

Overview of medicines

Antibiotics for stomatitis

Antibiotics for stomatitis is an extreme measure, which is indicated in cases of acute severe forms of the disease, or when stomatitis is a consequence of the underlying systemic disease of internal organs.

Gel from stomatitis

The stomatitis gel can be used for anesthesia, but most often it includes anti-inflammatory components, so this remedy is rightfully classified as a topical combination.

Ointment for stomatitis

Ointment from stomatitis creates on the inflamed focus a unique protective film, under which the epithelialization of damaged tissues occurs, in addition, many ointments contain antibacterial components, which makes it possible to influence many pathological processes simultaneously.

Rational antibiotic therapy: remedies and tactics

Unreasonable, unsystematic use of antibiotics leads to rapid selection and spread of resistant strains of microorganisms


Psychostimulants (cerebro-stimulants, psychotopes) are means of analeptic action that cause psychomotor activation in both patients and healthy individuals.


Nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants, cerebroprotectors) are psychoanaleptic drugs that can activate neuro-metabolic processes in the brain and have an antihypoxic effect also increase the overall resistance of the organism to the action of extreme factors.


Antidepressants - a group of psychotropic drugs, including synthetic drugs of different chemical structure, and drugs that are of natural origin (for example, St. John's wort).


This class of drugs initially combined funds designed primarily to treat symptoms of anxiety and sleep disorders. The absence of an antipsychotic effect in the range of psychopharmacological activity, as well as the ability to cause extrapyramidal disorders, served as the basis for their isolation from other psychotropic drugs.

Antipsychotics, or antipsychotics

Antipsychotics (neuroleptics) - a class of psychotropic drugs, mainly used to treat schizophrenia. Currently, it is common to distinguish two groups (or categories) of drugs: typical and atypical antipsychotics.


Secondary preventive effect of psychopharmacotherapy means the ability of a number of drugs with long-term administration to prevent an attack or significantly soften the severity of another affective phase or schizoaffective disorder.


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