

Overview of medicines

Suppositories from chlamydia

Currently, doctors can offer a lot of different medications for the treatment of chlamydia. The most popular among such medications are tablets, enemas, bath and douching solutions. This range includes the suppository of chlamydia - they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is undesirable to purchase them without consulting a doctor.

Tablets from nausea

Tablets from nausea help quickly, and effectively cope with this unpleasant symptom. Nausea is an uncomfortable condition that occurs against a background of impaired functioning of internal organs. The feeling of heaviness in the pharynx and stomach can arise unexpectedly. It takes a man by surprise.

Varicose veins ointment

In order to relieve discomfort in the legs and eliminate the main external signs of the disease, doctors recommend using ointment from varicose veins.

Ointment from sweat

Sweat ointment: how to choose the most effective? Can ointments cope not only with excessive sweat secretion, but also with an unpleasant odor, which in most cases accompanies hyperhidrosis? Let's consider these issues in more detail.

Tablets from temperature

Tablets from temperature are able to have a quick and effective effect. In the season of slush, dampness and cold, colds await a person on every corner. To cope with the problem, alternative medicine is not always enough.

Cold drops

But before you go for another medication, it is necessary to understand its main classifications. After all, these funds are of different types and affect the body in a special way.

Ointments for pain in the legs

In most cases, the legs can ache as a result of banal fatigue. Of course, there are effective ointments for pain in the legs.

Antibiotics for boils

Antibiotics for furuncles in most cases form the basis of treatment, as they inhibit the development of microbes in the inflammatory foci, remove the inflammatory process, contribute to the restoration of damaged tissues.

Drops from the common cold for children

Drops from the common cold for children differ in their composition from those used by adults. Or softer for the nasal mucosa, do not bake, but, nevertheless, effectively fight the disease.


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