

Overview of medicines

Antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibiotics for sinusitis sometimes become the only solution to the problem, because they help get rid of the infection or the virus and, thus, "clear" the maxillary sinuses from accumulated pus.

Drops from fleas: types, principle of action and method of application

Drops from fleas for cats are an indispensable means of killing feline fleas - Ctenocephalides felis, and drops from fleas for dogs help get rid of canine - Ctenocephalus canis.

Antibiotics for purulent sore throat

Antibiotics for purulent angina should be prescribed by a doctor, preferably after a preliminary examination and testing for sensitivity to the drug.

Tablets from pinworms

To date, active use of tablets from pinworms. Because the course of treatment with them is not long, but the effect is rapid. One of the most popular medicines is piperazine.

Drugs that increase lactation

Modern ecology, increasingly weakening genetics and other negative factors lead to the fact that the percentage of infertile women or those who endured and gave birth, but are unable to feed their baby with breast milk, is increasing with age. In this case, to help mothers come drugs that increase lactation.

Herpes pills

Tablets from herpes are a group of antiherpetic drugs used to treat herpes of different localization.

Lamblia Tablets

The modern pharmacological market is ready to come to the rescue in the situation of their detection, offering patients pills from lamblia, which are presented on the shelves of drugstores quite a wide range.

Drops from a genyantritis

Drops from sinusitis are a medicine that helps to eliminate the symptoms of an inflammatory disease and speeds up the treatment process. Consider the types of drops for the treatment of sinusitis, the most popular drugs and the principle of their action.

Wax from genital warts

An ointment from genital warts is a medicine that allows you to get rid of a skin defect and painful sensations. Consider the features of treatment of genital warts with the help of ointments, the most popular drugs and the principle of their action.

Eye drops from dry eyes

Eye drops from the dryness of the eyes are actively used for prolonged sitting at the computer, when working in a room with dry air-conditioned air, as well as for certain diseases accompanied by fatigue, redness and dry eyes.


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