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Tablets from pinworms
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Tablets from pinworms - this is one of the most effective ways to get rid of "settlers" in the body.
But before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to make out what the pinworms are. So, these are small worms that can cause severe itching in the anus of the person. In some cases, the body itself can cope with this problem. But if there is a high level of infection, it is best to seek help from a medical institution.
Indications for the use of tablets from pinworms
The main indications for the use of tablets from pinworms are quite simple. As a rule, medication is prescribed for enterobiosis. Simply put, when the body is infected with roundworms. Similar drugs are used by people with ascariasis, that is, the presence of ascarids in the body. This, perhaps, is the only indication that such medications are taken.
Particular care during the reception of any funds should be given to pregnant girls. Because any medical intervention, especially in the first trimester, can cause complications of the course of pregnancy itself. However, Piperazine, is the safest and permitted for admission to women during this period of his life. No threat to the baby is not observed.
If it is a question of a nursing woman, then it is also allowed to take Piperazine. Other preparations from pinworms and ascarids should be used only after consultation with the attending physician. After all, the drug through the mother's milk is able to get into the baby's body. Of course, this is unacceptable.
Form of issue
The standard form of release is presented in the form of tablets and solutions. Much depends on what the drug is about. But if we talk generalized, then pills are the most successful form of release. After all, taking medicine as a solution is not so convenient.
Thus, the standard dosage of one tablet is 0.1 or 0.25 grams. It all depends on a certain medicine. If we talk about the piperazine, which was mentioned above, then its dosage is 0.5 grams. In order to achieve a positive result, you need to eat 3-4 grams daily. Regarding dosage, this issue is solved with a doctor. Because much depends on the age of the patient and the disease that a person is sick of.
There is a "packaging" and in the form of a suspension, usually 5 ml. The course of treatment, both tablets and solution lasts no more than 2 days. It is desirable that the process of recovery affects all family members. Because if one person is sick, then others must take funds for prevention. Otherwise, you will have to resort to re-treatment. In general, these medicines can be called effective, but after taking them, it is recommended to make a cleansing enema.
Any anthelmintic can cause a nervous blockade of the helminths sensitive to it. Thanks to this process, their complete expulsion is provided without excitation and stimulation of migration of the affected worms.
Anthelmintic agents are effective in lumen of the intestine against mature and yet not ripe sensitive helminths of both sexes. Such medicines give a high effect against invasions, which are caused by pinworms, hookworms and ascarids.
Preparations destroy tissue and intestinal parasites, actively acting on the egg itself, embryos and adults. A positive effect is observed due to the polymerization of tubulin. It is he that causes disturbance of the metabolic process and leads to the complete destruction of helminths. Such anthelmintics actively affect ascarids, pinworms, hookworms, dwarf tapeworm, eastern flukes and other "inhabitants" of the human body. The range of work of any medicine is quite wide. True, some of them are still more effective in eliminating "parasites".
Pharmacokinetics states that they are practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In part, drugs can be metabolized to bake to N-methyl-1,3-propanediamine. Usually, everything is withdrawn through the intestine, the part in an unchanged form is absorbed by the kidneys and also removes the remnants of the drug from the body.
As a rule, medicines from roundworms are perfectly absorbed in the digestive tract. Experiencing about their presence in the body is not worth it. Because usually it is enough 24 hours that they are completely withdrawn together with urine.
That is why drugs are widely used and children. There are no age restrictions here. The only thing that treatment can differ is the dosage of one or another anthelmintic.
It should be noted that while taking pills orally, they are poorly absorbed. Therefore, together with medicines it is recommended to eat food rich in lipids. Thus, their absorption increases almost 5-fold. Which is a pretty good indicator. After long-term use of medicines, the complete excretion takes about a month.
Tablets from pinworms for children
Pick up pills from pinworms for children you need with extreme caution. Because the baby's body requires more gentle treatment. Topical and effective drugs in the fight against roundworms are Zentel, Piperazine, Pirantel, Mebendazole and Levamisole.
- Zentel is an antiprotozoal and antihelminthic agent that belongs to the carbanate group. Use it to combat intestinal worm infestations, as well as skin lesions. The main area of work of anthelmintics is the elimination of pinworms, pork chain, ascaris and other "parasites". It is taken once a day for 0.2 grams, if the child's age does not exceed 3 years. For kids over 3 years, 0.4 grams per day.
- Piperazine. This medicine is prescribed for enterobiosis, in other words, when infected with roundworms. The daily dosage for a child is 1.5-2 grams. Duration of treatment is 2 days. Take pills before eating.
- Pyrantel. Used to fight with ascariasis, enterobiasis, non-catarrh and trichocephalosis. Children over 12 years can take 750 mg per day. To kids from 6 months and up to 2 years only on 125 mg. Older than 6 years of 250 mg. In order not to re-infection, after 3 weeks the course is repeated.
- Mebendazole is an anthelmintic that effectively fights against enterobiosis, trichocephalosis, trichinosis, ascariasis and other "inhabitants" of the human body. Take medication at 100 mg per day once. If it is a question of children 2-10 years, it is desirable to reduce the dose 2-3 times, 25-50 mg will be enough. It is recommended to repeat the treatment in 2-4 weeks.
- Levamisol is used to fight worms and other diseases, accompanied by the development of parasites inside the human body. Children up to 6 years of age can use 25-50 mg once. Older than 7 years of age, 50-125 mg. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. All of them are effective, but it is important not to forget to repeat the course of treatment in 2-3 weeks.
Tablets from pinworms in adults
During treatment, tablets from pinworms in adults are used exactly the same as for children. After all, in fact, there is not much difference in this process. The only difference is in the dosage. Preparations that are worth paying attention to are Vermox, Methovit, Decaris, Helminthox and Nemosol.
Vermox is used during infection of the body with intestinal parasites. When enterobiosis, one tablet should be used. After 2-4 weeks, repeat the procedure in order to consolidate the effect. If it is a question of children, the medicine is applied in the morning and in the evening for one tablet, for 3 days. The repeated course is not carried out.
Metovit is a broad-profile anthelmintic. He fights not only with parasites that are "wound up" in the human body, but also eliminates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Every day you need to take 1 capsule twice a day. If it comes to babies, then 1 tablet a day.
Decaris is actively used in ascariasis, trichocephalosis, strongyloidiasis and other diseases associated with the development of "parasites" in the human body. Take the drug you need once before bedtime, at a rate of 0.15 grams. The dose for children is 2.5 mg per kilogram of body weight.
Helmintox is used to control ascarids and pinworms. Children under the age of 6 can use 1 spoonful of suspension per day. More adult babies one pill per day. Adults take 6 measuring spoons of suspension.
Nemozol - has a wide spectrum of anthelmintic effect. Usually appoint 20 ml of suspension once. It is recommended to take a course of treatment for all family members.
Dosing and Administration
Depends on the manner of application and the dose of the disease with which a person is fighting. Naturally, much is based on the medicine itself. Therefore, an example will be given on Piperazine.
So, with ascariasis, adults need to take 1.5-2 grams at a time. In general, a person consumes 3-4 grams per day. It takes a couple of days. If a person has an enterobiosis, then the dosage does not increase per day, but the duration of treatment is 5 days. Thus it is necessary to pass or take place 1-3 courses to completely get rid of parasites in an organism. It is important after the treatment to make a cleansing enema in order to get everything out of the body.
A similar scheme of application is observed in all anthelmintics. Some of them need to be taken a little differently. So, one pill is enough one time. The procedure is repeated after 2-3 weeks. This will completely rid the body of parasites.
Names of tablets from pinworms
To date, active use of tablets from pinworms. Because the course of treatment with them is not long, but the effect is rapid.
One of the most popular medicines is piperazine.
It is prescribed for 1 gram per day. Duration of treatment is 3-5 days. Not all courses of one course are sufficient. Therefore, a repeated cycle with an interval of a week is assigned. In this case, the use of laxative is not necessary.
Widely used and medamin. It must be applied based on the weight of the patient. So, one kilogram should drink 10 mg. It is taken 3 times a day. The course of treatment should be repeated after 2-3 weeks.
Pirantel is also among the most popular drugs. To take it or him it is necessary inwards, in similar doses, as well as medamin. To avoid self-invasion, the course can be repeated only after 3 weeks. Before swallowing the tablets must be chewed. It should be noted that self-treatment can not be dealt with unambiguously.
The treatment of pinworms with pyrantel is performed quite efficiently. But, despite this, methods of fighting worms are not so small. A remedy is offered to patients. This medication is one of the few that really helps get rid of roundworms.
This is a rather powerful anthelmintic agent. It is produced both in the form of tablets and suspensions. The medication acts on the body quickly. In a short space, you can get rid of all the parasites in the human body.
This is explained by the fact that the drug causes a neuromuscular blockade to the parasites. Pirantel fights well not only with pinworms, but also with ascarids, hookworms and other parasites. The dosage is indicated in the instructions and for everyone it is individual. Only here pregnant women and people suffering from liver failure take a remedy is not worth it. In this case, treatment of pinworm is better for carrying out special dietary supplements.
To conduct treatment with vermox is quite effective and very safe. So, a tool is used to combat parasites that are located inside the human body.
The method of application is quite simple. So, the remedy should be eaten inside and at the same time washed down with plenty of water. Children whose age has reached 10 years should use 100 mg of the drug at a time. At a younger age, the dose should not exceed 25-50 mg, once. If there is a high probability of a recurrence of the problem, then you should drink a second course in just 2-4 weeks.
Dosage depends on the problem and its course. Therefore, self-administration is not recommended. With prolonged use of anthelmintics, it is necessary to control the picture of peripheral blood, as well as the functions of the liver and kidneys. During the day, after taking the drug, you do not need to eat heavy food. Because the intestine should not create an additional load. In this case, the treatment will be really effective.
Carrying out treatment with nemozole, you must pay attention to dosage and side effects. So, the remedy is prescribed to people who fight against parasites in their body.
Apply nemazol to 0.4 grams at a time. For children, the dose is 6 mg / kg. In this case, a special diet or taking laxatives is not necessary.
If there is a development of leukopenia, then you should immediately stop therapy. With neurocysticercosis, which is accompanied by eye damage, you should visit your doctor before treatment. Because the compulsory procedure is the examination of the retina of the eye. After all, there is a risk of aggravation of pathology.
Women of reproductive age before the beginning of treatment also need to consult a doctor. During therapy, contraception is necessary. Patients receiving high doses of the drug should be monitored. After all, there is a big load on the liver and kidneys.
The drug is prescribed to combat parasites that have settled within the human body.
So, decaris should be taken inside while eating. Its dose is 150 mg per day. And you need to drink the medicine at the same time. As a rule, the course of treatment is 3 days, but it is repeated. For complete recovery, you will have to go through 2-3 courses with a periodicity of one week.
Before starting treatment it is necessary to conduct a study of peripheral blood. During the therapy itself, the number of leukocytes in the blood is monitored. Especially dangerous are infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms. In this case, the anthelmintic is used exclusively in certain dosages, which are prescribed by the attending physician.
It should be understood that decaris is able to enhance the action of phenytoin and indirect anticoagulants. Therefore, it is by no means impossible to take it yourself. Medicamental treatment should have a positive effect.
Is it possible to treat pinworms without consulting a doctor? The drug is widely used in the fight against enterobiasis and trichocephalasis. True, it causes an irreversible violation of glucose utilization, and it is also able to deplete glycogen stores in helminth tissues. Thus, it interferes with the synthesis of cellular tubulin.
It is used for feeding inwards and is washed down with a small amount of water. So, children over 10 years of age and adults should be administered 100 mg once. If it is a question of toddlers, the dose should not exceed 50 mg. It is recommended that all members of the family be treated at the same time. Regardless of whether they are infected or not.
If the anthelmintic is prolonged, then it is worthwhile to observe the functions of the liver and kidneys. Do not consume fatty foods within 24 hours after use. Laxative is not prescribed. Therapy is considered effective if helminths were not seen 7 days after treatment.
Using pills from pinworms during pregnancy
The fact is that there is no particular danger in this category of medicine. But still, many mothers know that the first trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult.
During this period, it is not only difficult to transfer a new condition, but it is still necessary to ensure a normal course of pregnancy. Because the first trimester is one of the most important in the formation of the fetus. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take any anthelmintics independently.
The safest is piperazine. They do not affect the baby in any way. Moreover, it can also be used freely during breastfeeding. The active components of the substance through the milk are not able to penetrate the child's body. But this information is relevant only about Piperazin.
But, in spite of complete safety, use the drug with extreme caution. In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Because other drugs can harm a baby. With treatment during pregnancy, you must be careful.
Contraindications to the use of pills from pinworms
With lesions of the central nervous system to use such a tool is not recommended. Chronic failure is also at risk. The main danger is hypersensitivity to certain components of the agents.
Again, much depends on certain anthelmintics. So, there are medicines that can not be used in any case for young children. More effective substances contain in their composition specific components, so they should be used with caution.
It is necessary to understand that when appointing certain drugs, it is worth considering the moment that a person can already lure any medicines. This indicates that there may be side effects. After all, they can enhance the components of others.
Therefore, before you start treatment, it is worth to get a specialist consultation.
Side effects of tablets from pinworms
In almost any case, there may be side effects of tablets from pinworms. This suggests that in no case can not self-prescribe an anthelmintic. Moreover, it is undesirable to adjust the prescribed dosage. All this can affect human health.
The main side effects can be considered abdominal pain, nausea and headache. People suffering from kidney failure may develop weakness in the muscles, the appearance of tremors, impaired vision, euphoria, etc. Therefore, in this case everything is taken solely under the supervision of a doctor. Particular care should be given to people with hepatic insufficiency. Side effects can be similar.
In any case, it is necessary to stop taking the drug. So that a person's condition does not deteriorate. Not all drugs have similar side effects. But still, all the above-described "variations" can be considered standard.
In order to prevent overdose, you must follow all the rules for taking medications. Because an independent increase in the dose and leads to adverse effects.
So, what can happen if a person uses an anthelmintic much more? Abdominal cramps will begin to manifest themselves first. Then to this process to join a nausea, vomiting and a diarrhea.
These are the most common options that can only happen to a person. When signs of an overdose appear, you should immediately do a gastric lavage. It is desirable that this is an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. And you need to prepare it with a calculation of 20 mg / 100 ml. Completely suitable and activated charcoal, it will remove unpleasant symptoms.
It must be understood that an independent increase in dose will not give a good effect. Even more, it can provoke various reactions from the gastrointestinal organs.
Interactions with other drugs
Are there interactions between tablets and pinworms with other drugs and is it possible to take several drugs at the same time? If it is not a question of medicines that fight with roundworms, then it is quite possible to combine several medicines.
In no case should you take anthelmintics, which are aimed at combating the same problem. This can enhance the effect of the ingredients in the pill and thus worsen the patient's condition.
Special care should be given to people suffering from diabetes. Because pills from pinworms can reduce the effectiveness of insulin. This once again confirms the fact that it is by no means possible to take money independently. All this can tell on human health.
It is important to avoid the interaction of such drugs with cimetidine. This can lead to side effects. Therefore, we must exercise caution.
Storage conditions
A warm place, no sunlight and no damaged packaging, all are ideal storage conditions. But is this all that is needed for the preservation of the medication? In fact, everything is a little more serious.
It is important that the drug is stored in a warm place, but the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees of heat. In no case should this indicator fluctuate. Avoid direct sunlight. It can spoil the anthelmintics.
Humidity, this is another enemy of all medicines. In such an environment tablets can quickly deteriorate, so they will not be possible to apply. To say that the medicines for roundworms can not be worth much, but all the same, some storage conditions must be respected, because it is always costly to purchase medicines all the same.
During storage it is necessary to look and behind appearance of a medicine. If the package is damaged, then the drug should not be used. You can keep tablets from pinworms for 3 years. After this time, even if the medicine looks perfect, you can not use it.
Shelf life
The shelf life is affected by many factors, including storage conditions. Therefore, first of all it is worthwhile to observe them. So, do not allow direct sunlight. This can lead to the fact that the active components of the substance evaporate.
The negative effect on the shelf life and damage to the packaging. If the blister is torn or has obvious defects, it is clearly forbidden to take such pills. It is necessary to avoid moisture in every possible way, it can spoil the medicine. Excessive temperature, also adversely affects the drug. It is desirable that its value is within 25 degrees of heat.
So, the shelf life of drugs usually fluctuates in the area of 2-3 years. But for the whole period is worth watching and the appearance of the medicine. Because open pills to keep such a period is not recommended. If on the contrary, the tool has maintained good external data, then it is also undesirable to use it. After tablets from pinworms are calculated for a certain period.
The best pills from pinworms
During the fight against parasites that have spread within the human body, there is a desire to find out what the best pills are from pinworms and what exactly to pay attention to when choosing them.
Of course, highlighting favorites is not so easy. After all, all organisms are individual and say that there are special preparations difficult. It is necessary to take into account human health, its disease and other important points.
But, despite this, to sound the best of its kind medicines all the same, you can. So, the leading position is occupied by Piperazine, it actively fights against parasites and completely removes them from the body after two days.
Vermox also refers to the number of good medicines. He is able to cope even with very complex cases of "infection". Szentel has similar properties. Children can freely take Pirantel, because he can not harm the baby's body. Decaris in turn will help adults.
In fact, there are a lot of drugs. To say that they are all impeccable, you can not.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets from pinworms" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.