

Overview of medicines


The term "benzodiazepines" reflects chemical affiliation to drugs with the 5-aryl-1,4-benzodiazepine structure, which appeared as a result of the combination of the benzene ring in the seven-membered diazepine ring. In medicine, various benzodiazepines have found wide application. Well-studied and most widely used for the needs of anesthesiology in all countries are three medications: midazolam, diazepam and lorazepam.

Antiarrhythmic drugs

In anesthesia and resuscitation practice, antiarrhythmic drugs that have a rapid stopping effect, which can be administered parenterally and which do not have a large number of long-term side effects, have found application in the first place.


Barbiturates are derivatives of barbituric acid. Since their inception and implementation in practice in 1903, they have been widely used throughout the world as sleeping pills and anticonvulsants. In the practice of anesthesiology, they are used longer than all other intravenous anesthetics.

Inhalation anesthetics

General anesthesia is defined as drug-induced reversible CNS depression, leading to a lack of response of the body to external stimuli.

Oral hypoglycemic drugs

Oral sugar reduction drugs in the chemical composition and mechanism of action on the body are divided into 2 groups: sulfonamides and biguanides.


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