Pain in the nerves
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the nerves in medicine was called neuralgia. The disease affects the peripheral nerves.
The reasons for his appearance:
- inflammation of the nerve;
- compression of nerves with connective tissue;
- pressure by damaged muscles;
- loss of the disk;
- a hernia of the intervertebral disc;
- supercooling;
- violation of posture;
- infectious pathogens.
Types and symptoms of neuralgia
Different areas of the human body are affected by neuralgia. Wherever nerves are located, there is a danger of squeezing, jamming and defeat. Pain in the nerves is divided according to the types:
- neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve - a strong, pain-like shock, piercing the lower zone of the face, sometimes giving to the eye area;
- intercostal - pain encircles the thorax. Factors affecting the appearance of pain: colds, hypothermia, trauma, pulmonary or infectious diseases, salt deposits;
- neuralgia of the sciatic nerve - characterized by a variety of pain sensations (from "goose bumps" to numbness of limbs and "lumbago");
- neuralgia of the occipital zone - provokes headaches that give into the eye zone. It can be caused by trauma, gout, inflamed vessels, diabetes, deformities of the discs, tumors of the spine. Pain, more often, prolonged and local with burning or stinging;
- migraine neuralgia - headache, which spreads "bundle" from the temple in the ear, jaw zone, neck. Characterized by the alternation of the appearance and decay of seizures throughout the day. Occurrence can arise during conversation, hypothermia, food intake.
Pain in the trigeminal nerve
Pain due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve occurs for the following reasons:
- nerve irritation due to sclerotic changes in arteries, vessels;
- the appearance of a scarring of the brain stem;
- the formation of meningioma, neurinoma (brain tumor);
- presence of bacterial or viral infections (herpes, smallpox);
- neuritis of the nerve - dysfunction of the peripheral nerve caused by pathogens, poisoning with alcohol or heavy metals, diseases of the endocrine system, hypothermia.
Women of 50-69 years fall into a special group of risk. Young patients suffer from pain due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve due to changes in the organism of a sclerotic nature. Pain in the trigeminal nerve, unfortunately, can not be cured. Physicians can only reduce the pain syndrome.
The nature of pain in trigeminal neuralgia
The sensitivity of the face is provided by the trigeminal nerve, which is divided into three branches: the mandibular, maxillary or zygomatic and ocular. Pain in the trigeminal nerve is considered the most painful. Painful sensations are concentrated in the lower facial or maxillary areas, there is a manifestation of pain above the eye, around the nose. More often pains in inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are observed in one half of the face, appear unexpected shooting strokes, last up to two minutes and repeat throughout the day. Pain in trigeminal neuralgia corresponding to the ophthalmic region covers the eye, forehead, and temporal zone. Pain of the maxillary region gives to the upper jaw, lip or cheek. Soreness of the mandibular nerve - respectively in the lower jaw, lip and cheek. The glands may be broken, which leads to the appearance of mucus from the nasal passages, lacrimation.
How to remove the pain of the trigeminal nerve?
Today, pain in the trigeminal neuralgia is treated by methods:
- conservative;
- surgical;
- people's;
- innovative.
Let's consider each technique separately. Conservative treatment is understood as medication. The most effective drug is "carbamazepine". The dosage of tablets per day at the beginning of the course is 200-400 mg, then the dose increases from 600 to 800 mg. After the active treatment and removal of the pain syndrome, a minimally effective dosage is prescribed. For the elderly, the initial amount of medication is 100 mg twice daily. Tablets are washed down with water, regardless of food intake. Analogues of "carbamazepine" are considered to be "finlepsin", "tegretol". Drug treatment causes the body to become addicted to tablets. Long-term use of drugs leads to changes in the work of the liver, kidneys, respiratory organs, cardiac and digestive systems, mental activity. Therefore, during treatment it is important to be observed by the attending physician and take a blood test showing the functioning of all organs. Widespread use is also of anticonvulsant preparations - "phenibut", "baclofen", "pantogam". Tablets "glycine" is prescribed as an auxiliary treatment that inhibits certain brain processes and reduces nervous tension. Medications, their dosages are written out only by a doctor.
In cases where drugs are powerless, a surgical method of treatment is used. Surgical intervention is divided into percutaneous and craniotomic. Microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve root is a surgical intervention that requires the surgeon to own special equipment and qualifications. The technique is banned for the treatment of elderly people, with brain problems. Among complications of the postoperative period, infarcts of the brain stem are isolated, which can lead to death. In 15% of patients operated, muscular paralysis, deafness, ataxia, cerebral hemorrhage, and disruption of the side nerve are noted.
To the question: "How to relieve the pain of the trigeminal nerve?" Alternative medicine has its own answers. The simplest recipe: two parts of triple cologne mixed with one part of vinegar. It is important to comply with the rule - pour vinegar into cologne, and not vice versa. Slightly warmed on a water bath means rub the affected area several times a day. It is good to apply to the sick zone fir oil for the night, and on the neck from the patient side to paste a mustard plaster.
Pain in the trigeminal nerve can be removed with beetroot, folded in bandage and inserted into the auditory canal. The main condition is filling the ear canal with beet juice. The same effect is achieved with the instillation of the ear. Help also the lotion from grated root horseradish.
Pain in trigeminal neuralgia goes away if three sheets of geranium are applied to a sore spot, covered with a linen flap and wrapped with a woolen cloth. From buds of birch it is possible to make rubbish - on 3 items of l. Newly opened buds take 2 glasses of vodka. The infusion is kept for two weeks in a dark place.
Physicians in solving a difficult problem, how to relieve the pain of the trigeminal nerve, developed the newest methods of radiosurgery. Innovative techniques include the use of a gamma knife and a cyber knife. Gamma knife is a helmet with a built-in emitter, the principle of operation of which is based on the radio-isotope of cobalt. A low dose of radiation affects the affected nerve. The cyber-knife consists of a mobile radiating head, which is directed to the center of the pathological focus. Advantages of radiosurgery are: non-traumatism, information on the risk of complications to zero, absence of anesthesia. Treatment with a cyber knife is performed on an outpatient basis, does not require restoration, after exposure the patient can immediately return to the usual life.
Another breakthrough in the removal of pain is the method of percutaneous stereotaxic rhizotomy, based on the penetration of the conductor of an electric current into the trigeminal nerve. There is a destruction of the diseased nerve, and it no longer conducts impulses into the central nervous system.
Pain in the facial nerve
More I would like to focus on the neuritis of the facial nerve, localized in the ear and causing paralysis of mimic muscles. Pain in the facial nerve can occur as a consequence:
- otitis media;
- hypothermia;
- mumps;
- damage to the facial nerve.
Appearance of pain in the facial nerve can occur with pain in the ear, taste disorders, increased tearing. Muscle paralysis sometimes disappears suddenly, as it has appeared, but full recovery does not come immediately - from 2 months to 6 months.
Pain in the facial nerve is treated as follows
- the first week is to ensure complete muscle rest. In inflammations, prescribe analgesics and corticosteroids, for example: "prednisone" 10-12 day course at a daily rate of 1 mg / kg. Apply non-contact heat, for example, heating with a Minin lamp;
- the second week - courses LFK, massage. The affected muscle is fixed with a band-aid, it is applied with paraffin. The end of the second week - anticholinesterase drugs, ultrasound methods of exposure, electrostimulation. Further, a course of galvanic half masks according to Bergonye (0.05% solution of "proserine" or 0.02% "dibazol") is prescribed for 10-12 days;
- after 2-3 months - biostimulation with aloe extract, 10-12 intramuscular injections of "lidase" at 32-64 units. Showing massage, reflexotherapy.
Pain in the sciatic nerve
The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body. Pain in the sciatic nerve extends to the lumbosacral zone and buttock. Can cover the entire posterior surface of the hips, lower legs, feet of one or two legs. Pain during pinching of the nerve is recognized by burning, lumbago, numbness. Severe pain in the sciatic nerve does not allow us to move normally and even deprives sleep.
Pain in sciatic nerve inflammation or sciatica appears for a number of reasons, including: trauma or spinal diseases, disc herniation, inflammatory processes in the joints, infectious diseases, physical overload. The most common factors of pain in sciatica include:
- intervertebral hernia leads to stretching or infringement of the root of the nerve;
- stenosis of the lumbar - narrowing of the canal where the spinal cord is located. The disease is common in people over 60 years of age;
- osteochondrosis - degenerative changes of the spinal column with protrusion, flattening of discs, formation of bone growth, which leads to irritation of the sciatic nerve;
- the condition of spondylolisthesis - pinching of the nerve root due to slipping of the vertebra;
- changes in the pear-shaped muscle of the sciatic nerve;
- disruption of the joints of the sacroiliac zone causes pain along the sciatic nerve.
The pain in sciatic nerve inflammation intensifies gradually with each new attack. Discomfort in the lower back or buttock is accompanied by fatigue, tension in the legs. Few people pay attention to symptoms similar to banal overwork, and allow the disease to develop over the years. An external factor, such as hypothermia, can lead to a sharp progression of pain.
Pain in the pinching of the nerve can be of such intensity that it deprives the body of the patient of mobility. Pain is mainly localized on one side of the body, disappears in a state of complete rest, increases at night. Diagnosis to determine the causes of pain during pinching of the nerve is carried out by radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. It should be noted that pain along the sciatic nerve can have a similar symptomatology with more serious diseases. If the pains occur against the background of high fever, with external changes in the skin (redness, swelling), pain increases, when urination occurs burning, you should not delay to go to the hospital.
Treatment of neuralgia of the sciatic nerve
- medicines - use anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs, namely: ibuprofen, nimesulide, cebebex, and others. Contraindicated in diseases of the heart, liver, kidney, stomach ulcer, high blood pressure. Anti-inflammatory drugs of the steroid group based on the human hormone cortisol can be used for a long time (1-2 weeks). Have a wide range of serious side effects;
- physiotherapy. It includes magneto-, UHF-therapy, electrophoresis, paraffin application, phonophoresis. The methods are based on heating the affected area, increasing blood flow, removing puffiness, which removes pain;
- the introduction of steroid drugs in the epidural space. Injections act directly in the area of pain localization, reduce the amount of medication used, have a minimum of side effects;
- surgical intervention. The method of surgical treatment is assigned depending on the problem. In the postoperative period there will be pain after removal of the nerve, you will receive a number of prescriptions for limiting the loads, body positions. For some period you may be forbidden to sit. Restorative process will take from several months to a year.
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How to relieve pain in the nerve at home?
Pain in the nerves arises suddenly, like a lightning stroke. From the pain you expect only one, so she quickly left. To remove the pain of the house, you can carry out a procedure with melted beeswax on a water bath. It must be slightly cooled. The place of pain should first be oiled with sea buckthorn, sunflower, burdock oil or propolis. On the oil composition apply wax, compress the cover with a warm blanket. Keep until completely cooled. With painful sensations also helps to cope:
- Applicators Kuznetsova, Lyapko;
- baths with birch birch, eucalyptus, oak;
- baths with turpentine, on decoctions of medicinal herbs, pine needles extract, etc.
Pain along the nerve causes you to change the established rhythm of life, so it is better to prevent it. It is not worth further lifting the weights, sitting on a soft stool, and in general it is better to walk more. Sleep preferably on a hard, follow the weight, perform a course of exercise to release the sciatic nerve.
Pain in the nerves can acquire a chronic form. In these cases, sanatorium-and-spa treatment is recommended, excluding the period of exacerbation. The prophylactic facilities have sulfuric, radon, hydrogen sulphide baths. To ease the condition, mud, ozocerite and paraffin applications are used. Started in time, properly carried out treatment can permanently relieve the pain.