Treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve is amenable to conservative therapy, but sometimes you have to resort to surgery.
Sometimes a rapid course of inflammation and swelling of the nerve shows a course of steroid hormones (for example, prednisolone). The doctor can recommend wearing a special corset. As for manual correction and massage, they can be performed only by agreement with the attending physician.
Exercises in pinching the sciatic nerve
Despite soreness, pinching of the sciatic nerve is eliminated by therapeutic physical training, yoga and special exercises. Of course, the ability to perform certain movements is determined by the degree of defeat. With severe pain syndrome and constant lumbago, it is necessary to begin classes with comfortable static poses for relaxation and stretching. To this end, the yogic pose of the "child" is suitable, from sitting on his knees to stretch forward, pressing the forehead to the floor, and placing his hands along the body or pulling it forward over his head.
Dynamic exercises when pinching the sciatic nerve are shown in the stage of recovery, when the exacerbation is over. During this period, swimming, walking, half-squatting, movement "bicycle", movement on the buttocks, unhurried run, rotation by the hips will do. These exercises allow the load to be evenly distributed to the left and right parts of the body. If there is a concomitant disease such as a hernia, then therapeutic gymnastics is allowed only by a specialist with the development of an individual program.
Preparations for the treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve
All drugs for the treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve can be divided into:
- anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
- substances that enhance the body's defenses;
- ointments, gels, local rubbing, improving blood circulation, relieving edema and pain syndrome;
- vitamins of group B, normalizing metabolic processes and blood circulation.
Often, the treatment of the infringement of the nerve roots begins with the elimination of pain and the removal of inflammation.
Here the spectrum of medicines is so wide (from the usual analgin to opioids) that the drug is selected based on the severity of the symptoms, the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and the tendency to allergies. Patients may be given pills or injections with non-steroid substances, which are most common because of their effectiveness. In cases of a particularly acute condition, steroid blockade courses are recommended. These pharmacological substances have a long list of side effects, so a specialist consultation is required before use.
Vitamin B1, B6, B12 and E, as well as mineral complexes, have a beneficial effect on metabolism, circulation and help to relax the spasms.
Ointment for pinch of the sciatic nerve
Cream and ointment based on horse chestnut have a pronounced relaxing effect on the muscles and have an analgesic effect. Balm "Chaga", a series of relaxing, anti-varicose creams "Recipes Grandmother Agafia", cream "Venitan" is used for varicose veins, but they help to alleviate the condition as a result of infringement of nerve roots.
Homeopathic ointment when pinching the sciatic nerve "Traumeel C" and "Objective T" have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Despite the fact that the preparations consist of natural ingredients, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use. This is especially true for allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women.
Pinching of the sciatic nerve is treated with ointments with a warming-irritating effect. They provide blood to the area of application and expand the vessels, saturating cells with nutrients, improving metabolic processes. Such analgesics include - Finalgon, Viprosal, Capsicum, Apizarthron, Nikoflex.
Non-steroidal analgesics are considered to be the most effective and fast acting, but on the other hand, these ointments have the most extensive list of contraindications and side effects. For complex treatment of infringement of nerve endings use - "Diclofenac", "Ketoprofen", "Ibuprofen", etc.
Anesthetic for pinching the sciatic nerve
With the aim of anesthetizing and alleviating the patient's condition, anti-inflammatory drugs of the non-steroid group are prescribed that block the production of chemical components responsible for the pain sensations (prostaglandins) in the body. An anesthetic for pinching the sciatic nerve is divided into short-term and long-term action. The most common are the following pharmacological substances: "Piroxicam", "Ibuprofen", "Celebrex", "Orthofen", etc. Nonsteroid drugs are characterized by side effects - irritate the gastric mucosa, dilute the blood and adversely affect the kidney function. In this regard, they are contraindicated in patients with gastric ulcer and 12-gut, suffering from increased blood pressure and anemia, with renal / hepatic insufficiency and heart disease.
Anti-inflammatory steroid preparations based on cortisol (human hormone) are recommended for admission for a period of not more than two weeks. This is due to serious side effects from medications - lowering of immunity, facial swelling, weight gain, osteoporosis, ulcer. The effect of steroid drugs is based on the simultaneous removal of inflammation and the elimination of swelling of the tissue.
Relief in severe pain brings epidural injection. Anesthesia is achieved due to the local action of the steroid drug (directly in the area of the inflamed nerve). The method of lumbar puncture provides temporary relief and is not shown to all patients, but has positively proven itself, since it helps to reduce side effects with a lower dose of the drug administered.
It should be understood that anesthesia is temporary and without the elimination of the cause of infringement of the nerve root to return the patient to a full life is difficult.
Diclofenac when pinching the sciatic nerve
The drug "Diclofenac" is part of the pharmacological group of drugs with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anti-aggregation and antirheumatic action. The medicine is produced in a solution for injections, in tablet form, in the form of ointments and suppositories.
Diclofenac when pinching the sciatic nerve is prescribed for the purpose of anesthetizing, eliminating puffiness. Recommended dosage:
- tablets - adult patients up to 50 mg, children over 6 years of age for 2 mg for each kg of weight up to three times a day;
- candles - adults not more than 50 mg once a day, to babies after 6 years 2 mg per kg two to three times per day;
- intramuscular injection - a daily norm of adults 75 mg, children are contraindicated;
- ointment - are applied to adults on a painful patch up to four times.
Treatment with "Diclofenac" is prohibited if the function of hematopoiesis, gastric ulcer and 12-intestine, inflammation of the intestine in the acute phase, bronchial asthma, individual intolerance of one of the components of the drug, children under 6 years old, in the last months of gestation. Restrictions apply to patients with heart failure, liver and kidney dysfunction, porphyria, during pregnancy and lactation.
Injections with pinch of the sciatic nerve
Recently, for the removal of the pain syndrome from the infringement of the nerve, vitamin B group vitamins are widely used. Vitamin complexes have a positive effect on the innervation of the musculature, normalize the metabolism, and contribute to the repair of the affected nerves. Vitamins B1, B6, B12 contain lidocaine, which strengthens the local analgesic effect. Vitamins "Trigamma", "Milgamma", "Neurobion", "Kombilipen" are shown only in acute processes (no more than 14 days), and in case of a chronic and relapsing disease they do not give the necessary effect.
Eliminate the pain and significantly reduce the inflammation will help injections when pinching the sciatic nerve with non-steroid drugs. As studies have shown, this group of drugs is highly effective, along with a maximum of side effects that occur in 50% of patients. The least toxic among them is Ibuprofen. These pain relievers are recommended to be used strictly for the intended purpose. And if one remedy does not help to replace it with a drug of the same group, it makes no sense (the expected effect will not be).
Blockade in pinching the sciatic nerve
The most common pinch of the sciatic nerve occurs against the background of muscle tension that runs along the spinal column. Injections into the trapezius muscles along the entire back make it possible to get rid of the pain syndrome after 10 minutes. As an injectable solution, a mixture of an ampoule of analgin 50% with two ampoules of sodium chloride 0.9% is suitable. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a month.
Novocaine / lidocaine blockade when pinching the sciatic nerve is also performed from the buttocks to the shoulder blades at the points of greatest soreness with maximum compaction. Splitting trigger zones with lidocaine or novocaine can bring temporary relief, but often carrying out one blockade helps restore muscle tone, eliminates spasm and restores motor activity. Positive dynamics is observed in patients with infringement of nerve roots when injected with homeopathic preparations "Diskus compositum", "Target-T" and "Traumel S".
Advantages of therapeutic blockades:
- rapid relief of pain;
- action directly into the lesion;
- a minimum of side effects;
- reduce muscle tension, relieve swelling and inflammation, eliminate spasm of blood vessels.
Massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve
Massage and pinching of the sciatic nerve - things compatible in the event that a comprehensive diagnosis and the doctor did not reveal contraindications.
In the case of acute radicular syndrome, deep massage is not recommended for pinching of the sciatic nerve as well as the application of warming ointments. Massage movements of the gluteal region should not be too intense, because they can cause an exacerbation and an attack of intolerable pain. In order to activate blood circulation and remove swelling, light strokes, accurate vibration (performs lymph drainage function) in the nerve impairment zone are permissible. Therapy includes obligatory massage of the abdomen, especially from the side of lesions in the iliac-lumbar muscle. If possible (in the absence of problems with the intestines, always on an empty stomach), compressions are performed from the peritoneum above the pinch site with subsequent foot massage. It is important to study the points of the sacral region and the wings of the ileum on either side.
Massage equipment with infringement of nerve roots is quite complicated and you can only entrust yourself to the real professional of your business.
Gymnastics with a pinch of the sciatic nerve
Paradoxically, the pinch of the sciatic nerve can be treated by a movement that improves blood flow in the affected area. Start with an ordinary walk of several minutes every hour. You may have to overcome pain syndrome, but you can not lie down.
At occurrence of the first improvements the gymnastics is recommended at a pinch of the sciatic nerve with the purpose which is a stretching of vertebra:
- in the supine position on the back - exhale and pull your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them. With a breath, connect the knees with the forehead. Hold for a few minutes, and then completely relax and straighten the body;
- slowly sit on his heels, straighten forward and stretch his arms to the floor;
- The back is pressed to the floor, straight legs are bent at right angles and lie on the wall. Buttocks are tightly pressed to the surface, hands resting on the hips. Stand up to 10 minutes;
- standing (knees "soft", half-bent), the back is straight and slightly inclined forward. The palm rest in the hips. We put arms in the pelvis, stretching the lumbar vertebrae;
- sitting on the floor with elongated legs and clasped hands on the back of the head - gently move to the back, with the legs raised as much as possible and spread wider. Lie for a few seconds without tearing the blades off the floor. To rise it is necessary cautiously, through a side with a support on hands.
Alternative means of pinching the sciatic nerve
An effective medicine is considered to be unconventional medicine, which includes recipes from nature itself. Of course, self-medication, experiencing new lotions and medicinal drugs, is also not worth it. In all there should be common sense and a clear understanding that under the symptoms of infringement of nerve fibers, a more serious disease can hide. Without consulting a specialist, resorting to "grandmother's" recipes is sometimes even dangerous. Regular massage, warming compress or manual correction in some cases are strictly contraindicated.
Alternative means of pinching the sciatic nerve:
- honey compress with apple cider vinegar (200 g of honey and a tablespoon of vinegar). The composition is spread over cotton cloth and applied to the problem site for half an hour;
- a warm mixture of 300 g of liquid honey (if necessary, melt by steaming) and 50 g of alcohol is ideal for a half-hour massage;
- an anesthetic infusion of bay leaves - about 18 small bay leaves immersed in 200 grams of vodka / alcohol, insist three days in a dark place. Such a tincture is carefully lubricated with a painful patch;
- Potato sprouts are poured with 2 glasses of vodka / alcohol and insist in a dark place for 14 days. Tincture is used in the morning, rubbing into the affected area. After that, the waist for the whole day is wrapped in a scarf;
- medium-sized horseradish is passed through a meat grinder (approximately ½ cup is obtained), mixed with the same amount of potatoes, add 1 st. Spoon of honey. On pre-lubricated with oil or cream loin impose a manufactured slurry, warmed with polyethylene and woolen scarf. To lie down it is necessary up to an hour. The procedure is repeated every other day;
- a painful zone is lubricated with propolis, warm beeswax is applied from above, then covered with polyethylene and a blanket. Such a compress is shown for a dream to come;
- equal amounts of chamomile and elderberry, scalded with boiling water, placed in linen cloth and applied to the waist. The patient is wrapped and left for 6 hours.
Pinch of the sciatic nerve causes a lot of discomfort, but before starting treatment it is important to establish the root cause of the pathological condition. If the pinching occurs when the intervertebral disc is displaced, warming up can increase the pain syndrome and only aggravate the patient's position. Treatment with alternative methods is prohibited in the presence of tumor processes.
Yoga with a pinch of the sciatic nerve
A number of medical sources say that the pinch of the sciatic nerve takes place with a nervous breakdown if the underlying cause does not reveal degenerative changes in the spine or there was no mechanical damage. And in women, the right limb is more often affected, and in men it is left, which is explained by the dominant hemisphere of the brain. Clinical practice knows cases of "miraculous healing" by providing a bed rest (immobilization and relaxation) with simultaneous normalization of the nervous system.
Patients suffering from frequent depressions, powerless before stress, are recommended yoga with pinching the sciatic nerve as an effective therapy and prevention. Staying active, cheerful and calm will help simple asanas, meditation and breathing practice. If you have absolutely no time to attend group sessions or you are just lazy, then give your nervous system up to 15 minutes a day and forget about infringing the nerve roots forever. Beginners still do not interfere with several classes from a competent instructor, the rest is enough to make a set of exercises for yourself. The blessing of the information on this subject weight.
What should I look for when choosing positions? Give preference to asanas for relaxation, stretching, without dynamic transitions and twists. Ideally fit the following poses:
- the baby (embryo) - from the sitting position on the knees, the knees are spread apart at the level of the pelvis, the big toes touch, the straight back (as far as possible) tilt forward, touch the forehead with the floor. The arms are extended over the head and are pressed by the palms to the floor or lie along the trunk. Important: completely relax, loosen the clamps of the waist and sternum;
- shavasana (or posture of the dead) - relaxation of all parts of the body in a supine position. Hands along the body palms up, legs stretched and diluted in the sides. It is considered the most difficult yoga asana! By the power of the mind (when the internal dialogue is stopped), it is necessary to cover each part of the body with attention, to track the blocks and clamps, to relax and liberate the body as much as possible;
- technique from Japan (for the performance you need a roller with a diameter of 7-10cm and a length of at least 40cm) - lie back on a hard surface, under the loin place a roller (exactly under the navel). Straight legs are stretched to the width of the shoulders (from the floor do not tear) and connect the thumbs together (between the heels of about 25cm). Direct hands to bring the head to the floor with the palms and fasten the little fingers. It takes 5 minutes to get out, but it will not be easy at first. Loins, back, hips from the floor do not tear.
Stay in the asanas for as long as you want. In general, in yoga everything is built on personal feelings and depends on your ability to listen to your body. From all positions, one should go out gently, without jerks, calmly and with a smile. The described simple exercises help even in cases with severe pain syndrome, alternating with the intake of saline or herbal baths.
LFK with pinch of the sciatic nerve
Surviving the pinch of the sciatic nerve and return to the usual rhythm of life will help swimming, easy running, walking, as well as simple physical exercises:
- smooth rotation of the thighs;
- movement on the pope - sitting on the floor with straight legs, leaning his hands on the floor, stepping the buttocks back and forth;
- movement "bicycle" - is performed with a small amplitude, speed and duration. Increase the load as the painful symptoms fade;
- "Cat good / evil" - a simple and familiar exercise since childhood. Standing on all fours round and bend your back;
- Do squats with an emphasis (chair, back of the sofa), with the feet located on the width of the shoulders.
If you suffer from the infringement of the nerve roots, then the exercise of the complex of exercise therapy when pinching the sciatic nerve will bring to naught possible relapses. Train every day, pay attention to all muscle groups. Create an individual sequence of movements that will bring maximum benefit and joy, and spend on it will have no more than 15 minutes a day.
Acupuncture when pinching the sciatic nerve
Eastern medicine eliminates soreness along the sciatic nerve, restoring mobility, through acupuncture. The technique is based on targeted therapy for acupuncture points, triggering the body's response to external stimulation. Thus, the self-healing mechanism is activated. In parallel, tissues are regenerated, blood circulation is activated, metabolic processes are normalized.
Acupuncture when pinching the sciatic nerve relieves pain in those cases when other methods of treatment did not bring long-awaited relief. The technique of acupuncture is a complex scheme of influence on the energy of life (Qi), flowing along the meridians of the body. Deciding on the course of acupuncture, you should choose a specialized clinic and forget about saving. Before starting treatment, the acupuncture master will assess the condition of the body as a whole, determine the level of vital energy, and establish the degree of imbalance.
It should be remembered that pinch of the sciatic nerve causes pathologies of the spine, so take care of sufficient diagnosis and the establishment of the true cause of pain.
It should be noted that the treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve is always gradual:
- pain relief - use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nise, diclofenac, etc.). With pain syndrome of pronounced intensity, corticosteroids and analgesics are shown intramuscularly;
- the identification of the root cause of the pathological condition is the most important task for the diagnostic doctor;
- physiotherapy - various types of massage (if there are no restrictions), electrophoresis, UHF and others;
- a set of physical exercises - to relax and stretch the restrained area;
- non-traditional methods of treatment - acupuncture, acupuncture or can massage, hirudotherapy, etc.