

Overview of medicines

Pills for cough

Tablets from a cough, shown with one type of cough, are capable of harming in another course of the disease. That's why pay attention to your condition.

Antibiotics for coughing

Antibiotics for cough - medicines that can quickly cure cough and eliminate the first symptoms of colds. Let's consider the features of treatment with antibiotics, types of antibiotics and the most effective drugs for coughing.

Ointment from bruises for athletes

In the treatment of such injuries of the musculoskeletal system, ointment from bruises for athletes can help, which, depending on the type of injury, can be: Anti-inflammatory ointments with bruises. Cooling ointments from bruises. Hyperemic, warming ointment.

Heparin ointment with bruises

Heparin ointment with bruises has an anti-inflammatory and pronounced antithrombotic effect, without irritating the skin in the area of trauma. In addition, the drug with heparin can remove puffiness due to the antiexudative effect and accelerate the process of regeneration of the affected subcutaneous tissue.

Ointment from bruises: which is better to choose?

Ointment from hematomas is an effective remedy that allows treating any hematomas, bruises and bruises. Let's consider what ointments are from haematomas, how to use them correctly and most importantly, when the ointment needs to be applied, in order for the hematoma to quickly come off.

Cooling ointments from bruises

Cooling ointments from bruises

Antibiotics for bronchitis: what better to drink, inexpensive and effective

Antibiotics for bronchitis are selected after a thorough examination, examination and all necessary tests by the treating doctor. Bronchitis is a common disease, both among children and among older people; in recent years, the disease has become chronic in the population.

Anti-inflammatory ointments with bruises

Anti-inflammatory ointments with bruises are used both as a monotherapy, immediately after injury, and after a day after the primary cooling of the injury site, as it is necessary in the treatment of bruises.

Warming ointments with bruises

The bruise provokes pain, swelling, which develops due to the violation of blood flow in small vessels, soft tissues do not receive nutrition, their regeneration is hampered by local hypoxia and permeability of capillary walls. All these symptoms help to neutralize medications on an ointment basis, including warming ointments with bruises.

Antibiotics for angina: what tablets to treat tonsillitis, the names

Antibiotics for angina are used to reduce the symptoms of the disease, prevent complications (paratonzillitis, rheumatic fever), a speedy recovery.


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