy. Painful sensations in the uterus indicate that the muscular apparatus of the uterus is in increased tonus and should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise there is a risk of premature birth. To correct such a situation is not difficult, usually it is caused by hormonal deficiency (lack of progesterone), with its normalization, under the supervision of a doctor, muscle tone will return to normal.
Other causes of ileum in the uterus
Erosion of the cervix can cause a minor soreness in the lower abdomen, as well as soreness and small sulphurous discharge at the moment and immediately after sexual intercourse.
Pain in the uterus also occurs in the late stages of the development of cancerous lesions of its walls, cavity or fallopian tubes.
Diagnosis of pain in the uterus
Each woman should be responsible for the health of her own body and, depending on her age, visit the gynecologist at least once every six months, not allowing the moment when there is pain in the uterus. However, the older the organism becomes, the more often one needs to visit the doctor, a quarterly examination will be enough to promptly identify the ailments and quickly get rid of them. The first visit to the gynecologist, with complaints of soreness in the lower abdomen, will give him a reason to send the patient to an ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages, the blood test for the content and level of all the necessary hormones, will conduct a visual examination using the gynecological mirrors of the vaginal cavity and assess the condition of the cervix . Will be taken smears from the walls of the vagina and vaginal discharge on the microflora. All these methods will be sufficient to detect the cause and to prescribe the correct course of treatment for its elimination.
In those cases where the above procedures are not sufficient, laparoscopy is prescribed, as a result of which, through special tools, they enter the abdominal cavity, assess the appearance of all organs, appendages, and if necessary check the patency of the tubes. In some cases, at the time of laparoscopy, the cause of the appearance of uterine pain is removed, for example, the myomatous node or nodes, cysts.
How to treat pain in the uterus?
To treat the pain in the uterus, you need to know its cause. Knowing the reason can not be limited to just one method of treatment. As a rule, several directions are chosen, and the treatment is conducted by courses. Simultaneously it is possible to conduct operative and conservative treatment. With the help of laparoscopy, a diagnosis is made with simultaneous removal of the underlying cause of the disease, and then a suitable drug treatment is selected.