Pain in the neck in children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Many parents mistakenly believe that the complaints of their children about neck pain are a manifestation of childish whims or, at worst, the consequences of some minor bruise. Unfortunately, such a disparaging attitude can lead to a disastrous consequence, because the pain in the neck in children often signals about really serious problems or diseases.
Where does it hurt
Pain in the neck in children and adolescents can appear in front, behind and on both sides. In each case, it can be a symptom of various diseases. We bring to your attention the following classification of pain in the neck relative to the zones of its manifestation:
- Pain in the front of the neck is most often caused by throat diseases (sore throat, tracheitis), their complications (for example, cervical lymphadenitis)
- Pain in the side of the neck is often accompanied by muscle stiffness from the painful side. Infants often have a diagnosis of "torticollis" - it can be a consequence of birth injuries or other causes unknown to the physician, who are hitherto unknown. If the child was born with a "torticollis", then its permanent head position is as follows: it is tilted to the side that is affected by this disease, since the neck muscles in this place are strongly clamped, and the chin looks in the opposite direction. With the right physiotherapy treatment, this "torticollis" is successfully treated. But, if you do not pay attention to such a problem in time, then with each Goth the percentage of success in treatment will decrease, and the child's face can become asymmetric. Also, the pain in the lateral parts of the neck in older children can be caused by a number of other reasons: an inconvenient pillow, a stay in the draft, viral mumps, popularly known as "mumps" (during this illness there is a strong increase in the lymph nodes and a possible swelling of the child's neck is possible ).
- The pain of the back of the neck and head may indicate a complex disease, such as meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes of the brain. In the event that the child has a fever, the head always hurts, and when you try to touch your chin to the chest, there is a severe pinching and pain in the neck in children, which does not allow this simple movement - you should immediately go to a doctor with a suspicion of meningitis. In most cases, this disease occurs in young children under the age of 5 years. If the cause of meningitis in the virus - then this disease is fairly easy and is successfully treated in a hospital. But, there is such a serious kind of meningitis, like meningococcemia - inflammation of the membranes of the brain, caused by the bacterium meningococcus. This is a dangerous disease, as it is developing rapidly. A special risk group is children in infancy. The disease can be accompanied by strong intracranial pressure, as evidenced by the swollen fontanel in the child, severe pain, fever, sometimes fainting, convulsions (in severe stages). In addition, small bluish pimples appear on the body. Unfortunately, such a rash signals that the disease is rapidly developing. In any case, with the very first, the smallest suspicions of such a disease, it is urgent to call an ambulance.
Other causes of neck pain in children
Along with the above reasons, there are others, which often cause pain in the neck in children and adolescents. These include injuries and neck injuries, resulting from a bruise or sharp turn of the head. Sometimes children do not attach much importance to such minor injuries, but they are capable of causing pain later. Also, children are prone to muscle cramps in the neck, which cause painful sensations. Separately, it is worth considering the possibility of arthritis. But in this case, the pain in the neck is not the only symptom. In addition, the child feels pain in the joints and there is swelling in the joints and pain when moving them. In any case, it becomes clear that to underestimate the pain in the neck in children is not worth it. Timely appeal to a pediatrician or traumatologist can save the child from unpleasant sensations and reduces the threat of unforeseen consequences.