

Overview of medicines

Adrenostimulants and adrenergic agonists

All adrenostimulators have a structural similarity with natural adrenaline. Some of them may have pronounced positive inotropic properties (cardiotonics), others - vasoconstrictive or predominantly vasoconstrictive effect (phenylephrine, norepinephrine, methoxamine and ephedrine) and are combined under the name of vasopressors.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants (MP) are drugs that relax the striated muscle (arbitrary) and are used to create an artificial myoplegia in anesthesiology-resuscitation.

Local anesthetics

Local anesthetics are drugs of selective action, purposefully providing a reversible interruption, first of all, of pain impulses in the conductors of the peripheral nervous system.


Ketamine is the only of almost 200 derivatives of phencyclidine, which is used in the clinic. The rest were rejected because of the large number of side effects of psychomimetic effects. Ketamine is available in the form of a weakly acid solution with a stabilizer benzethonium chloride.

Sodium oxybate

Sodium oxybate - sodium salt of GOMK; belongs to the class of hydroxycarboxylic fatty acids. It is close in structure to GABA, which participates in the natural metabolic processes of the mammalian brain, is one of the products of the Krebs cycle, participates in the synthesis of fatty acids, activates the pentose pathway of glucose-6-phosphate metabolism. The largest quantities are contained in the hypothalamus and basal ganglia.


In clinical practice, natural glucocorticoids - cortisone and hydrocortisone and their synthetic and semisynthetic derivatives are used. Depending on the presence or absence of fluoride or chlorine ions in the drug structure, glucocorticoids are divided into unhalogenized (prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone) and halogenated compounds (triamcinolone, dexamethasone and betamethasone).

This etomidate

This ethomidate is a carboxylated imidazole derivative. It consists of two isomers, but only the 11 (+) - isomer is an active substance. As midazolam containing an imidazole ring, the preparations undergo intramolecular rearrangement at physiological pH, as a result of which the ring is closed and the molecule acquires fat solubility.


Propofol is one of the last introduced into clinical practice in / in anesthetics. It is an alkylphenol derivative (2,6-diisopropylphenol), prepared as a 1% emulsion containing 10% soybean oil, 2.25% glycerol and 1.2% egg phosphatide.

Medications used in resuscitation and certain emergencies

To restore self-circulation, it is necessary to start the introduction of medications as soon as possible and infusion therapy. The list of drugs currently used for primary resuscitation is relatively small.

Non-barbituric intravenous hypnotics

A group of so-called non-barbiturate anesthetics combines heterogeneous chemical structures and medicines that differ in a number of properties (propofol, etomidate, sodium oxybate, ketamine). Common to all these drugs is their ability to cause hypnosis and the possibility of intravenous administration.


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